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21. WOF_Summary.htm The international civil rights Walk of Fame was created to pay homage to the brave warriors of justice who sacrificed and struggled to make equality a http://www.nps.gov/malu/documents/WOF_Summary.htm | |
22. CAP/ADID - International Civil Rights Walk Of Fame Honors Heroes international civil rights Walk of Fame Honors Heroes, news item by Central Atlanta Progress / The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District. http://www.centralatlantaprogress.org/NewsWalkOfFame.asp | |
23. USCM Press Release | Mayors Express Sadness At Passing Of International Civil Ri IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2001. Mayors Express Sadness at Passing of international civil rights Crusader Leon Sullivan http://www.usmayors.org/uscm/news/press_releases/documents/sullivan042701.asp | |
24. USW: Civil Rights Guidelines union recording secretary, and the international civil rights Department. to the chairperson of the international civil rights Committee for review. http://www.uswa.org/uswa/program/content/982.php | |
25. International Civil Rights Walk Of Fame Announces 2005 Inductees The international civil rights Walk of Fame was created in 2004 to give recognition to those brave warriors of justice who sacrificed and struggled to make http://www.georgiainformer.com/international_civil_rights_walk.htm | |
26. [Free-sklyarov-uk] [press At Edri.org: European Digital Rights: An International Freesklyarov-uk press at edri.org European Digital Rights an international civil rights organisation for the internet http://www.xenoclast.org/free-sklyarov-uk/2002-June/002560.html | |
27. Joseph Lowery To Speak Joseph Lowery played a major role in key civil rights struggles during the the first group of honorees included in the international civil rights Walk http://currents.ucsc.edu/04-05/11-29/lowery.asp | |
28. Ansar Burney Welfare Trust Int international human and civil rights organization advocating justice for all, for women and children's rights and against all forms of abuse and discrimination. http://www.ansarburney.org | |
29. CIVIL SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL Publishes information and provides services to strengthen citizen organizations worldwide working for civil rights, democratic institutions, social assistance, and economic reform. Includes details of fellowships, volunteer and exchange programs. http://www.civilsoc.org/ | |
30. OHCHR international Covenant on civil and Political rights. Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/a_ccpr.htm | |
31. News Release - Argentina: On The Verge Of Political And Institutional Chaos, Rig international Human rights Federation Mission Concludes. The mission set out to gather information on the reported violations of civil and political rights as an official response to widespread protests at the government's failure to guarantee citizens basic social, economic and cultural rights. http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/commdoc/prelease/argentina.html | |
32. OHCHR Optional Protocol to the international Covenant on civil and Political rights. Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/a_opt.htm | |
33. Ragged Edge Online Successor to The Disability Rag, an international magazine focusing on disability issues from a civilrights perspective. Disability-rights culture, ideas, revolution, and humor. http://www.raggededgemagazine.com | |
34. EDRI | Digital Civil Rights In Europe Subscribe to the biweekly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe. European Digital rights and Privacy international have sent an urgent letter http://www.edri.org/ | |
35. Equality Now An international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political, economic and social rights of girls and women. http://www.equalitynow.org |
36. EDRI | Digital Civil Rights In Europe Subscribe to the biweekly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe. Privacy international, the American civil Liberties Union and Statewatch http://www.edri.org/edrigram/number3.9/surveillance | |
37. IP Justice: CODE Campaign For An Open Digital Environment An international coalition of civil liberties groups and consumer rights initiatives to protect the public's rights, innovation, and competition against the proposed European Union Directive on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property. Reports, news, key dates and letter to EU JURI Committee Members in several languages. http://www.ipjustice.org/CODE/ | |
38. American Civil Liberties Union In conjunction with international Human rights Week, the ACLU has released two reports, Worlds Apart, international civil Liberties Report (2004) http://www.aclu.org/International/InternationalMain.cfm | |
39. ATLA - Association Of Trial Lawyers Of America international coalition of attorneys, judges, law professors, paralegals, and law students, working to promote justice and fairness for injured persons, safeguard victim's rights, and strengthen the civil justice system. Some areas of the site are restricted to members only. http://www.atla.org/ | |
40. US Dept Of State - Publications international Information Programs and USINFO.STATE.GOV url THE civil rights MOVEMENT AND THE LEGACY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. (Posted November 1998) http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/civilrts/ | |
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