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41. Sources Extension Resource Materials
cooperative extension service Auburn University Duncan Hall Auburn, AL 368495614 (205)844-4923 http//
Michigan State University Extension
Tourism Educational Materials - 33629843
Sources Extension Resource Materials
Ordering and Purchasing Information
Cooperative Extension Service
Auburn University
Duncan Hall
Auburn, AL 36849-5614

Alaska Cooperative Extension
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756180
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6180 Fax: (907)474-6369 Phone: (907)474-7268 E-mail - Arizona Cooperative Extension University of Arizona Forbes 301 Tucson, AZ 85721 Cooperative Extension Service University of Arkansas P.O. Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72203 Publications University of California 6701 San Pablo Avenue Oakland, CA 94608-1239 Business Research Division University of Colorado Campus Box 420 Boulder, CO 80309 tml U.S.T.T.A. U.S. Department of Commerce

42. Dr. Charles McClurg
coop. ext. Serv., Univ. of Md. EB 236. 1995 revision 148 pages. extensionProjects/Activities. Maryland cooperative extension service Vegetable Newsletter
Dr. Charles A. McClurg
Horticulture Program
Room 2116, Plant Sciences Building
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD 20742

Classes Publications Extension ... Honors
Academic Degrees:
  • B.S. Horticulture, Iowa State University M.S. Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University
Vegetable Extension Specialist: production systems of vegetable crops, varietal evaluation, and vegetable nutrition.
  • Hort 100 - Introduction to Horticulture Hort 202 - Management of Hort Crop Production Hort 222 - Commercial Vegetable Production Hort 422 - Technology of Veg Crop Production Hort 423 - Tech of Veg and Fruit Production
Representative/Recent Publications:
Books Edited: Editorial Committee: Gardening for Food and Fun. 1977 Yearbook of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Editorial Committee: Living on a Few Acres. 1978 Yearbook of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Chapters in Books: McClurg, C.A. 1985. Chapter 9, Watch your garden grow. In Baybook, A Guide to Reducing Water Pollution at Home. Citizens Program for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc. McClurg, C.A. 1986. (Revised) Chapter 9, Watch your garden grow. In Baybook, A Guide to Reducing Water Pollution at Home. Citizens Program for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc.

43. Department Of Soil Science At NC State University, Member Details
North Carolina cooperative extension service Publication AG538-A. Crouse, DA, 2000 How to Use Soil Surveys. NC coop. ext. Ser. Pub. AG-439-43. Research

44. USEPA - SEA - What's New
iowa State University Cooperative extension service Virginia Cooperative extension service
Software for Environmental Awareness Serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin and 35 Tribes Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home SEAHOME Titles Topics ... Links
State Farm-A-Syst and Cooperative Extension Contacts
All the links on this page are to sites outside the EPA. "Links to Web sites outside the U.S. EPA Web site are for the convenience of the user. The Standards of Ethical Conduct do not permit the U.S. EPA to endorse any private sector Web site, product, or service. The U.S. EPA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at this location. This link is being provided consistent with the intended purpose of the EPA Web site." AL AK AS AZ ... WY
National Farm-A-Syst home page
You can find information on Farm-A-Syst programs and contacts for every state from this site.
Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES)

45. Phil Mulder
OSU Oklahoma Cooperative ext. service Current Report No. 6240. iowa State J.Res. 62279292. Kaster, LV, WB Showers and PG Mulder. 1989.
Meet the Faculty!
Dr. Phil Mulder e-mail address: Educational background and experience:
B.S., Ferris State College Science Education M.S., Iowa State University Entomology Ph.D., Iowa State University Entomology Department of Entomology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Area Extension Entomology Specialist-Cordell, OK Department of Entomology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Area Extension Entomology Specialist-Duncan, OK Oklahoma State University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Stillwater, OK Assistant Professor, Extension Entomologist Oklahoma State University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Stillwater, OK Associate Professor, Extension Entomologist 2004-present Oklahoma State University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Stillwater, OK Professor, Extension Entomologist Current Assignment:
Extension Specialty
Educational programs related to alfalfa, peanuts, comercial and homeowner fruit and nut trees, small fruits, 4H/youth programs. Assisting in areas of apiculture, minor legumes, specialty field crops and pastures . Professional Honors, Awards and Recognitions:

46. HIA Contacts
Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave. PO Box 391Little Rock, AR 72203 iowa There is a vacancy for State Program Manager.
Who Can Help You in Your State?

National Program Contacts
USDA Partner
Joseph L. Wysocki
Housing and Environment
1400 Independence Ave, STOP 2210
Washington, DC 20250-2210
Ph: 202-401-4980, Fax: 202-401-1706
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
EPA Partner
Dennis Hellberg U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Indoor Environments Division 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (MC 6609J) Washington, D.C. 20460 Ph: 202-343-9366, Fax: 202-565-2071 E-ma il: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Indoor Environments Division Project Director Michael P. Vogel Montana State Univ. Extension Service

47. Extension Housing Sites
http// North Carolinacooperative extension service Family Consumer Sciences
Environmental Design
Links Directory Green Architecture and Sustainable Living Building Utility Systems

48. 2005 ESP Chapter Presidents
Delaware SUSAN TRUEHARTGAREY coop ext 69 Transportation Circle Dover, Director Purdue cooperative extension service 228 Second Street Aurora,
2005 ESP Chapter Presidents
S ALPHA PI - Alabama REBECCA DOLLMAN State LeaderProgram Development 217 Dawson Hall P.O. Box 1088 Normal, AL 35762-1088 Phone: 256-372-4976 Fax: 256-372-5734 E-Mail: W ALPHA GAMMA - Alaska HOLLIS HALL 3511 Kreb Drive Fairbanks, AK 99709 Phone: 907-479-0617 Fax: E-Mail: W KAPPA - Arizona MATT LIVINGSTON P.O. Box 1203 Keams Canyon, AZ 86034-1203 Phone: 928-734-3708 Fax: 928-738-2360 E-Mail: S ALPHA IOTA - Arkansas REBECCA MC PEAKE UA-CES P.O. Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72015 Phone: 501-671-2285 Fax: 501-671-2110 E-Mail: W ZETA - Colorado KIPP NYE County Director; Agriculture / 4-H Youth Development P.O. Box 128 Simia, CO 80835-0128 Phone: 719-541-2361 Fax: 719-541-2982 E-Mail: NE ALPHA CHI - Connecticut MARY ELLEN WELCH Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Middlesex County Extension Center 1066 Saybrook Rd., Box 70 Haddam, CT 06438-0070 Phone: 860-345-4511 Fax: 860-345-3357 E-Mail:

49. Seed Lot Sampling
Sponsored by the extension Services of iowa, Minnesota, Missouri. coop. ext.Serv., Auburn University—from which some of this discussion was derived.
North Dakota State University
NDSU Extension Service
Seed Lot Sampling
North Central Regional Extension Publication 403, July 1991 A. D. Knapp, agronomist
T. J. Gutormson, agronomist
M.K. Misra, agricultural engineer. Sponsored by the Extension Services of Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri. North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin in cooperation with ESUSDA. Careful sampling of a seed lot is an important step in obtaining a sample which accurately reflects the characteristics of the seed lot. Aside from carefully controlled production and conditioning practices, painstaking sampling is actually the first step in assuring accuracy and precision in seed testing. The purpose of seed testing is to obtain information regarding the planting value of seed in any particular seed lot. For testing to be meaningful, seed samples must be properly collected. Seed tests often generate information which must, by law, appear on the seed label and/or is required for obtaining a phytosanitary certificate. Both the seed producer and the buyer rely on accurate laboratory information. Seed testing laboratories therefore must have modern equipment and well trained analysts. However, seed lot sampling may be beyond the control of the seed analyst conducting tests on the submitted sample. And if the submitted sample is not representative of the seed lot, the laboratory analyses cannot accurately reflect the planting value of that seed.

The Seed Lot
A seed lot can be defined as a quantity of seed with every portion or every bag uniform within permitted tolerances as to percentage of pure seed, inert matter, other crop seed, germination and dormant seed, weed seed, and rate of occurrence of noxious weed seeds. A quantity of seed which is not uniform within permitted representative tolerances should not be classified as a seed lot. Any variation should be reduced by further conditioning, by mixing, or by separating the quantity in question into two or more uniform lots.

50. Welcome To Northeast Iowa Community College
Internship/coop or other training opportunities are also welcome. AssistantEmployment and Career Services Manager 563.562.3263 or 800.728.2256 ext. 402

Employment/Career Services

Employer Services

Career Help Sites

Job Search Sites
Services for Employers Employers are welcome to send us full-time and part-time job openings. Internship/Coop or other training opportunities are also welcome. Your job openings can be mailed, faxed or phoned in to the appropriate campus. Jobs received are posted online for one month around campus and filed for one year. What NICC has to offer: A quick look at NICC majors from the Calmar and Peosta campuses. Email Us Jobs!
NICC maintains alumni/student email distribution program for students and alumni by major called, " Email Me Jobs ." Soon after you send us your job opening by email, we will forward your listing to students/alumni and faculty by major. *You can email your jobs to Kelli Smutzler at the Calmar campus:

51. National Urban Task Force
Univ. of DC coop. ext. 4200 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008 cooperative extension service 17 South Gay Street Baltimore, MD 21202
Biography INVENT Southwest Urban Advisory Team (UAT) Strengthening Ohio Leadership (SOL) ... Adventure Central Connections to Other Web Sites District Home Page
National Urban Task Force

Dixie Allsbrook,
Area Director
Southern Area Office
Clark County
2345 Red Rock St., Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89146-3160
Phone: 702-222-3130
Fax: 702-222-3101
Email: MEMBER AT-LARGE Term Expires: 2004 Sheila Barbetta East Central District Director U or MN Extension Service 260 Coffey Hall 1420 Eckles Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108-6070 Phone: 612-625-3182 Fax: 612-624-7749 Email: MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL Term Expires: 2004 Anita Blanton , CED Bernalillo County Extension 1510 Menaul Northwest Alburquerque, New Mexico 87107 Phone: 505-243-1386 Fax: 505-243-1545 Email: MEMBER WESTERN Term Expires: 2002 Randy Cantrell Center for Applied Rural Innovation (CARI) U of Nebraska - Lincoln 58E Filley Hall Lincoln, NE 68583-0947 Phone: 402-472-0919 Fax: 402-472-0688 Email: MEMBER AT-LARGE Term Expires - 2003 Mary Chernesky , CED Hillsborough County Cooperative Extension 5339 County Road 579S Seffner, FL 33584-3334

52. AIAEE Conference Research Papers And Authors, 2003
Cooperative ext. service, U. of Georgia, USA Ag Ed Studies, iowa State University,USA. A New Vision of the extension Education in Ukraine, 334
Index Papers Carousel Abstracts Poster Abstracts Authors and Papers Accepted
(Alphabetical order by primary author) Page An Impact Study to Close Phase I of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Project Funded by the World Bank in the Youngest Independent Country – East Timor Achuonjei, Peter Nang
da Cruz, Cesar Jose
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Democratic Republic of East Timor Farmers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Project (ARP) Information Campaign, East Timor Achuonjei, Peter Nang
dos Santos, Fernando
Reyes, Yonis
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Democratic Republic of East Timor Integrating Farmers, their Local Level Institutions, and Social Capital into Extension Delivery Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues, Challenges, and Implications Alonge, Adewale Johnson Miami-Dade Public Schools, USA and Africa Diaspora Partnership for Empowerment
An Analysis of Extension Agents’ Attitudes in the State of Jordan Towards Farm Business Management and Their Assessment of Training Needs
Al-Rimawi, Ahmad Shukri

53. LVD State Contact List
cooperative extension service PO Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel (501) 6712100 Southern Univ. coop. ext. Program PO Box 10010 Baton Rouge, LA 70813
LVD State Contact List

Dr. Anthony T. Nakazawa, CES
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
P.O. Box 756180
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6180
Tel: (907) 474-7246
Fax: (907) 474-6971

Dr. Warren McCord 113 Duncan Hall Auburn University, Auburn AL Tel: (334) 844-4451 Fax: (334) 844-5544 Email: Dr. Oscar M. Williams Room 104 Morrison-Mayberry Hall Tuskgee University Tuskegee, AL 36088 Tel: (334) 727-8813 Fax: (334) 727-8812 Email: Arkansas Mr. Joe Waldrum Univ. of Arkansas Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel: (501) 671-2100 Fax: (501) 671-2251 Email: Dr. Diane Jones Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel: (501) 671-2100 Fax: (501)671-2251 Email: Arizona Dr. Shirley Jo Taylor Extension Specialist University of Arizona CES Room 211 FCR Tucson, AZ 85721-0033 Tel: (520) 621-1063 Fax: (520) 621-9445 Email:

54. Economics & Statistics Staff Biographies
Before that he was an Instructor of Economics at iowa State University at Ames . Tom can be reached at 800356-9655, ext 4064 or
All CUNA sites Compliance Consumer Info Gov. Affairs Reg. Advocacy Strategic Services Training CU Statistics Economic Data Custom Research Reports ... Strategic Services
Bill Hampel, Senior Vice President, Research and Policy Analysis The Research and Policy Analysis Department performs Market Research for Credit Unions and State Credit Union leagues, maintains a comprehensive Financial Data Base on Credit Unions and does a variety of Research on Financial and Economic issues of interest to the Credit Union movement. Hampel also writes Economic Analysis columns for several Credit Union Publications. Before joining CUNA, Hampel was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Montana at Missoula. Before that he was an Instructor of Economics at Iowa State University at Ames. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Iowa State. Hampel served as a staff member at Navy Federal Credit Union in Virginia during a one-year sabbatical in 1989-90, where he studied credit union operations and carried out a variety of consulting projects. He is a member of the American Economic Association and the National Association of Business Economists.

55. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori
Washington State University coop. ext. 720 Sleater Kinney Road SE Mitch FramOklahoma coop. extension service 230B West Okmulgee St. Muskogee OK 74401
Cooperative Extension Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Programs
When we first started this project we identified 27 volunteer water quality monitoring programs sponsored or co-sponsored by Cooperative Extension in the United States and its territories. Now we are up to 38! We are always looking for programs we have missed and have had help from people across the country to find 'new' programs. Our latest change to this page was to identify which programs are sponsored or co-sponsored by Cooperative Extension and which are affiliated in other ways such as by providing technical assistance with trainings, educational materials, equipment, or meeting space for volunteer monitoring events. The map above shows where and to what extent Cooperative Extension is involved in volunteer water quality monitoring across the nation. Not shown is an Extension co-sponsored program in American Samoa. The first of these programs began in 1978, the most recent this year. In parentheses next to each program's name is the year that the program began. Program volunteers are monitoring a wide range of aquatic habitats including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, estuaries, and drinking water wells.

56. Garden Regional Links, Gardening Tips, Organic Gardening, Flower Gardening, Vege (Univ of Georgia coop extension service). Illinois http// (Virginia cooperative extension). Washington
E-mail to Emily Home FAQ
(who we are) What's Growing On
Plants of the Week

Wildflowers and Weeds of the Week

Emily's Lists
... Selected Links Bookmark this site as a favorite! Updated weekly on
Sunday Night. Recommend this site
to a friend !
Regional Extension Service Links
Land-grant universities should host the state extension services that conduct and support the master gardener programs in the U.S. Also listed are some Canadian sites. Alabama
(Alabama Coop Extension System) California
(University of California) Florida
(Univ of Florida master gardener site) Georgia (Univ of Georgia Coop Extension Service) Illinois (Univ of Illinois Extension) Indiana (Purdue) Iowa (Iowa State University extension) (Iowa State University horticultural dept) Maine (Univ of Maine Coop Extension Service) Maryland

57. Interregional Research Project #4
Cornell coop. ext. 480 North Main St. Canandaigua, NY, 14424 Texas A M ext.service ext. Plant Pathologist Box 38 Overton, TX, 75684

58. Missouri State University Libraries
1995. Purdue Univ. coop. ext. Sev., HO45. (in .pdf format) Pruning Grapevines,Reiman Gardens, iowa State University cooperative extension.
b c d ... z
404 Not Found
The Missouri State University Libraries' website has has been redesigned and reorganized in conjunction with the university's name change to Missouri State University. You arrived here because the page you were looking for no longer exists, has been moved, or has been renamed. The best way to find the page you are seeking is via the Missouri State University Libraries home page We apologize for the inconvenience.

59. Financial Security In Later Life: A Guide For Community Educators
Oklahoma cooperative extension service. I work with the county educators to banks who co sponsor the retirement planning program with coop ext. In the
Project Planning
Project Promotion
Sample Date Saver
Sample Invitation
Sample Flyer
Sample Press Release
Motivating People
to Save
Techniques for
Recruiting - Examples Publicity Program Evaluation Resources Materials Submission Form Guestbook Help Credits Techniques for Recruiting People to Attend Retirement Planning Programs Iowa State University Extension I used the Money 2000 display at a Home Show and then personally talked to persons in the 40+ age categories about the need for retirement planning, rolling retirement funds into Roth or regular IRA's, knowing when and how to take distributions from retirement funds, a little about Social Security and housing decisions. We then got the names of a core group, asked them to come to a planning meeting and we proceeded using their ideas, timelines and recruiters.

60. E-Extension Collaboratory
Manager of extension Communication Services. iowa State University Fax (970)4913722. E-Mail RWILLSON@coop.ext.COLOSTATE.EDU. CRAIG WOOD
Think Tank Members
Director, Agricultural Communications University of Idaho P.O. Box Moscow ID Ph: (208) 885-6632 Fax: (208) 885-9046 E-Mail: EANDERSO@UIDAHO.EDU MIKE BOEHLJE Professor of Agricultural Economics Purdue University Krannert Bldg. West Lafayette IN Ph: (765) 494-4222 Fax: (765) 494-9176 E-Mail: BOEHLJEM@PURDUE.EDU KRISTINA BOONE Associate Professor Coordinator, Agricultural Communications Kansas State University 301 Umberger Hall Manhattan KS Ph: (785) 532-1163 Fax: (785) 532-5633 E-Mail: KBOONE@OZNET.KSU.EDU RON BROWN Executive Director Association of Southern Region Extension Directors P.O. Box Mississippi State MS Ph: (662) 325-0644 Fax: (662) 325-8915 E-Mail: BROWN@EXT.MSSTATE.EDU DAVID BUCHANAN Professor of Animal Science Oklahoma State University 206C Animal Science Stillwater OK Ph: (405) 744-6070 Fax: (405) 744-7390 E-Mail: BUCK353@OKSTATE.EDU MICHAEL BURKE Associate Dean College of Agricultural Sciences Oregon State University Strand Agricultural Hall Corvallis OR Ph: (541) 737-5657 Fax: (541) 737-2256 Cell Phone: (541) 740-6827 E-Mail: MIKE.BURKE@ORST.EDU

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