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1. Management Guide For The Production Of Switchgrass For Biomass
Stanley R. Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.

2. Growth, Development, And Yield Of Soybean Lines Developed For
1977. Stages of soybean development. Iowa Coop. Ext. Service, Iowa Agric. Home. Exp. Stn. Spec. Rep. 80. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.

3. Maize Leaf Development Biases Caused By Air-Apex Temperature
Ritchie, S.W., and J.J. Hanway. 1982. How a corn plant develops. Spec. Rep. 48 (Rev. Feb. 1982). Iowa State Univ Coop. Ext. Service, Ames, IA.

4. Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Cultivar Yields Compared With Sister
1996. How a soybean plant develops. Special Report No. 53. Iowa State Univ. Coop. Ext. Service. Ames IA.

5. Mission/History Page
from Extension In Review, Cooperative Extension Service, College of Spring of 1925 had arrived in Iowa and restlessness accompanied the

6. List Of Journals Indexed In AGRICOLA 1996, A
AE Iowa State University, Cooperative Extension Service AE Iowa State Univ Coop Ext Serv NAL call no. - S671.A22 Ames, Iowa The Service.

7. Acyl-CoA Oxidase Homologues - US Patent 6368840
AcylCoA oxidase homologues - US Patent 6368840 from Patent Storm. This invention relates to an isolated nucleic acid fragment encoding an acyl-CoA

8. Plant Cinnamyl-alcohol Dehydrogenase - US Patent 6552249
Plant cinnamylalcohol dehydrogenase - US Patent 6552249 from Patent Storm. This invention relates to an isolated nucleic acid fragment encoding a

9. Agriculture World General Information
Illinois Cooperative Extension Service Iowa State University Coop. Ext. Service Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

10. Soggy Soils, N Loss, Supplemental Nitrogen Fertilizer For Corn
Minnesota Crop eNews. Univ. of Minnesota Coop. Ext. Service. Iowa State Univ. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter.

11. Pubs Main
coop. ext. Sev., HO221 (free). Agriculture Communications service, Media Distribution Leopold Center of Sustainable Agriculture, iowa State University.
Sources of Information on the Culture and Management of Grapes
  • Bordelon, B. 1995. Growing Grapes. Purdue Univ. Coop. Ext. Sev., HO-45. (free) Agriculture Communications Service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph: 800-398-4636), or on the Web as a PDF file Bordelon, B. 1995. Grape Varieties for Indiana. Purdue Univ. Coop. Ext. Sev., HO-221 (free). Agriculture Communications Service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph: 800-398-4636, or on the Web as a PDF file Cahoon, G., M. Ellis, R. Williams and L. Lockshin. 1991. Grapes: Production, Management and Marketing. Bulletin 815, Agdex 231, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43235; Ph: 614-292-1607 ($7.25 + postage)
    Most complete publication of grape growing in the Midwest, and adaptable to Iowa conditions. Pruning and training systems are well illustrated. Capps, E.R., A.H. Smith, T.K. Wolf, A.H. Smith, and B.J. Walker. 1998.

12. ISU Viticulture Publications Print Version
coop. ext. Sev., HO221 (free). Agriculture Communications service, Media Distribution However, many cultivars listed would not be adapted to iowa.
Iowa State University
Dept. of Horticulture
News Events Information Exploring Opportunities ... Home Page
(print friendly) Home Page
(framed) Sources of Information on the Culture and Management of Grapes
  • Bordelon, B. 1995.  Growing Grapes.   Purdue Univ. Coop. Ext. Sev., HO-45. (free) Agriculture Communications Service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph: 800-398-4636), or on the Web as a PDF file Bordelon, B. 1995.  Grape Varieties for Indiana.   Purdue Univ. Coop. Ext. Sev., HO-221 (free).  Agriculture Communications Service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph: 800-398-4636, or on the Web as a PDF file Cahoon, G., M. Ellis, R. Williams and L. Lockshin.  1991.  Grapes: Production,  Management and Marketing.   Bulletin 815, Agdex 231, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH  43235; Ph: 614-292-1607  ($7.25 + postage)

13. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : A-Al
coop ext Serv* AE iowa State University, cooperative extension serviceS671.A22 AEC AEC - University of Kentucky, cooperative extension service HD1775
Abbreviated Titles A-Al
*Previously used abbreviated title

14. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : P
P56 PM iowa State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. PM - iowa State University, cooperativeextension service 275.29 IO9PA PNFI tech. rep.
Abbreviated Titles : P
*Previously used abbreviated title

15. IFAS - Citrus BMPs
Fish Containment Barriers. UF/IFAS/coop. ext. service Fact Sheet AGR78. 2 pp . Midwest Plan service, 122 Davidson Hall, iowa State University, Ames, Documents/BMP Manual/Appendices/Appendix 1 -
@import "css/all.css"; @import "css/style.css";
IFAS - Citrus BMPs
University of Florida
BMP Development
In 1999, the Florida Legislature enacted the Florida Watershed Restoration Act (FWRA) s. 403.067 F.S. The FWRA specifically outlines the process for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to develop and implement total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for impaired waters of the state. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires states to submit lists of surface waters that do not meet applicable water quality standards and to establish TMDLs for these waters on a prioritized schedule. TMDLs are defined as the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet the water quality standards as established by the Clean Water Act of 1972. A portion of the allowable amount of each pollutant will be allocated to each of the contributing sources (i.e. citrus, pasture, urban areas, golf courses, etc). The purpose of the FWRA was to better coordinate the numerous pollution control efforts that were implemented prior to 1999 and develop a standard to address future water quality issues. The FWRA requires that TMDLs be developed for all pollution sources "agricultural and urban" to ensure water quality standards are achieved. The FWRA effects all Floridians thus, in order to effectively implement the TMDL program the FDEP coordinates its efforts with a variety of entities including the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Water Management Districts, the local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the environmental community, the agricultural community, as well as concerned citizens.

16. Assets Across America State Asset Networks
Univ. of Arkansas coop ext. service (CES) The University of Arkansascooperative iowa State University 2272 140th St Winfield, IO 52659

17. Agriculture World General Information
iowa State University coop. ext. service Louisiana State University AgriculturalCenter Michigan State cooperative extension service
General Agriculture Information Agricultural Organization Extension Services Ag Health Organizations Environmental Agencies ... Training Agricultural Health Organizations AgrAbility Agricultural Safety and Health Network Farm Safety and Health in Minnesota Clinicians Network ... University of Wisconsin Center for Agricultural Safety and Health Environmental American Crop Protection Association American Water Works Association EPA Integrated Risk Information System Farm*A*Syst and Home*A*Syst ... U.S. Trade Representative Food Safety American Meat Institute Fight Bac! Food Safety Food Safety - Gateway to Government Food Safety Information ... Wisconsin Division of Food Safety Injury Prevention Children's Safety Network Consumer Product Safety Commission National Institute for Farm Safety, Inc. National Safe Kids Campaign ... University of California Davis - Agricultural Health and Safety Center, Davis, CA Other Sites of Interest Alliance For America Agribiz Agriculture Online National Agricultural Marketing Association ... S G Cows Rural Youth National FFA TASK Training Farmedic National Training Center National Guidelines for First Aid Training in Occupational Settings (NGFATOS) National Safety Council - National Education Center for Agricultural Safety Extension Services

18. East-Central Iowa REC - Proud Proven Service
(319) 4434355 ext.414 (877) 850-4343 CIPCO IRPCentral iowa Power cooperative (CIPCO) created the Intermediary Relending
Welcome to East-Central Iowa REC Online
Loans- The following loan programs are available through ECI. ECI REC Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Eligible Applicants- Eligible Projects for loans can include any community or economic development project that benefits the rural area. Loan recipients may be:
  • New or expanding private businesses Not-for-profit entities City or County Governments
Eligible Uses of Funds-
  • Land Purchases Fixed Assets Buildings
Ineligible Uses of Funds
  • Speculation Land Purchases Payments to owners or equity investors Debt Refinancing Projects which lack economic development potential
Loan Amounts The eligible loan amount will be minumum of $5,000.00 and a maximum of $150,000.00. Guidelines Low-interest loans are available from East-Central Iowa Rural Electric Cooperative to assist with community and economic development projects in rural areas.

19. Tree Ordinances For Iowa Communities.
Tree ordinances for iowa communities. Wray, PH. PM iowa State Univ coop ext= Serv.Ames, iowa The service Sept 1991. (1429b) 4 p.
Michigan State University Extension
Urban Forestry Bibliography - 00000355
Tree ordinances for Iowa communities.
Wray, P.H. PM Iowa State Univ Coop Ext= -Serv. Ames, Iowa : The Service Sept 1991. (1429b) 4 p. Go To Top of File MSU Extension Home Page Main Page for this Data Base This information is for educational purposes only. References to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. This information becomes public property upon publication and may be printed verbatim with credit to MSU Extension. Reprinting cannot be used to endorse or advertise a commercial product or company. This file was generated from data base B1 on 03/09/98. Data base B1 was last revised on 05/01/96. For more information about this data base or its contents please contact . Please read our for important information about using our site.

20. Prime And Unique Agricultural Lands And The National Environmental Policy Act (N
Des Moines, iowa 50309, Dr. Raleigh Barlowe 323 Natural Resources Bldg. Assoc.Dir., coop. ext. service Stockbirdge Hall, Rm. 2ll
WASHINGTON, DC 20006 August 11, 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF AGENCIES SUBJECT: Prime and Unique Agricultural Lands and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) The accompanying memorandum on Analysis of Impacts on Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands in Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act was developed in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture. It updates and supersedes the Council's previous memorandum on this subject of August 1976. In order to review agency progress or problems in implementing this memorandum the Council will request periodic reports from federal agencies as part of our ongoing oversight of agency implementation of NEPA and the Council's regulations. At this time we would appreciate receiving from your agency by November 1, 1980, the following information:
  • identification and brief summary of existing or proposed agency policies, regulations and other directives specifically intended to preserve or mitigate the effects of agency actions on prime or unique agricultural lands, including criteria or methodology used in assessing these impacts.
    identification of specific impact statements and, to the extent possible, other documents prepared from October 1, 1979 to October 1, 1980 covering actions deemed likely to have significant direct or indirect effects on prime or unique agricultural lands.

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