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81. First Detectors Serving Wright County | Asian Soybean Rust North iowa Cooperative. 105 S 1st St Thornton, iowa 50479. Phone 641998-2711 Harrah s Ag service. PO Box 170, 106 E Sheppard Dows, iowa 50071 http://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/soybeanrust/profile/profile_counties/wright | |
82. Title The Scoop On Livestock Manures As A Resource Abstract Format Publication Source Michigan State University Year 1985 Pages 6 AuthorCoop. ext. service Keyword agronomy; waste management; animal waste; http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/orgfarm/literature/publications/ag.res.list.0 |
83. Hort Newsletter 1205) / Colorado State University, coop. extension Senior ext. Assoc., IntegratedPest Management / Ornamentals IPM Coordinator / Cornell University http://www.hort.iastate.edu/news/newsletter/ | |
84. CSREES - USDA - Urban Program Resources CSREES, Cooperative State Research, Education, and extension service Mississippi State University extension service virgilc@ext.msstate.edu. Missouri http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/part/urban_part_contacts.html | |
85. Discounts The iowa Department of General Services contracts are at The iowa AV/ComputerCoop forwards the purchase orders on to the vendors weekly. http://www.silo.lib.ia.us/for-ia-libraries/Discounts/contracts.html | |
86. Iowa Department Of Administrative Services (DAS) Jobs Paper Applications may be obtained from your school placement or coop Department Name iowa Workforce Development, Division of Labor Services, http://das.hre.iowa.gov/state_internships.html | |
87. ATSDR - State Cooperative Agreements Directory, Part 1 Environmental Health Consultation Services Exit ATSDR. ATSDR Arizona Fact Sheet PDF sschitz@idph.state.ia.us, iowa Department of Public Health http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HEC/states/ | |
88. Area Education Agencies Instructional & Related Services | Zone 3 | Www.iowaeduc Must have an MA Degree in Speech Pathology and hold the iowa department of Provides either direct, integrative or consultative services to children with http://iowaeducation.dwx.com/jobs/view?cg=18&zn=3 |
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