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161. CNN.com - Technology - David Bowie Corrects CD Error Via Internet - October 30, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/10/30/bowie.cd.fix.idg/index.html | |
162. Caribe.Net Dedicated to internet access services, offering dial up service on 50 local numbers. http://www.caribe.net/ | |
163. Website Design Company, Ecommerce Solution Design, Birmingham A dedicated internet Service Provider to the corporate market. Provide web design, hosting and domain name registration. http://www.tamba.co.uk/ | |
164. English Courses On The Internet Business English practice while listening to a new lesson every day. Requires fee and login. Free trial available. http://www.english.is.it/ | |
165. Suchmaschinen Und Andere Suchwerkzeuge; Suchtechniken Leicht Erklärt (Suchen Im Erkl¤rt Suchwerkzeuge und techniken, Beispiele und knifflige Probleme, Techniken und Strategien. http://www.abc-onlinesuche.de/ | |
166. Club Internet Aider les internautes, r©unions mensuelles. Suro®t, Canada http://www.club.suroit.qc.ca/ |
167. Untitled Document A subsidiary of Norfolk Telecom, which is a government business enterprise, owned by the Administration of Norfolk Island. Norfolk Island's only connection to the internet. http://www2.ni.net.nf/ | |
168. Anwalt-Internet Anwaltsuche, Verzeichnis deutscher Gerichte im internet, Juristische Links Literatur, Marketing f¼r Anw¤lte im internet. http://www.anwalt-internet.com |
169. Domain Name Registration - Curldomainsearch.com Australian domain name registration and search. http://curldomainsearch.com/ | |
170. [ AdvoGraf ] Â Satire Gegen Den Abmahnwahn Im Internet AdvoGraf ist das Satiremagazin gegen den Abmahnwahn im internet. Aber auch informativ. http://www.advograf.de/ | |
171. Academia Online - Cursuri Online Colecà £ie de resurse à Âi cursuri online ®n domeniile afaceri, tehnologia informaà £iei, dezvoltare personalÃÂ, limbi strÃÂine, educaà £ie etc. Sistem de eLearning ce oferào experienà £Ã educaà £ionalàdeosebitÃÂ. http://www.academiaonline.ro | |
172. Tierschutzseite Ãsterreich - Animal Protection Site Austria Adress und Linksammlung ¶sterreichischer Tierschutzvereine sowie Links und Informationen zu aktuellen Themen und zum Vegetarismus. http://www.tiere.or.at/ | |
173. SÃminn Top/World/Âslenska/T¶lvur/Internet¾j³nusta http://www.isholf.is | |
174. Coaching.de - Die Datenbank Rund Um Das Coaching Bei bildungsboerse.com haben Sie die M¶glichkeit, nach Bildungsangeboten, Seminaren, Schulungen, Fortbildungen, Weiterbildungen und Ausbildungen aller Art zu suchen. http://www.bildungsboerse.com/ | |
175. A Lingua Galega En Internet Artigo do profesor Guinovart onde se analiza a presencia da lingua galega na rede. http://webs.uvigo.es/sli/arquivos/internet.pdf |
176. Sky Internet An ISP in Metro Manila with pointsof-presence (POPs) in Baguio, Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao. http://www.skyinet.net/ | |
177. Psychological Applications On The Internet Azy Barak, PhD, discusses how the internet is used in psychology. http://construct.haifa.ac.il/~azy/app-r.htm | |
178. About DoggySoft's Termite Doggysoft's internet suite now discontinued. http://www.doggysoft.co.uk/termi.html | |
179. Navaho Technologies Home Page Integrated and easy to manage internet server suite for RISC OS and NetBSD. http://www.navaho.co.uk/ | |
180. Velocitus | Internet | Voice | Data Dialup and DSL access and web hosting services. Serving Southern Idaho and Salt Lake City. http://www.velocitusinternet.net/ | |
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