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61. Lying Should Be A Crime For All Some advance knowledge would allow for some profitable insider trading on the So how can it be a crime to state that you believe that you re innocent? http://www.custerguide.com/quillen/eqcols/20041258.htm | |
62. Insider Trading Conviction Leads To Interim Suspension insider trading conviction leads to interim suspension Wittenberg $10000 and ordered him to give speeches to other attorneys, explaining his crime. http://calbar.ca.gov/calbar/2cbj/02feb/page25-1.htm | |
63. The National Interest: 10 July 2005 - Insider Trading all accept that insider trading goes on and that it is not a serious crime. Well on the phone to talk about insider trading, both its prevalence and http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/natint/stories/s1410799.htm | |
64. SF Bay Area Crime. Fraud Timeline, 21st Century Timeline of the crime, Fraud stories from different sources linked to the news articles and 14, San Francisco, Exexecutive charged with insider trading http://www.mapreport.com/na/west/ba/news/subtopics/c/b.html | |
65. Insider Trading -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All Brit insider trading body Illegal use of insider information for profit in financial ranging from insider trading to banking collapse to organized crime. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?tocId=9368016 |
66. The Record - The Independent Weekly Newspaper At Harvard Law School Martha Stewart s real crime, , The Record, a newspaper of Harvard Law School. She was not charged with insider trading. If you believe the government s http://www.hlrecord.org/news/2004/02/05/Opinion/Martha.Stewarts.Real.Crime-59923 | |
67. Lawyer Sentenced For Insider Trading Lawyer sentenced for insider trading. a $10000 fine and ordered Wittenberg to explain his crime in speeches to 300 attorneys within the next year. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/12/05/BU1 |
68. Insider Trading insider trading. Isn t insider trading an act of fraud? insider trading is a victimless crime. It s an innocent act that should be legal. http://www.capitalism.org/faq/insider_trading.htm | |
69. ELT : Online Understanding And Avoiding Insider Trading Course Demo : In Partner insider trading is a serious crime that can result in both fines and imprisonment, and yet it can easily be inadvertently committed. http://www.elt-inc.com/corpedia/uait1015/uait1015.htm | |
70. EconPapers: Insider Trading: The Case Against The "Victimless Crime" Hypothesis By Norman S Douglas; insider trading The Case against the Victimless crime Hypothesis. http://econpapers.repec.org/article/blafinrev/v_3A23_3Ay_3A1988_3Ai_3A2_3Ap_3A12 | |
71. Reason Free Samuel Waksal. insider trading should not be a crime. By Brian Doherty. Poor Samuel Waksal. Back in December, the Food and Drug Administration struck http://reason.com/hod/bd062502.shtml | |
72. The Injustice Of Insider Trading Laws Martha Stewart was investigated for the crime of insider trading and later convicted of obstructing justice for lying to authorities during the http://www.calnews.com/archives/aynrand03.htm | |
73. ThePolitic - Canadian Political Weblog » Blog Archive » Insider Trading Is Not insider trading is not a crime, Stewart is a victim. So Martha Stewart will do some time for insider trading. What is insider trading? ItÂs trading stocks http://www.thepolitic.com/archives/2004/07/29/insider-trading-is-not-a-crime-ste | |
74. The Statrix Why We Need More Insider Trading If we can agree that the term victimless crime is an oxymoron, The SEC claims that it outlaws insider trading because it undermines investor http://www.thestatrix.com/archives/2003/12/why_we_need_mor.html |
75. MS PERFECT: The Case Against Domestic Diva Martha Stewart. - John O'Sullivan - B The feds suspected that Stewart was guilty of insider trading because she dumped Lying is a crime either when the liar is under oath or when he is http://www.benadorassociates.com/article/2546 | |
76. ProfessorBainbridge.com: The Insider Trading Charge Against Martha Stewart But charging her with insider trading stretches that crime beyond where it was ever meant to go. November 7, 2003 Permalink http://www.professorbainbridge.com/2003/11/the_insider_tra.html | |
77. Crime & Federalism: Those Technicalities A lot of people are saying that Martha Stewart committed insider trading and she wasn t After all, using painkillers is not a crime against nature. http://federalism.blogspot.com/2004/07/those-technicalities.html | |
78. HoustonChronicle.com - Enron's Skilling Charged With Insider Trading, Fraud And SEC complaint insider trading charges against Skilling and Causey. The top Enron executive to be accused of a crime in the trading giant s downfall, http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/topstory2/2410325 | |
79. Another Defeat For The Justice System For these offenses to have any meaning, there must be a crime that she lied The prosecutors would have liked to charge Stewart with insider trading, http://newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/3/9/114719.shtml | |
80. Discovery Institute - Article Database - Both Martha And Justice Have Suffered, She was being questioned about insider trading. insider trading is a crime. But the government did not charge her with insider trading. Why not? http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/index.php?command=view&program=Misc&id=1 |
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