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41. Hands-On Information Literacy Activities Computer Book in Categories Computer Books And Software, Computers, Education,Information Storage Retrieval, Information Storage And Retrieval, http://www.centrasoft.com/d4/1555704565.htm | |
42. UWill (University Of Washington Information Literacy Lab) student activities designed to achieve specific information literacy by designing appropriate linkages of information literacy activities to course http://www.lib.washington.edu/Ougl/instructors/uwill.html | |
43. LIRT NEWS: December 1999 Teaching Information Literacy Skills, by Patricia Iannuzzi, with ideas forincorporating 116 information literacy activities into their classes. http://www3.baylor.edu/LIRT/lirtnews/1999/dbreview.html | |
44. GWLA Member Employment Listings The librarian will conduct information literacy classes to all freshman, sophmoreand and other marketing materials for information literacy activities. http://www.gwla.org/jobs/tamu-qatar.html | |
45. Srping 2005 Report - Information Literacy Common Interest Group - Representative The purpose of the site is to link to information literacy resources; to providean overview of information literacy activities on UC campuses; http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/representatives/hops-ilcig-spring-2005.html | |
46. ÂBringing Instructional Activities Under An Information Literacy Umbrella" Article describes ways that information literacy can be placed within the higher education curriculum. http://www.rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/cho24653j.htm | |
47. TeacherSource . Media Literacy | PBS Features related activities, classroom resources, and professional development information. http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/media_lit/media_lit.shtm | |
48. Information Literacy For K-16 Settings effective learning activities that incorporate information literacy. information about multimedia projects, curriculum, learning activities and http://www.csulb.edu/~lfarmer/infolitwebstyle.htm | |
49. Northumberland Teaching And Learning Resources and activities for teachers and pupils covering most curriculum areas. Online activities for literacy, numeracy, design and technology, as well as information on creating school web sites. http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk/ | |
50. Working Group On Information Literacy Home / Members professional activities / Working Group on information literacy Former Advisory Committee on information literacy webpages http://www.sconul.ac.uk/activities/inf_lit/ | |
51. National Adult Literacy Database (NALD) / Base De Données En Alphabétisation D NALD is Canada's adult literacy information network. NALD is the onestop centre for information on adult literacy programs, resources, services and activities in Canada. NALD also provides links with other services and databases across North America and overseas. Bilingual English French http://www.nald.ca/ |
52. The Seven Pillars Of Information Literacy Home / Members professional activities / information literacy / The Seven The initial task of the Advisory Committee on information literacy (then the http://www.sconul.ac.uk/activities/inf_lit/seven_pillars.html | |
53. Activities List- Information Literacy - Dalhousie University Libraries List of activities for information literacy 1.1, Selecting appropriateinformation sources Activity one (pdf), 10 minutes / class, sources, http://infolit.library.dal.ca/staff/activities_list.htm | |
54. Big Six Skills Teaching information literacy The Big Six Skills Approach to the Big Sixinformation literacy curriculum and suggests activities for teachers to become http://www.itrc.ucf.edu/webcamp/final_projects/barney/big6.html | |
55. (title) Many goals related to information literacy competencies as defined by the libraryand activities used by different librarians include having the groups http://www.rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/mo2456may.htm | |
56. Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center, Washburn, Tennessee - The Place, Narrow Ridg Organization working to inspire sustainable living, offering ecological programs, meeting facilities and retreat activities. information about the facility, sustainable agriculture, programs, and homesites. http://www.narrowridge.org/ | |
57. FOCUS Information Literacy Sessions, UC Irvine Libraries FOCUS information literacy Session August 20, 2003 October 25, 2003. Models Standards Math literacy activities Science literacy activities General http://course.lib.uci.edu/ed/spirit/focus/ | |
58. BBC - Schools - DynaMo Packed with fun interactive games and activities for 5 9 year-olds to help with literacy, numeracy and science, plus advice, support and information for parents. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/dynamo/home.shtml | |
59. Nepalibooks.org Offers books and literacy projects to local communities. Includes information on the organization, programs and activities. http://www.nepalibooks.org/ | |
60. McLean Media Home Page Offers information about educational software and video titles, with links to sites related to California history, women in science, and family literacy. Also includes online science stories and activities featuring the adventures of Zink and Ralph. http://www.storyline.com/ | |
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