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21. AskAsia Instructional Resources: Lesson Plans Our interdisciplinary lesson plans are designed to broaden the student s view ofAsian countries and cultures. Scroll through the list below to find those http://www.askasia.org/teachers/Instructional_Resources/Lesson_Plans/ |
22. Revolutionary War Lesson Plans Colonial Williamsburg has developed several interdisciplinary lesson plans foruse in classrooms. Lesson plans include Colonial Reaction to the Stamp Act , http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4393/rwlesson.html | |
23. TeacherSource . PreK-2 . Winter Games Lesson Plans | PBS Physical Fitness and Winter Games interdisciplinary lesson plans are availablewithin this area of the PBS education Web site. http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/prek2/issues/pflesson/index.shtm | |
24. LEARN NC :: Election Lesson Plans Excellent lesson plans for varying ages on the election process, President areamong the interdisciplinary lesson plans designed for grades 3 through 6. http://vote.learn.unc.edu/teaching/lessons.php | |
25. Owens Library Lesson Plan WWW Resources These interdisciplinary lesson plans are designed to broaden the student s viewof Asian Lesson Plans 4 Teachers Top Rated Interdisciplinary Lessons http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/courses/EDUCATION2/LESSONPLANS2.HTML | |
26. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Switch the animals heads, legs and tails to make new creatures at this surrealisticvirtual zoo. Thousands of possible combinations! http://www.switchzoo.com/livingplans.htm | |
27. Switch Zoo Lesson Plans interdisciplinary lesson plans from Philip Livingston Magnet Academy Work written by students using the interdisciplinary lesson plans http://www.switchzoo.com/ed/lessonplans.htm | |
28. ForLessonPLans.com K-12 Educators Indexes many interdisciplinary lesson plans sites. Interdisciplinary From AskERICLibrary in the Sky Multidisciplinary Lesson Plans Searchable http://www.forlessonplans.com/k-12/index.php | |
29. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans And Activities Lesson Plan Central interdisciplinary lesson plans and Activities. http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Interdisciplinary/ | |
30. Lesson Plan Links interdisciplinary lesson plans Science, Math, and Technology lesson plansdesigned by teachers to take full advantage of Internet resources and teach http://ss.uno.edu/SS/homePages/SSLssPnsLinks.html |
31. A To Z Teacher Stuff: Lesson Plans: Thematic Units AskERIC interdisciplinary lesson plans open in new window. Lesson Plan.A collection of teachersubmitted lesson plans include thematic units and http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/Lesson_Plans/Thematic_Units/index.shtml | |
32. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans - Student BRIDGES II interdisciplinary lesson plans by BRIDGES II Students. Heroism - byLori Bradley (5/11/99). Renaissance Perspective - by Colleen Stulb (5/6/99) http://www.umassd.edu/SpecialPrograms/ArtsLinks/b2/menu.html | |
33. Idaho Forest: Lesson Plans, PLT Participants are asked to develop lesson plans for their students, culmination ofthis experience is development of interdisciplinary lesson plans that http://www.idahoforests.org/plans.htm | |
34. University Of Alberta Libraries Learners Online interdisciplinary lesson plans which take learners on a thematicjourney across cyberspace. Lessons are tied to current events and help http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/education/k12/lessonplans/index.cfm | |
35. Classroom-Tested Lesson Plans Colonial Williamsburg has developed several interdisciplinary lesson plans foruse in classrooms. Some of these plans are available on this web site http://www.history.org/history/teaching/classroom_plans.cfm | |
36. Untitled Document Teachers from The Rice School/La Escuela Rice , working with the Greater HoustonArea Red Cross have developed interdisciplinary lesson plans. http://outreach.rice.edu/~trsler/redcross/lessons.htm | |
37. Jacob Lawrence: Exploring Stories Here are some additional lesson plans and suggested ideas related to the Webquestsand interdisciplinary lesson plans for Jacob Lawrence Storyteller, http://www.whitney.org/jacoblawrence/resources/lesson_plans.html | |
38. La. Challenge Resources: Lesson Plans CRPC interdisciplinary lesson plans Designed by teachers to take full advantageof Internet resources and teach standard concepts in mathematics and http://www.challenge.state.la.us/res/act/lesson-plans.htm | |
40. Lesson Plans CRPC interdisciplinary lesson plans The Center for Research on ParallelComputation (CRPC) lesson plans were designed by teachers to take full advantage http://www.sabine.k12.la.us/vrschool/lessplan.htm | |
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