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41. Le Jaïnisme Les origines et les textes, les croyances et la vie, les paroles et le glossaire. http://maratray.chez.tiscali.fr/marieag/jainis/jainism.htm |
42. Jainism -- Beliefnet.com Join the Conversation in Beliefnet s jainism Community Two Questions on jainism Howdoes jainism treat women? Are they spiritually equal to women? http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10040.html | |
43. Jain Texts English translations of the Akaranga Sutra and Kalpa Sutra, primary texts of jainism. http://www.sacred-texts.com/jai/index.htm | |
44. BBC - Religion & Ethics - Jainism Jain Spirit, jainism is an ancient religion from India that teaches that the wayto liberation and bliss is to live a life of harmlessness and renunciation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/jainism/ | |
45. VEGETARIAN-FOOD AND JAIN-CONDUCT - By Dr Hukamchand Bharill, Considerations For An English version of the Hindi book. http://www.jainism.free-online.co.uk/vfjc/vfjcttl1.html | |
46. BBC - Religion & Ethics - Jain Worship jainism teaches that we can attain true peace and happiness only through behavingand thinking rightly. Acharya Kundakunda. Social effect of Jain worship http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/jainism/worship/index.shtml | |
47. Jainism The word jainism comes from the Sanskrit word for saint jinah which dreives Along with Hinduism and Buddhism, jainism is one of the three most ancient http://www.crystalinks.com/jainism.html | |
48. AtmaDharma.com - 1 Minute Introduction jainism for All Beginners Advanced, Original texts Stories, MP3 Music Audio Lectures, The Logic of jainism, that you could never easily obtain, http://www.jainism.free-online.co.uk/ | |
49. Fundamentals Of Jainism Fundamentals Of jainism Books on jainism Other Links on jainism Information on India and It s Music. Email jainism@angelfire.com. http://www.angelfire.com/co/jainism/ | |
50. The Jain Study Circle Quotations from scriptures Our readers are encouraged to study the following quotations and understand the everincreasing gap between the fundamentals of jainism and our religious practices. http://www.jainstudy.org/ | |
51. Five Great Vows (Maha-vratas) According to jainism all living beings, irrespective of their size, shape, Even thinking evil of some one is considered violence in jainism. http://www.angelfire.com/co/jainism/5vows.html | |
52. Jainism Resources This section is all about jainism, the religion founded by Mahavira, its historyand philosophy. http://hinduwebsite.com/jainism/jainindex.htm | |
53. Jina And The Soul jainism begins with a serious concern for the human soul in its relationship with the laws governing existence in the universe,with other living beings, and to its own future state in eternity. http://www.ops.org/scrtec/india/jainism.html |
54. The History Of Jainism This page is about the history of jainism, the story of Mahavira, antecedents ofjainism, later history of jainism and more. http://hinduwebsite.com/jainism/jain_history.htm | |
55. Original And True (authenticated) Jain Literature, Mahavir Bhagwan, KundKund Ach Find Original and True (authenticated) Jain literature as stated by MahavirBhagwan, KundKund Acharyadev and other true saints. Reference texts on jainism http://www.atmadharma.com/ | |
56. Jain Spirit Sharing Jain values globally with quartly magazines featuring articles and images of jainism. http://www.jainspirit.org |
57. Essence Of Jainism Jain Literature And Jain Logic - Home Well organised (and constantly expanding) treasurechest of original Jain literaturetranslated into various modern languages, along with information about http://www.atmadharma.com/JAINHOME.html | |
58. Terapanthonline-Terapanth, Terapanthonline, Jain, Jainism, Jain Dharma, Jain Dar Information about jainism, Terapanth, Anuvrat, Prekshan Dhyan, Tirthankaras, Jeevan Vigyan, Science of Living, Jain Vishwa Bharti, and Terapanth Acharyas. http://www.terapanthonline.com/index.php | |
59. Jain History Articles on the history of jainism with a discussion group for those interested in related subjects. http://jainhistory.tripod.com | |
60. Mahavira And Jainism By Sanderson Beck The legendary founder of jainism was called Rishabha, but claims that he lived Mahavira s travels spread jainism to various parts of northern India, http://www.san.beck.org/EC8-Mahavira.html | |
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