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61. International Committee For The Peace Council:Â Israel News King is best known for his leadership in the civil rights movement in the and verse from various international conventions which israel is a party to. http://www.peacecouncil.org/israel_news.html | |
62. Human Rights Brief - Center For Human Rights And Humanitarian Law - Washington C A Legal Resource for the international Human rights Community Because aculture of civil liberties was lacking in israel at that time, Schwartz came up http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/05/2israel.cfm | |
63. Derechos: Human Rights In Israel And The Occupied Territories Amnesty international, Oct. 2000; A statement following a mission to evaluate the israeli NGOs; The Association for civil rights in israel B tselem http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/mena/iot.html | |
64. International Civil Society Conference Of Palestinian Rights Committee PALESTINIAN rights COMMITTEE APPROVES WORK PROGRAMME. FOR international They called on the Government of israel to honour its obligations under the http://www.nieuwsbank.nl/en/2002/09/23/t001.htm | |
65. Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations - Global News On The World Cris law and encourages israel continue to violate international human rights andhumanitarian PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, http://www.world-crisis.com/news/1151_0_1_0_M/ | |
66. International Commission Of Jurists also holds an advisory board position with Privacy international. was alsoa founding member of the Israeli Association for civil rights in 1974, http://www.icj.org/article.php3?id_article=91&id_rubrique=13 |
67. Lgf: Militarized Theocratic Sheep Police The opposite is true, it undermines the security of israel, splits the Shami Chakrabarti, director of civil rights group Liberty, said Mr Blair has http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ | |
68. NGO Monitor - Human Rights NGOs - Arab Israeli Conflict Human rights and international Law in the Era of Mass Terror Claims toprotect the political, civil, economic and cultural rights of the Palestinian http://www.ngo-monitor.org/archives/infofile.htm | |
69. Palestinian Civil Society Calls For Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions Against Is In light of israelÂs persistent violations of international law, and Given that,since 1948, international Right of Return Congress (RORC) http://www.badil.org/Boycott-Statement.htm | |
70. B'Tselem - Human Rights Links - Israeli Sites THE israelI INFORMATION CENTER FOR. IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES The Associationfor civil rights in israel was established in 1972. http://www.btselem.org/English/About_BTselem/Human_Rights_Sites.asp | |
71. The Arab Association For Human Rights The Palestinian Arab citizens of israel can be viewed as a national HIC Habitat international Coalition Euro-Mediterranean Human rights Network http://www.arabhra.org/ | |
72. Georgetown Law - The International Women's Human Rights Clinic (IWHRC) Director of the Women s rights Project of the American civil Liberties Union, Her recent international presentations on women s rights include Legal http://www.law.georgetown.edu/clinics/iwhrc/ | |
73. Browse By Issue: Center For International Human Rights: Northwestern Law 9/3/1997 israel Prison Without Trial Douglass Cassel 6/17/2004 ViolationsOf international Human rights And Humanitarian Law Arising From Proposed http://www.law.northwestern.edu/depts/clinic/ihr/issues.cfm?topicnumber=3 |
74. Yale Law School | The Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center For International Human Righ international human rights practitioners rarely have the opportunity to consider the Supreme Court of israel) on Human rights in a Time of Terrorism; http://www.law.yale.edu/outside/html/Centers/cen-schellctr.htm | |
75. Knesset Should Reject Amendment To The Civil Wrongs Law (Human Rights Watch, 27- The civil Wrongs Law details the situations in which the State of israel cannot The right to an effective remedy is also recognized under international http://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/07/27/isrlpa11466.htm | |
76. Human Rights Watch: Middle East And Northern Africa : Israel, Occupied Territory israel/Occupied Territories Human rights Concerns for the 61st Session of the UN Published in international Herald Tribune As the israeli government http://hrw.org/doc?t=mideast&c=isrlpa |
77. PHR Urgent International Medical Call To Action For Israel And The Occupied Terr The Israeli, Palestinian, and international medical communities should demandthat the international civil society, particularly its medical component, http://www.phrusa.org/research/mneutrality/israel_statement_040402.html | |
78. The Foundation In Israel Grant making was focused on advancing civil rights and social justice, and oninternational affairs. Promoting civil rights and human rights in israel. http://www.fordfound.org/news/more/israel/index.cfm | |
79. Background Resource: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | MADRE: An International As in other national conflicts, international law and international human That means that israel is accountable to the same human rights standards as http://www.madre.org/articles/me/palbackground.html | |
80. Science Blog -- PALESTINIAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE APPROVES WORK PROGRAMME FOR INTERNA of the Palestinian People. 265th Meeting (AM). PALESTINIAN rights COMMITTEEAPPROVES WORK PROGRAMME. FOR international civil SOCIETY CONFERENCE http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2002/A/un020652.html | |
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