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101. Citizens Advice Corporate Website - Home Registered charity funded by the government's Capital Modernisation Fund and run by volunteers. Offers advice on debt and consumer issues, benefits, housing, legal matters, employment, and immigration. Over 2800 locations in the UK, Wales and Northern ireland. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ | |
102. Government Purchasing Agency - Northern Ireland An agency within the Department of Finance and Personnel (Northern ireland), the government Purchasing Agency (GPA) provides a procurement service to public sector organizations. http://www.gpa-ni.gov.uk | |
103. United Nations Association Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland (UNA-UK) News and comment on work of the United Nations and its agencies. Comment on UK government attitudes and policies on international affairs, and overseas aid. http://www.una-uk.org/ | |
104. Political Resources On The Net - United Kingdom And Northern Ireland I Index of British party political sites available on the internet, with links to parties, organizations, government and media. http://www.politicalresources.net/uk.htm | |
105. Sustainable Energy Ireland - Home Sustainable Energy ireland is irelandÂs national energy authority. in supportof government policy, across all sectors of the economy. more http://www.irish-energy.ie/home/index.asp | |
106. DETI Describes the role of the DEDNI, the main government Department in Northern ireland concerned with economic development. http://www.detini.gov.uk/ |
107. Irish Local Government Council Web Sites Index List of council web sites within ireland using clickable maps and lists. Part of a global local government directory. http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/eire.htm | |
108. BioResearch A government and university agency supporting biotechnology research and technology transfer. Gives information on participating research centres and the benefits of relocating a business to ireland, educational material, news, events and discussion facilities. http://www.biores-irl.ie/ |
109. Union Of Students In Ireland National representative body for students in ireland, lobbying the government on services and supports for students in third level education and campaigning on issues such as better maintenance grants, accommodation, rights of international, women students, LGB and disabled students. http://www.usi.ie | |
110. INDEPENDENT COMMISSION ON POLICING FOR NORTHERN IRELAND The report of the Independent Commission on Policing for Northern ireland, which was set up on 3rd June 1998 by the UK government as a result of the Belfast Agreement. http://www.belfast.org.uk/report.htm | |
111. Hi Pakistan Huge Rural March Grips London Farmers, hunters, landowners and rural residents and workers flocked from every corner of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern ireland to bring London to a standstill and demand Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labour government must do more to protect their traditional way of life. Pakistan. http://www.hipakistan.com/en/detail.php?newsId=en11413&F_catID=&f_type=s |
112. CNN - Longtime Enemies Join Extraordinary Belfast Government - November 29, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9911/29/n.ireland.04/index.html | |
113. Welcome To Enterprise Ulster government training scheme established to alleviate unemployment in Northern ireland. Provides information on training schemes and employment opportunities in the Province. http://www.enterpriseulster.co.uk | |
114. LANPAG - Local Authority Workplace Partnership Group Supports the implementation of workplace partnership in the local government sector (public sector) in ireland. http://www.lanpag.ie | |
115. Northern Ireland E-Government Unit - Case Studies - Microsoft Ireland Case Study DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. is a leading designer, manufacturer anddistributor of orthopaedic devices and supplies including hip, knee, ankle, http://www.microsoft.com/ireland/casestudies/ni_egov.asp | |
116. N. Ireland's Major Protestant Party Votes To Resume Coalition Government With Ca CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/05/27/n.ireland.01.ap/index.html |
117. NILGA - Home Page Helps to represent the interests of local government to government departments and other bodies. Site includes news, events, objectives and policy information. http://www.nilga.org/ | |
118. CAIN: The Anglo-Irish Treaty, December 1921 This agreement of 1921 between Michael Collins' Irish delegation and the British government of Lloyd George provided for the Irish Free State to be established, and for Northern ireland to remain united with Great Britain. http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/issues/politics/docs/ait1921.htm | |
119. Belfast Telegraph Ulster Farmers To Back Countryside March In London Michael Drake. Ulster Farmers' Union President John Gilliland said, No other government in Europe has let its farming industry slip into the crisis which now faces the future of farming in Northern ireland. Northern ireland. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=335305 |
120. Auckland District Law Society - United Kingdom & Ireland - Government The government of Northern ireland Provides links to government departments, theExecutive and government of ireland Homepage of the Irish government, http://www.adls.org.nz/public/legallinks/unitedkingdomireland/ukgovt.asp | |
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