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41. American Indian Studies Black indians Intertrbial native American Associations iroquois InfomationLinks. This site provides an extensive listing of links to infomation such http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
42. 98.03.08: The Environmental Adaption Of The Native American Indian native American indians believed that a Great Spirit dwelled in all things of One of the artifacts that iroquois indians are known for is wampum beads. http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1998/3/98.03.08.x.html | |
43. UCB Libraries | GovPubs | Treaties iroquois indians A Documentary History of the Diplomacy of the Six native American Information and Links. American Indian Data Tables from the http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/us/native.htm | |
44. THE ILLINI: LORDS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY The iroquois Wars. No Eastern Woodland native People were so feared and Many native americans disapprove of the practice of using Indian symbols or http://members.tripod.com/~RFester/ | |
45. NA Webquest We will refer to them as native americans or indians. During the last severalhundred years, these native americans have suffered many hard times, often, http://www.west-bend.k12.wi.us/webquest/Navajo/naweb2.htm | |
46. Chronology 1776-1830 Chronology, 17761830 native America. 1776-78 iroquois indians under JosephBrant and British regulars attack American settlers on the western New York http://www.emayzine.com/lectures/Chrono1776-1830.htm | |
47. Native American Books Of New York State Indians For Sale American Indian Quarterly A valuable handbook. New York History iroquois Land American Indian Environments Ecological Issues in native American History http://www.hopefarm.com/indians5.htm | |
48. Native American Indians native americans, the Sioux. Sterling Publishing Company, 1982. OVER E78.G73A53 Scalping and Torture Warfare Practices Among North American indians. http://wally.rit.edu/pubs/guides/easyindians.html | |
49. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Mohawk Books native American, iroquois and Mohawk genealogy and history databases and records . Joseph Brant Mohawk Chief (North American indians of Achievement) by http://olivetreegenealogy.com/moh/mohbooks.shtml | |
50. Native American Religion In Early America - The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centu Teaching about native American religion is a challenging task to tackle withstudents at any level, Hurons iroquois Southwest indians http://www.nhc.rtp.nc.us:8080/tserve/eighteen/ekeyinfo/natrel.htm | |
51. Native American Folklore Books And Articles - Research Native indians of North desire to know about native American life, its traditions Succeed? Turkey Brother, and Other Tales iroquois Folk Stories http://www.questia.com/library/sociology-and-anthropology/myth-and-folklore/nati |
52. Lesson:Researching Native Americans Conduct a brainstorming session about how they think native American tribes inthese areas might have differed or Steve and BradÂs iroquois Indian Page http://www.challenge.state.la.us/edres/lessons/Middle/lesson13.htm | |
53. Lesson Plan: Native Americans Students will respect the beliefs and lifestyles of the native americans. The students will understand how the iroquois have thanks for the things they http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/MonsonUnits/KriAda/NativeAmerica | |
54. North, South, East, West: Native Americans In The Natural World Many stereotypes exist concerning American indians. Contrary to popular belief,not all indians or native americans lived in teepees and rode on painted http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/native/native.html | |
55. He Had Iroquois Ancestors - The Churchill Centre delighted in extolling the legend of their native American blood, There wereno iroquois indians in Nova Scotia where Anna likely spent much of her http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=103 |
56. Fiction And Poetry By Native Americans Stories for a Winter s Night Short Fiction by native americans. edited by American Indian Literature. edited by Shirley Hill Witt (iroquois) and Stan http://www.chipublib.org/001hwlc/litlists/nativeamer.html | |
57. Iroquois Studies Core 188 American Indian Wars 14921890. Case Ref E81 .K44 1997 native American iroquois indians microform a documentary history of the diplomacy of the Six http://exlibris.colgate.edu/Staff/EHutton/Iroquois_Studies.htm | |
58. K-12 Classroom Television Resource - Great Native American Nations iroquois indians of the Northeast Five warring native American tribes, Mohawk,Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca, negotiated the Great Law of Peace or http://www.iptv.org/k12catalog/list_detail.cfm?showID=156 |
59. Just Curious - Native Americans Cartoon Man. Places for Kids Teens. Just Curious native americans. Carnegie Museumof Natural History American indians Shows how indigenous peoples http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcnative.html | |
60. KET Instructional TV | Great Native American Nations iroquois indians of the Northeast Five warring native American tribesÂMohawk,Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and SenecaÂnegotiated the Great Law of Peace and http://www.ket.org/itvvideos/offering/social/KNATN.htm | |
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