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         Israel Government:     more books (100)
  1. Politics In Israel: The Second Republic by Asher Arian, 2001-11-30
  2. 2006 Iran War Sourcebook,Regime of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, Iranian Nuclear Program, Threats to Israel and America - Government and Military Documents (DVD-ROM) by Department of Defense, 2006-01-15
  3. The Government of the State of Israel: A critical account of its parliament, executive, and judiciary by Joseph Badi, 1963
  4. Government in Israel: Translated from the Hebrew by Yehoshua Freudenheim, 1967-06
  5. Government in Israel
  6. Israel Diplomatic Handbook (World Business, Investment and Government Library) by USA International Business Publications, 2005-03-30
  7. Israel Government and Business Contacts Handbook (World Investment and Business Library) by USA International Business Publications, 2006-01
  8. Israel Government And Business Contacts Handbook (World Business, Investment and Government Library) by USA International Business Publications, 2006-01
  9. Arabs and Israel For Beginners by Ron David, 2007-08-21
  10. Gendering Politics: Women in Israel (Interests, Identities, and Institutions in Comparative Politics) by Hanna Herzog, 1999-06-15
  11. Consider and Hear Me: Voices from Palestine and Israel by Saul A. Slapikoff, 1993-01
  12. Through the Lens of Israel: Explorations in State and Society (S U N Y Series in Israeli Studies) by Joel S. Migdal, 2001-06
  13. The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War by James L. Gelvin, 2005-08-01
  14. ISRAEL - Jan. 20 - Pres. Weizman To Be Investigated.(Brief Article): An article from: APS Diplomat Recorder

81. - Foreign Minister Might Leave Barak's Government Over Concession Offers
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TOP STORIES Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election Davos protesters face tear gas MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Foreign minister might leave Barak's government over concession offers
JERUSALEM (Reuters) Foreign Minister David Levy kept Israelis guessing on Friday about his loyalty to Prime Minister Ehud Barak, casting doubts on the future of the government and Middle East peace moves.

82. - Sharon To Present Government Wednesday - March 6, 2001

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Sharon to present government Wednesday
From Correspondent Jerrold Kessel JERUSALEM (CNN) The Israeli parliament is expected to approve Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon 's government Wednesday, allowing Sharon to take office by Thursday. Sharon is to present to the Knesset his broad-based government, led by Sharon's Likud Party and including the outgoing Labor Party and the orthodox Shas Party. Labor elder statesman Shimon Peres will serve as foreign minister. Observers expect the Knesset to approve Sharon's government. Sharon then needs only the approval of Israeli President Moshe Katsav and could assume office by Thursday. IN-DEPTH SPECIALS Israel Election 2001 Key Players Parties At A Glance ... Portrait Gallery VIDEO CNN's Jerrold Kessel reports on what some call an Israeli policy of separation Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media)

83. - Israel - Government In Israel - The President | Israeli Informati
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Israel GOVERNMENT The President The 1964 Basic Law provides that the president is the titular head of state. The president is elected through secret balloting by an absolute majority of the Knesset on the first two ballots, but thereafter by a plurality, for a term of five years. Israeli presidents may not serve more than two consecutive terms, and any resident of Israel is eligible to be a presidential candidate. The office falls vacant upon resignation or upon the decision of three-quarters of the Knesset to depose the president on grounds of misconduct or incapacity. Presidential tenure is not keyed to that of the Knesset in order to assure continuity in government and the nonpartisan character of the office. There is no vice president in the Israeli governmental system. When the president is temporarily incapacitated or the office falls vacant, the speaker of the Knesset may exercise presidential functions. Presidential powers are usually exercised based on the recommendation of appropriate government ministers. The president signs treaties ratified by the Knesset and laws enacted by the legislature except those relating to presidential powers. The president, who has no veto power over legislation, appoints diplomatic representatives, receives foreign envoys accredited to Israel, and appoints the state comptroller, judges for civil and religious courts, and the governor of the Bank of Israel. Although the president's role is nonpolitical, Israeli heads of state perform important moral, ceremonial, and educational functions. They also play a part in the formation of a coalition cabinet, or "a government" as the Israelis call it. They are required to consult leaders of all political parties in the Knesset and to designate a member of the legislature to organize a cabinet. If the member so appointed fails, other political parties commanding a plurality in the Knesset may submit their own nominee. The figure called upon to form a cabinet is invariably the leader of the most influential political party or bloc in the Knesset.

84. Who Supports Israel? By Daniel Pipes
Article by journalist Daniel Pipes investigating support for israel and the Sharon government amongst israelis and people worldwide.
Home E-Mail Me Submit an interesting Article Who supports Israel? By Daniel Pipes 'I have developed a habit," writes Richard Ingrams, a columnist for The Guardian, a far-left British newspaper, "when confronted by letters to the editor in support of the Israeli government to look at the signature to see if the writer has a Jewish name. If so, I tend not to read it." This shameful passage raised a small storm in the United Kingdom over anti-Semitism. But what about Ingrams's implicit assumption that Jews uniformly support the Sharon government? At first glance, this might seem accurate. Israeli Jews voted Ariel Sharon into power, and the leading Diaspora Jewish organizations generally take their cues from Jerusalem. But a closer look reveals the assumption to be nonsense, as Jews are among Sharon's (and Israel's) most vehement and vocal critics. The academic campaign to delegitimize Israel presents a striking example of this, for Jewish faculty have led the effort. Noam Chomsky started and other Jews picked up the pressure on American university administrators to withdraw investments from Israel. In Britain, Steven and Hilary Rose initiated an academic boycott against Israel; John Docker had a similar role in Australia. Among Middle East specialists, Joel Beinin, Ian Lustick, Sara Roy, and Avi Shlaim lead the anti-Sharon charge.

85. - Israel - Government And Politics In Israel | Israeli Information
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Israel Government and Politics Data as of December 1988 Israel - TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • Israel - Government and Politics
  • 86. - Sharon's New Government Leans Right, Seeks 'path Of Peace' - Feb. 28,
    The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
    Sharon's new government leans right, seeks 'path of peace'
    Sharon has put together a right-of-center coalition. Story Tools VIDEO Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon presented his newest coalition government to the Israeli Knesset. CNN's Jerrold Kessel reports (February 27)
  • Silvan Shalom, foreign minister
  • Shaul Mofaz, defense minister
  • Benjamin Netanyahu, finance minister
  • Ehud Olmert, trade and industry minister, deputy prime minister
  • Limor Livnat, education, sport and culture minister
  • Zahi Hanegbi, internal security minister
  • Danny Naveh, health minister
  • Israel Katz, agriculture minister
  • Tzipi Livni, immigration and absorption minister
  • Meir Shitrit, minister without portfolio
  • Uzi Landau, minister without portfolio
  • Gideon Ezra, minister without portfolio
  • Natan Sharansky, Jerusalem, social and diaspora affairs minister From Shinui:
  • Yosef "Tommy" Lapid, justice minister and deputy prime minister
  • Avraham Poraz, interior minister
  • 87. The Millennium Revelation 20:1-10
    government, Christ is King, israel restored, saints rule under Christ, peace, and from a Premillennial perspective.
    The Millennium
    Revelation 20:1-10
    Tonight we have come to the seventh and final dispensation. The millennium or kingdom age which refers to the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on this earth. At the close of the tribulation Jesus Christ literally will return to this earth. Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. And Jesus will then establish His kingdom and will begin His 1000 year rule. It is necessary for Christ to establish the kingdom in order to fulfill all of the covenant promises God made to Israel. Tonight we want to consider what the Millennium will be like. I. The Government.
      A. It will be a Theocracy
        1. That means that God will rule the people. 2. No more democracy, socialism, nor communism.
      B. Jesus Christ will be the King.
        1. "...For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations..." cf. Is. 2:3b-4a 2. "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people..." cf Dan. 2:44 3. In the announcement to Mary in Luke 1:32-33 we read, "...And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

    88. Israel - Israeli Minister To Visit Convicted Spy
    a federal prison in Butner, NC, has been a point of contention in USIsraelirelations, with the Israeli government repeatedly pressing for his release.
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      Israeli Minister to visit convicted Spy
      Jerusalem (AP) 1 February 2004 An Israeli Cabinet minister will visit convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in the North Carolina prison where he is serving a life sentence for providing Israel with classified documents, a spokeswoman for the minister said Sunday. The case of Pollard, held at a federal prison in Butner, N.C., has been a point of contention in U.S.-Israeli relations, with the Israeli government repeatedly pressing for his release. Pollard, a civilian intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, was caught in Washington in November 1985. He was arrested after unsuccessfully seeking refuge at the Israeli Embassy. Cabinet Minister Natan Sharansky will visit Pollard this week, Sharansky spokeswoman Iris Goldman said. She said his trip was approved at Sunday's Cabinet meeting, but declined to elaborate on its purpose. Sharansky himself served nine years in a Soviet prison for anti-state activities and spying in connection with efforts on behalf of Soviet Jews. He was freed in a prisoner exchange in 1986 and flew to Israel.

    89. Barak Backs Down From Firing Rebel Ministers, Focuses On Saving Government

    90. CNN - Barak Government Begins To Take Shape - May 23, 1999

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    Barak government begins to take shape
    Barak, left, met with President Ezer Weizman on Sunday but remained tight-lipped about his plans for a future government
    A landslide onto shaky ground
    Israeli elections JERUSALEM (CNN) Prime Minister-elect Ehud Barak wasn't talking Sunday, leaving Israeli politicians and pundits to speculate on the nature of the government he will form as he prepares to take the reins of the Jewish state from Benjamin Netanyahu One of Barak's early moves, one lawmaker close to the premier-elect said Sunday, would be a clean break from his predecessor reopening peace talks with Syria where they left off in 1996. Labor Party lawmaker Ephraim Sneh said Sunday that reopening the Syrian talks was key to fulfilling Barak's campaign pledge to withdraw Israeli troops from southern Lebanon within a year.

    91. AdmiNet - Israel
    top The government of israel. Israël dispose d une opportunité historique en2005 (Sharon) The israeli government CNN; israel Ministry of Finance
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    92. - Shimon Peres Resigns From Government To Stand For President - July 30,
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    Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

    Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election

    Gates pledges $100 million for AIDS

    Davos protesters face tear gas
    TOP STORIES Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election Davos protesters face tear gas MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    Shimon Peres resigns from government to stand for president
    JERUSALEM (AP) Shimon Peres resigned from the Israeli Cabinet Sunday in preparation for his race for president.

    93. Palestinians 'A Government Of War'

    94. Israel: Ethnic Cleansing Is Now Official Government Policy
    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his ministers have openly declared thatPalestinians must be driven out to make way for Jewish settlements in land
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    Israel: Ethnic cleansing is now official government policy
    By Jean Shaoul 3 December 2002 Use this version to print Send this link by email Email the author Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his ministers have openly declared that Palestinians must be driven out to make way for Jewish settlements in land occupied illegally since the 1967 war. Sharon and his cabinet utilised the November 15 ambush of Israeli security forces in Hebron by Islamic Jihad and the ensuing gun battle that killed 12 members of the Israeli armed forces and injured 15, as well as three of the Palestinian attackers, to make their announcements. Israeli security forces immediately imposed a curfew, arrested and blindfolded at least 40 Palestinians, bulldozed the homes of Palestinian families and uprooted their olive groves. According to the New York Times Later the government issued an order for the demolition of a further 15 Palestinian homes on the route from Kiryat Arba to the Jewish enclave in Hebron.

    95. Ministry Of Finance

    96. New Zealand Herald - Israeli Government apologises To New Zealand - Sunday 26,
    israeli government apologises to New Zealand israel has apologised for thespy scandal and has promised it will take steps to ensure no similar incident

    97. Shas Decides To Leave Israeli Government, Threatening Barak Coalition

    98. United Press International: Analysis: Hamas History Tied To Israel
    israel aided Hamas directly the israelis wanted to use it as a suppressionthe way groups like Fatah had been, according to US government officials.

    99. CNN - Israel's New Leader Wants 'broad Government' To Heal Rifts - May 23, 1999

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    Israel's new leader wants 'broad government' to heal rifts
    Barak smiles as he meets Israel President Ezer Weizman
    CNN's Jerrold Kessel reports on the Israeli prime minister-elect's plans to organize a new governing coalition
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    A landslide onto shaky ground IN-DEPTH SPECIAL: Israeli elections
    Ehud Barak begins coalition discussions Monday
    May 23, 1999 Web posted at: 8:18 p.m. EDT (0018 GMT) JERUSALEM (CNN) Israel's prime minister-elect, Ehud Barak, told thousands of cheering supporters Sunday that he intends to create a "broad government" open to any political group that wants to help heal the divisions within Israeli society. "I am determined, together with all all parties that want to lend a shoulder, to ensure that Israel embarks on a new path," he said at a victory rally organized by the One Israel political alliance, led by his Labor Party.

    100. United Press International: Israel To Kill In U.S., Allied Nations
    Another former israeli government official said that under Sharon, This israeligovernment source explained that in the past israel has not staged

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