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81. Gypsies--Civil Rights - International international Gypsie civil rights resource page with links to international gypsie rights, a gypsie compendium, international gypsie rights organizations, http://www.washlaw.edu/forint/alpha/g/gypsies.htm | |
82. Special Legal Topics - Lawlinks see also civil rights, Immigration law and Human rights (international Law) Includes latest cases on Convention on civil aspects of international Child http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/lawlinks/special.htm | |
83. SciSeek Pay Per Click Search Engine | The Science Of Search.: Civil (33) international civil Aviation OrganizationPromotes understanding and security through cooperative Presidential Statements on civil rights Related Issues. http://www.sciseek.com/search/search.php/search::TEXTSEARCH/Terms::Civil/page::3 | |
84. EarthLink - Welcome To MyEarthLink Lutherans Reject Easing Gay Clergy Rules Klansman in civil rights Case Gets Bond. international News more . Settlers observe bittersweet last Sabbath http://my.earthlink.net/ | |
85. International Federation Of Journalists Journalism, War and civil rights international Debate on the Threat to Democracy Posed By the War on civil Liberties, Intolerance and Media Populism http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?index=3048&Language=EN |
86. Political Advocacy Groups: Civil Rights Fax 916444-2279, The American civil rights Institute is a national civil rights Amnesty international undertakes research and action focused on http://www.csuchico.edu/~kcfount/civilrights.html | |
87. Welcome To Freedom House NORTH KOREA HUMAN rights CRISIS TO BE FOCUS OF international CONFERENCE civil Society Leaders Urge Democracies to Lead UN Human rights Reform http://www.freedomhouse.org/ | |
88. MSN Encarta - Civil Rights And Civil Liberties Almost all nations deny civil rights to disfavored minorities within their borders. A major obstacle to international protection of human rights is the http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555666_4/Civil_Rights_and_Civil_Liberties | |
89. BUBL LINK: Civil Liberties Subjects civil liberties, human rights, international law DeweyClass 323 Resource type document collection; Electronic Frontier Foundation A nonprofit http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/civilliberties.htm | |
90. Human Rights - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia For civil and political rights, the answer is the state but it is not Human rights in international Relations. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights | |
91. International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights - Wikipedia, The Free Encyc The international Covenant on civil and Political rights is a United Nations treaty based on the Universal Declaration of Human rights. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Covenant_on_Civil_and_Political_Right | |
92. International Politics And Civil Rights Policies In The United States, 1941Â196 Mobilizing and utilizing international pressure; 3. civil rights Commissions; 4. international pressure and the stateÂs response to racial segregation; 5. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521669766 |
93. L.I.F.E. Center: The Last Civil Rights Movement : Disabled Peoples Internation The Last civil rights Movement Disabled Peoples international. Reviewed January 2003. This book tells the story of how people with disabilities have http://lifecenter.ric.org/content/915/?topic=7&subtopic=221 |
94. Privacy.org - The Source For News, Information, And Action according to civil rights organisation the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy international. http://www.privacy.org/ | |
95. International News -- Civil Rights And Profiling international News. Cross Reference civil rights and Profiling. Â. Headline Index. Â. Article Summaries. Â Search by Keyword, Tradition, or Country http://www.pluralism.org/news/intl/index.php?xref=Civil Rights and Profiling&sor |
96. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General Law: Internet Law Library Internet Law Library civil Liberties and civil rights General Report of the United States under the international Covenant on civil and Political http://www.lawmoose.com/internetlawlib/93.htm | |
97. International League Of Human Rights The international League for Human rights has worked to keep human rights Uzbekistan League Protests Intensified Persecution of civil Society Activists http://www.ilhr.org/ | |
98. Court Eases Civil Rights Filing Time - (United Press International) In other words, if your civil rights were abridged and you filed suit after the Click here for options! Copyright 2004 United Press international http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20040503-113945-4343r.htm | |
99. Analysis: Economics A Civil-rights Issue? - (United Press International) The civilrights issue of the 21st century may be economic as blacks and other Click here for options! Copyright 2005 United Press international http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20050406-030939-5547r.htm | |
100. Attorneys For The Rights Of The Child 1948-, international Covenant on civil Political rights Blue_ArrowD096.gif (140 bytes) ICCPR. UN General Assembly Resolution 2200 A (XXI) http://www.arclaw.org/ | |
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