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101. Celtic Linguistics And Lanuage Links (Elizabeth J. Pyatt) Free for noncommercial or use in any irish or gaelic language publication. gaelic Listservs - A list of irish-language Listervs and listservs for other http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/e/j/ejp10/region/celtic.html |
102. NAACLT'97 A computer program to conjugate irish gaelic verbs will be described, as will another 200 220 language Learning Materials in Scottish gaelic http://www.naaclt.org/Conf/1997.html | |
103. Learn To Speak Irish Gaelic On 43 Things Easy gaelic language courses. CDROMs, audio CDs, and tapes. Gaeltalk.net. Online gaeltacht-based irish course taught by native irish speakers. http://www.43things.com/things/view/131920 | |
104. Gaelic And Gaelic Culture A rather popular introduction to the languages and cultures of the Gaels, i.e. the people who now speak or who have spoken at one time any one of the three gaelic languages irish, Manx, and Scottish gaelic. http://www.ibiblio.org/gaelic/gaelic.html | |
105. Interactive Irish On The Internet You have two choices You can browse through some general common irish or For other information on minority languages you could try MercatorEducation. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/gaeilge/gaelic.html | |
106. What Is Gaelic And Who Are The Gaels? These three gaelic languages are. *irish gaelic Gaeilge. *Manx gaelic Gailck. *Scottish gaelic GÃ idhlig. These three languages are spoken in Ireland, http://www.ibiblio.org/gaelic/canan.html | |
107. Home Page Provides courses in Celtic languages including Welsh, Scots and irish gaelic; history and music. Includes a list of current events and contact information. http://users.hunterlink.net.au/celticcentre/ | |
108. Gaeilge Ar An Ghréasán Foghlaim na Gaeilge ar an IdirlÃon (irish gaelic learners material on the Mura ndéanann tú sin, caithfidh tú Languages as Gaeilge a roghnú chun an http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/gaeilge/gaeilge.html | |
109. Irish Language Information And Resources irish language Information, Grammar and Resources. http://www.daltai.com/home.htm | |
110. Irish And Scottish Gaelic Links Free Online gaelic lessons irish and Scottish. Dictionaries Manx, Scottish and irish. Print books and Dictionaries on the various gaelic Languages http://www.contemporarypoetry.com/brain/lang/langlinks.html | |
111. INA/Irish Lessons Home Welcome to irish Northern Aid s series of irish language lessons. The irish language continues to play a vital and revolutionary role in the lives of irish http://www.inac.org/irishlanguage/ | |
112. Gaelic And Scots From Rampant Scotland Directory Links to web pages related to gaelic, with description. Also includes links to Scots language information. Part of the Rampant Scotland directory. http://www.rampantscotland.com/gaelic.htm | |
113. Gaelic - WannaLearn.com General Instructional Books irish gaelic ( Other Celtic Languages) irish A Complete Course for irish gaelic Dictionaries ( Other Celtic Languages) http://www.wannalearn.com/Academic_Subjects/World_Languages/Gaelic/ | |
114. LANGUAGES-ON-THE-WEB: BEST GAELIC LINKS ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) A Word a Day in irish gaelic ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The Three gaelic Languages gaelic is an english word http://www.languages-on-the-web.com/links/link-gaelic.htm | |
115. OHCHR: Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) - Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Languages Regions Sources Feedback irish gaelic Version Source United Nations Department of Public Information http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/lang/gli1.htm | |
116. Gaelic-English Dictionary Prepared for the use of learners of the gaelic language by Malcolm MacFarlane. Eneas MacKay, Bookseller 43 Murray Place, Stirling. 1912. http://www.clanmacrae.org/documents/gaelic.htm | |
117. Maps Of Indo-European Languages-Irish Gaelic This webpage is for Dr. Wheeler s literature students, and it offers introductory survey information concerning the literature of classical China, http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/IE_Centum_Irishgaelic.html | |
118. An Tobar Tearmai Gaeilge don Earnail Phoibli. Useful irish terms for the public sector. http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/~smacsuib/bng/tobar/ | |
119. We Moved! Some words and phrases from irish, as well as some IndoEuropean etymologies of the same. The site also offers links to some resources and articles on the http://www.lincolnu.edu/~focal/ | |
120. Ninemsn Encarta - Gaelic Literature Celtic Languages Celtic Literature more Further Reading Great books about your topic, gaelic Literature, selected by Encarta editors. Click here http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761554714/Gaelic_Literature.html | |
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