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101. Integrated Pest Management: Current And Future Strategies CAST Report on integrated pest management Sets Out a Safer Future for Everyone integrated pest management (IPM) is about making informed choices that http://www.cast-science.org/cast/pub/ipm_nr.htm | |
102. Integrated Pest Management For Florida Snap Beans integrated pest management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses a If the inspected previous crop happens to be beans, care must be taken not to http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PP117 | |
103. CT 3/98 Integrated Pest Management Using Pheromones integrated pest management using pheromones Yet in percentage terms, croplosses have remained unchanged since the 1950s (2). http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/chemtech/98/mar/pest.html | |
104. Issues In S And T, Spring 2000, The Illusion Of Integrated Pest Management Administration (FDA) called for a national commitment to implement IntegratedPest management (IPM) on 75 percent of US crop acreage by the year 2000. http://www.issues.org/issues/16.3/ehler.htm | |
105. GRDC - Crop Doctor - Important Role Of Nature In Integrated Pest Management (Sou Dr Horne is an advocate of integrated pest management. If bare patches appearedin last year s canola crop, then the time to assess the problem was last http://www.grdc.com.au/growers/cd/south/southern_region05012.htm | |
106. Globalizing Integrated Pest Management As a result integrated pest management (IPM) approaches have been developed Field Crop pests. University of Tennessee Contract AID/nesa; Heinrichs, EA, http://store.blackwell-professional.com/0813804906.html | |
107. History Of IPM The basic biological concepts of integrated pest management have been practiced crop report. 1992 International pest management Institute was founded http://www.biconet.com/reference/IPMhistory.html | |
108. Pest Management At The Crossroads - USDA Integrated Pest Management Seminar Seri USDA integrated pest management Seminar Series Croppest-beneficial organisminteractions are often very dynamic and directly shape the nature of IPM http://www.pmac.net/ipmtalk.htm | |
109. Renaming (Redefining) Integrated Pest Management: Fumble, Pass, Or Play? Biologically intensive integrated pest management the future, pp 156184. Evaluation of the integrated crop management practices a case study of http://www.pmac.net/fumble_pass.html | |
110. Central Valley News Tips - Integrated Pest Management November 4, 1999. Central Valley News Tips integrated pest management.Low insecticide use in 1999 means farmers are employing integrated pest management http://news.ucanr.org/newsstorymain.cfm?story=197 |
111. Commodity And Pest Management Profiles To help USDA and EPA obtain this type of information, Crop Profiles are being This site is part of the effort by the USDA pest management Centers to http://www.ipmcenters.org/cropprofiles/ | |
112. Welcome To The IPM Institute Of North America, Inc.! California school IPM/chemical management survey. More. New on 11/18/04! IPM Standards for Schools pest Controls Other Sensitive Environments http://www.ipminstitute.org/ | |
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