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21. Specialty Definitions - Types Of Doctors Infectious Diseases infertility medicine Internal Medicine Midwife (CNM) infertility medicine A field of treatment and research aimed at helping http://www.swedish.org/body.cfm?id=984 |
22. Veritas Medicine - Fertility Treatments Clinical trial listings and indepth treatment information about infertility. Perform a personalized search to find ongoing clinical trials that match your needs. http://www.veritasmedicine.com/infertility/ | |
23. Florida Fertility And IVF - Reproductive Medicine Group, Tampa, Clearwater, Bran infertility and IVF center in Tampa, Florida. In depth graphics and discussion about hightech treatment options. http://www.floridafertility.com | |
24. IVF.org - Center For Reproductive Medicine And Infertility, New York, NY Located in New York, NY, infertility and IVF clinic with specialists providing comprehensive reproductive services, including egg donation. http://www.ivf.org/ | |
25. ASRM: Infertility, Reproduction, Menopause, Andrology, Endometriosis, Diagnosis The ASRM is an organization devoted to advancing knowledge and expertise in reproductive medicine and biology, with a particular focus on infertility. Website includes fact sheets and other resources on infertility, treatments, insurance and other issues, plus topics such as adoption. http://www.asrm.org/ | |
26. Chinese Traditional Medicine And Infertility Describes in detail how practitioners in China solve infertility with TCM strategies and herbs. http://www.mendiseasestcm.com/infertilitye.htm |
27. Dallas Texas Infertility, IVF And Egg Donation - Texas Fertility, P.A. A fullservice infertility practice, with a special interest in helping couples with recurrent pregnancy loss. http://www.texasfertility.com/ | |
28. Idaho Center For Reproductive Medicine - Fertility And Infertility Treatment, IV Provides treatments for male and female infertility. Information about staff and services. http://www.idahofertility.com/ | |
29. MedlinePlus: Infertility infertility (American Society for Reproductive medicine) Links to PDF medicine) - Large PDF file; Q A for Injectable infertility Medications http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/infertility.html | |
30. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Infertility Primary infertility is the term used to describe a couple that has never been US National Library of medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001191.htm | |
31. Preconception.com  Mind Over Matter Infertility, Medicine And The Mind/Body Co Preconception.com Mind Over Matter infertility, medicine and the Mind/BodyConnection. http://preconception.com/resources/articles/mind.htm | |
32. Center For Male Reproductive Medicine And Microsurgery At Cornell University Weill Medical College. Provides the most updated information and success rates for vasectomy reversal, noscalpel vasectomy, varicocelectomy, testicular and epididymal sperm retrieval; treatment of obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia for male infertility. http://www.maleinfertility.com/ | |
33. Alabama Infertility And IVF, Center For Reproductive Medicine (CRM) Provides infertility and reproductive endocrine care. Located in Mobile. http://www.infertilityalabama.com/ | |
34. Reproductive Medicine Associates | Welcome IVF clinic in New Jersey and New York, RMA of NJ provides female and male infertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization, IVF, ICSI, PGD, egg donation, and blastocyst transfer. http://www.rmanj.com/ | |
35. ASRM: Frequently Asked Questions About Infertility American Society of Reproductive medicine. Society for Reproductive Endocrinologyand infertility Society of Reproductive Surgeons http://www.asrm.org/Patients/faqs.html | |
36. IndiaParenting.com - The First & Only Portal For Indian Families ...Worldwide! Comprehensive website for Indian parents with topics ranging from pregnancy to raising children, including articles on infertility, health and medicine, and hindu and muslim baby names. http://www.indiaparenting.com/ | |
37. Reproductive Medicine And IVF Medical center dedicated to the treatment of female and male infertility http://www.repmedivf.com/ | |
38. Ohio Reproductive Medicine - Advanced Infertility And Reproductive Endocrinology A provider of comprehensive infertility and reproductive endocrinology services. http://www.ohiorepromed.com/ | |
39. Center For Male Reproductive Medicine And Microsurgery vasectomy reversal, vasectomy reversals, male infertility, vasectomy, vasovasostomy,noscalpel vasectomy, NSV, varicocele, varicocele repair, http://www.maleinfertility.org/ | |
40. Centre For Reproductive Medicine ( IVF , Infertility Etc.), University Of Bristo The internationally recognised Centre for Reproductive medicine, Bristol providescomprehensive information for anyone interested in Reproductive medicine http://www.repromed.co.uk/ | |
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