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81. SOURCES OF STATISTICS ON JAPAN S ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE japanese business journals, particularly the February issue of the monthly Additional Data Other statistical information on japan s economy comes from http://www.jei.org/Archive/JEIR00/0037w1.html |
82. Business | Biz Kine Information Guide | Business, Humanities, And Social Science Country business climates and statistics Country by country economic andfinancial statistics going back 20+ years. (Most current edition is kept at the http://www.hawaii.edu/emailref/business/country_studies.htm | |
83. Hong Kong Trade Development Council - Tdctrade.com Bullet Point, HK Economy, Trade business. Overall Economy, statistics business Guide, Services Manufacturing, HK Trader economic Forum, CEPA http://www.tdctrade.com/ | |
84. Resources For Economics USDA Economics and statistics System (Cornell University). Contains nearly 300reports and datasets business, political, and domestic news from japan http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/econ.html | |
85. JAPAN ECONOMIC NEWSWIRE PLUS [612] japan economic Newswire sm; Plus contains the complete combination of all Asian News (other than japan); Bond Market News; Corporate business News http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0612.html | |
86. DBEDT-Neighbor Island Visitor Statistics Neighbor Island Visitor statistics Japanese Visitors, Table 1.6. Hawaii ResidentsTraveling InterIsland, Table 1.7. Average Daily Spending 2003 vs. http://www2.hawaii.gov/DBEDT/index.cfm?section=READ_VisitorStatistics766 |
87. STATISTICAL RESOURCES ON THE WEB/FOREIGN ECONOMICS Impressive guide to international business, economics and marketing Indexes andabstracts federal government statistics since 1974; business, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/stecfor.html | |
88. Economy As a result, japan s economy recorded negative growth in 1974 for the first time in In 2001, there were 6.14 million business establishments in japan, http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/c03cont.htm | |
89. Business Statistics Center By Irwin/McGraw-Hill Interview With Lester C. Thurow business statistics Center by Irwin/McGrawHill. Lester C. Thurow is professorof management and economics at MIT and was recently Dean of the MIT Sloan http://www.mhhe.com/business/opsci/bstat/thurow.mhtml | |
90. Internet Resources For International Business japan s Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Web resourcesfor international economics business Comprehensive coverage of http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/business/ir/intlbs.html | |
91. BBC NEWS | Business | Mixed Message For Japan's Economy japan s industrial output figures disappoint the market, but economists remainoptimistic that a recovery is still on track. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3848907.stm | |
92. BBC NEWS | Business | IMF Raises Japan's Growth Outlook Shoppers walk through the Shibuya district of Tokyo. Recovery has strengthenedin japan s economy, the IMF believes LINKS TO MORE business STORIES http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3556830.stm | |
93. Statistical Resources Japanese Economy and Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries Survey of JapaneseBusiness Activities. 4. Raw material statistics. 5. Machinery statistics http://web-japan.org/stat/resources.html | |
94. Useful Sites About Brazil, Country Profiles, US Trade Statistics And Japan And C You ll find detailed reports on the country s economy, maps, political overviews, Recently there has been more friction in the Chinajapan relationship, http://www.fita.org/useful/archives/109.html | |
95. Countries Of The World Facts on world and country flags, maps, geography, history, statistics, disasterscurrent economic statistics. economic statistics by Country, 2003 http://www.infoplease.com/countries.html | |
96. IUJ > Library Services > Online Databases scholarly journals and business periodicals covering management, economics, Copyright © 2005 International University of japan. All rights reserved. http://www.iuj.ac.jp/low/IUJ_Section.cfm?Category=0706&Language=E |
97. Small Business Research And Policy - Key Small Business Statistics - July 2005Wh Exporting is vital to Canada s economy, accounting for more than 40% of GDP inrecent years. Key Small business statistics July 2005 http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/insbrp-rppe.nsf/en/rd01240e.html | |
98. TSR Preface This joint annual Trilateral Statistical Report contains a compilation of statisticsfrom In japan, economic activity appears to have stagnated in 2000, http://www.european-patent-office.org/tws/tsr_2000/ | |
99. Japanese Publications - Toyo Keizi Web KinYu business is an in-depth report on developments in japan s turbulent the mountain of statistical information available on the japanese economy, http://www.toyokeizai.co.jp/english/j_pub/ | |
100. Asia Times Online :: South Asia News, Business And Economy From India And Pakist events and trends in business, economy and politics throughout Asia. To conclude, the statistics speak for themselves Indians are the No 1 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/GA08Df04.html | |
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