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41. Graduate Library Subject Guides international Law, The United Nations website has useful links to statutes at Large, The laws given in the statutes are the laws as passed at the time http://www.lib.umich.edu/grad/guide/guide.php?id=45 |
42. Federal Government Resources On The Web/Laws And Regulations Federal Register Public laws statutes at Large United States Code international Victomology Web Site. National laws on victims of crime, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/fedlaws.html | |
43. (IUCr) Statutes And By-Laws statutes and Bylaws of the international Union of Crystallography. as Adopted by the Fourth General Assembly in 1957 and Amended by the Fifth General http://journals.iucr.org/iucr-top/iucr/statutes.html | |
44. Terrorism And National Security Law - MegaLaw.com Federal Terrorism and National Security laws statutes. US Constitution, Article I, Sec. international Terrorism and Security Law Resources http://www.megalaw.com/top/terrorism.php | |
45. Legal Research - UW-Stout LLC Includes other nations laws, and international law as well as US law sites Lists citations to the United States Code Service and the statutes at Large. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/subjects/legal1.htm | |
46. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, New York State Consolidated laws From the New York State Assembly. New York State Unconsolidated laws From the New York Westlaw cases and statutes$12 http://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/ny/laws.html | |
47. American Antitrust Institute - Links Guernsey s Links to Federal Antitrust statutes CH Guernsey Company s ASIL Introduction to Researching international Law Online - Sponsored by The http://www.antitrustinstitute.org/links/codes.cfm | |
48. German Statutes In English Translation Constitution (Basic Law) and Constitutional statutes Code of Crimes Against international Law (Völkerstrafgesetzbuch) in PDF format, kindly provided by http://www.iuscomp.org/gla/statutes/statutes.htm | |
49. Basic Concepts international Trade Law Research Guide. Foreign law is embodied in constitutions, statutes, regulations, and court decisions. Constitutions, statutes http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/intl/guides/basics/ | |
50. International Legal Research Tutorial While the focus of this tutorial is international law, the researcher should Constitutions, statutes, and regulations are primary sources of law for all http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/tutorials/intl/2_overview.html | |
51. Institute Of International Law - History Of Organization The Institute of international Law is a purely scientific and private association, The statutes and regulations governing the Institute establish three http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/1904/international-law-history.html | |
52. Institute Of International Law - Nobel Lecture On behalf of the Institute of international Law, whose president I have the of its statutes, this aim is to encourage progress in international law , http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/1904/international-law-lecture.html | |
53. CALI Legal Research Topic Grid Completed Using statutes for Research LWR11. Administrative Law Public international Law, Researching treaties and other international agreements http://www.cali.org/fellows/grids/LegalResearch.html | |
54. The University Of Saarland, Germany German Law Archive judgements, statutes and literature in English (from Uni. in Germany - by Martin Heckel (from Emory international Law Review) http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/english/glsindex.html | |
55. Law In Australia - Law And Government In Australia Law in Australia covers all aspects of local and international law which relates to New Annual volumes of statutes and the latest reprints of statutes, http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/doclifensw/law/law.cfm | |
56. Legal And Contracts - Finding Tools: Tools For Finding Construction Law Resource Contains links to federal and state cases, statutes, rules and legislation; Database of international case law on the United Nations Convention on http://www.constructionweblinks.com/Industry_Topics/Legal_and_Contracts/Finding_ | |
57. Sean Mead's Law Page Legal Research on international Law Issues Using the Internet Posted by University of Chicago s California Full text of bills and statutes plus more. http://www.blueriver.net/~wyrm/law.html | |
58. Links To International Legal Resources On The Internet United Nations international Law foreign nations copyright statutes (from UNESCO) World Intellectual Property Organization World Trade Organization http://www.rbs2.com/lawlink2.html | |
59. Irwin Law Inc. - Other Series - International Human Rights Law Designed as a companion volume to international Human Rights Law (Irwin Law, B. statutes C. Common Law D. Other Canadian Materials About the Authors http://www.irwinlaw.com/books.cfm?pub_id=103&series_id=3 |
60. SEARCH HOME ABOUT THE LIBRARY ONLINE RESOURCES SERVICES LLRX includes guides to research in international law and the law of foreign Links translated decisions and translated statutes of jurisdictions around http://www.law.indiana.edu/library/onlineresources/for_int.shtml | |
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