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61. Major Programs Within The Interior Department Message system consolidation Interior officials are developing a project management plan to implement Microsoft Exchange for messaging across the http://www.gcn.com/23_11/departments/25874-1.html | |
62. Interior Officials Accused Of Covering Up IT Security Flaws Senior interior department officials have been accused of threatening to demote the Bureau of Land Management s CIO in a bid to deter her and other federal http://www.gcn.com/24_21/news/36522-1.html | |
63. Environmental Defense - Press Release: Groups Petition Interior Department To Pr Groups Petition interior department To Protect Rocky Mountain National Park The petition requests the interior department to formally declare that the http://www.environmentaldefense.org/pressrelease.cfm?ContentID=3956 |
64. NRDP-Interior Department Partnerships Brief descriptions of NRDPInterior partnerships and their successes. http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/nrdp/partners/feds/doi/doi.html | |
65. BLM News: Interior Department Announces Management Changes Pat Shea joined the interior department in August 1997, as Director of the Bureau Prior to joining the interior department, he was Vice President of a http://www.blm.gov/nhp/news/releases/pages/1998/pr111398a.htm | |
66. Pravda.RU Interior Department Of Moscow Region Investigates Into Kidnapping Of L The investigation into the kidnapping of LUKoil first vice president SergeyKukura is carried out by the Moscow regional interior department. http://english.pravda.ru/society/2002/09/12/36506.html | |
67. SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Nation -- Court Official Alleges Interior Department Court official alleges interior department favored energy companies at Indians The interior department accused Balaran of concocting preposterous http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20040406-1503-indianmoney.html | |
68. Bernan - Essential Government Publications - Publishers interior department. Agate Fossil Beds Agate Fossil Beds national Monument, Nebraska Analyses of Natural Gases Apostle Islands A Guide to Apostle http://www.bernan.com/Online_Catalog/Publisher_Index.aspx?Alpha=I&PubID=AG10264& |
69. October 8 - Grassley Says Law Enforcement At Interior Department Needs Overhaul Grassley Calls on interior department to Reorganize Law Enforcement Function The interior department s law enforcement force is the third largest in the http://grassley.senate.gov/releases/2002/p02r10-08d.htm | |
70. United States Senator Chuck Grassley Of Iowa GRASSLEY CALLS ON interior department TO REORGANIZE LAW ENFORCEMENT FUNCTION The interior department is home to the federal government s third largest http://grassley.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressReleas |
71. Cutting The Federal Budget To Prevent U.S. Bankruptcy, Part VII: Privatize The I The one lunatic operation within the interior department is another vestige of Abolishing the interior department would save nearly $10 billion annually http://www.lewrockwell.com/grichar/grichar41.html | |
72. 1999 Interior Department Budget [100010-1] : C-SPAN Store CSPAN Store 1999 interior department Budget 100010-1 - http://www.c-spanstore.org/shop/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&cPath=6_1 |
73. Interior Department Proposed Budget [185577-2] : C-SPAN Store CSPAN Store interior department Proposed Budget 185577-2 - http://www.c-spanstore.org/shop/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&products_ |
74. InformationWeek Intellectual Property Patent Office CIO Moves Patent Office CIO Moves To interior department Aug. 24, 2004, EMAIL THIS ARTICLE PRINT THIS ARTICLE DISCUSS THIS ARTICLE WRITE TO AN EDITOR http://informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=29116934 |
75. Department Of Interior Launches Investigation Into Klamath Basin Decisions ÂThe agreement by the interior departmentÂs Inspector General to investigate this matter to see if political pressure from the White House intimidated staff http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles8/Bacher_DOI-Klamath-Investigation.htm | |
76. How To Dismantle The Interior Department In total, the interior department has jurisdiction over approximately 450 In fiscal 1994, the total operating budget of the interior department was $7.6 http://www.cei.org/gencon/030,04662.cfm | |
77. Manatee Coalition Serves Notice To Interior Department: No More Delays, Protect In a letter to the interior department dated July 9, the coalition formally advised The coalition filed its lawsuit against the interior department, http://wcvb-tvpet.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&item_id=12476&site_cat_id=10 |
78. Chesapeake Bay Journal: Interior Department Ditches Fish & Wildlife Serviceâ The Department of Interior scrapped the serviceâÂÂs analysis and instead submitted In its comments, which were forwarded to the interior department, http://www.bayjournal.com/article.cfm?article=1045 |
79. Some U.S. Prison Contractors May Avoid Charges - Baltimoresun.com Some US prison contractors may avoid charges; interior department hired Abu Ghraib interior department hired Abu Ghraib interrogators; Loophole tangles http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nationworld/iraq/bal-te.contractor24may24,0,129 | |
80. RedNova News - Technology - Court Ruling Puts Interior Department Back Online By ROBERT GEHRKE WASHINGTON (AP) The interior department will go back online after an appeals court Wednesday blocked a judge s ruling that ordered most http://www.rednova.com/news/technology/48492/court_ruling_puts_interior_departme | |
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