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81. Matzpun: Appeal To Boycott Israeli Goods And Leisure Travel The Montgomery bus boycott launched the American civil rights movement, And, of course, the international boycott of South Africa played a vital role in http://www.matzpun.com/ | |
82. PCHR Weekly Report Israeli violations of international law continued in the Occupied the effortsof international civil society, including human rights organizations, http://www.pchrgaza.org/files/W_report/English/2005/21-07-2005.htm | |
83. Israel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared that israel had a right to Supreme Court is regarded by many as israel s guardian of civil rights, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel | |
84. International Conference Of Civil Society In Support Of The Palestinian People ( UNITED NATIONS international CONFERENCE OF civil SOCIETY We call on thesignatories of the 1949 Geneva Conventions to hold israel accountable for its http://domino.un.org/unispal.nsf/0/5071f23939f8c68585256c3f0061e448?OpenDocument |
85. Palestine Monitor Palestinian civil Society Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against israel In light of israelÂs persistent violations of international law, http://www.palestinemonitor.org/nueva_web/activism/news/pngo_divestment.htm | |
86. Israel A Call For Divestment israel A Call for Divestment. by Shamai Leibowitz efforts by the israeliand international human rights community aimed at ending the occupation, http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0316-24.htm | |
87. RESPECT - The Unity Coalition - Policy PCS strike and jobs international civil liberties and asylum seekers Trade Union rights and low pay Young people Rural issues http://www.respectcoalition.org/index.php?ite=512 |
88. The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) every person in the international civil society that does nothing to resolve it.Because they are rooted in human rights, international law and the will http://www.nimn.org/articles/whats_new/000438.php | |
89. LinkedResources Physicians for Human rights israel A non-profit organization working to secure American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee civil rights organization http://www.mecaforpeace.org/LinkedResources.html | |
90. BUBL LINK: Human Rights Subjects civil liberties, human rights, international law Author IsraeliInformation Center for Human rights in the Occupied Territories http://bubl.ac.uk/link/h/humanrights.htm | |
91. Alternative Information Center - Home Palestinian civil Society In light of israelÂs persistent violations ofinternational law, international Right of Return Congress (RORC) http://www4.alternativenews.org/display.php?id=4405 |
92. [ ISRAEL: Towards A New Legislation Denying Compensation To Palestinians - WWW.F the Association for civil rights in israel, the Public Committee Against Item 8 Question of the Violation of Human rights in the Occupied Arab http://www.fidh.org/article.php3?id_article=2571 |
93. Human Rights Jobs INSTITUTE FOR international PEACE STUDIES Notre Dame The objectives of theInstitute has The Center began as a small civil rights law firm in 1971. http://www.colorado.edu/peacestudies/humanrights.html | |
94. ReliefWeb » Document Preview » Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violation Weekly report on Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied PalestinianTerritories 28 PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/RMOI-6EY3Z3?OpenDocument |
95. William Cook: Israeli Democracy, Fact Or Fiction? Preventing Israeli and international peace activists from Nazkt Isa is the and the civil rights Acts of the 50s and 60s more than 150 years after its http://www.counterpunch.org/cook01252003.html | |
96. OneWorld.net / In Depth / Human Rights / Civil Rights - MIDEAST: Gaza Will Be 'V OneWorld.net In depth Human rights civil rights skip to main content The international Crisis Group (ICG) reports that about 8000 Israeli settlers http://www.oneworld.net/article/view/116115/1/2277 | |
97. Interdisciplines : Understanding Suicide Terrorism : Genesis And Future Of Suici 0 replies to The Association for civil rights in israel. Open My Final Remarks (0replies) Basel Saleh, Jul 27, 2003 306 UT http://www.interdisciplines.org/terrorism/papers/1/32 | |
98. Fact Sheet No.2 (Rev.1), The International Bill Of Human Rights The international Covenant on civil and Political rights entered into force on23 March 1976, three months after the date of deposit with the http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu6/2/fs2.htm | |
99. CHR 2002 item 11 civil and Political rights. (Read by Ms Daria Cave Secretary Generalof the Excellency, The violence in israel and the Palestinian Territories http://www.wilpf.int.ch/statements/2002-CHR.htm | |
100. ZNet |Israel/Palestine | Disengagement? israel has announced that it retains what it calls the right to reoccupy even more serious and make the obligations of international civil society to http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=107&ItemID=8381 |
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