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41. Inside Indonesia: Widely Read, Inside And Out! Quarterly magazine featuring articles on the country's culture, politics, economy and environment. http://www.insideindonesia.org/ | |
42. Indonesia Society And Culture Languages indonesia Society and culture Languages, indonesia Society and culture Languages homepage, indonesia Society and culture Languages web, http://search.asiaco.com/Indonesia/Society_and_Culture/Languages/ |
43. Jurnal ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA Publication with a primary focus on the society and culture of indonesia. Features table of contents, guide for authors and links. http://www.jai.or.id | |
44. Indonesia WWW VL: Cultural Resources Indonesian Art and culture Training (Yogyakarta) A not for profit organisation promoting Indonesian literature, culture and artists. http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/IndonPages/Culture.html | |
45. Network Indonesia - Culture - History Of Indonesia Food, Events Home culture - History of indonesia. History of indonesia. Earliest Historical Records, Soekarno 1945 Japanese surrender http://users.skynet.be/network.indonesia/ni6001.htm | |
46. Network Indonesia - Culture - History Of Indonesia But substantial evidence of Islam in indonesia begins only in northern Sumatra of the ShaiviteMahayana cultures of southern Sumatra and eastern Java. http://users.skynet.be/network.indonesia/ni4001c7.htm | |
47. Belindo A portal for travel, geography, culture, and nature, including recipes and latest news around indonesia. http://www.belindo.com | |
48. Welcome To ICTC A site about culture and tourism in indonesia. http://www.indonesia-ctc.co.jp/Main/HalamanUtama.htm |
49. Welcome To Indonesian Culture Information Center indonesia is a country rich in musical cultural, which represented by many kinds of arts (especially music) which scattered in the thousands of islands http://www.culture.or.id/ | |
50. SWiSH Movie - Index.swi - Www.swishzone.com Photographs the people and the culture of the Philippines, indonesia, and Thailand. The farming and consumption of rice gains a special focus. Also included are images of windsurfing. http://www.geocities.com/arieljavellana/ | |
51. Toradja A ethnographic analysis of a culture that inhabits the high mountain ranges and interior valleys of Central Celebes Island of indonesia. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/EthnoAtlas/Hmar/Cult_dir/Culture.7876 |
52. TORAJA PHOTO GALLERY - PREVIEW An illustrated article about the striking traditional houses of the Toraja culture of indonesia, with references. http://www.batusura.de/banua/ |
53. Customized Tours, Tailormade Travel In Bali, Indonesia. Culture, Adventure, Sipr customized tours, tailormade travel in bali, indonesia. culture, adventure, sipritual activities away from mass tourism. http://www.linkreferral.com/adwel.pl?oldrefid=35984 |
54. Asiafoto - Indonesian Photographs Travel, culture, people, scenics, and adventure of indonesia. Also, featuring Myanmar, Vietnam, Australia, and Asian food. http://www.asiafoto.com/ | |
55. Indonesia - Culture indonesia culture By Ekaterina Zhdanova-Redman. 1 Like the people on indonesia s many islands, indonesia s culture is a wonderful mix. http://www.edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_Geography_234_1.html | |
56. The Indonesian Dance Site -- En Français D©di©  la promotion de la danse et culture d'Indon©sie. Cours de danse indon©sienne et Bahasa indonesia. http://dharma.free.fr | |
57. SehSekHoi A group experimenting with music and instruments across culture, including West Africa, Korea, Turkey, indonesia, New Zealand Maori, China, India and South America. With member background and biographies. http://www.geocities.com/sehsekhoi/ |
58. Discover Indonesia - Culture (Select Books) Brief illustrated overview of indonesian cultural patterns in their diversity. Published to accompany the 199091 USA Festival of indonesia. http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/titles/23214.htm | |
59. Indonésie - Un Profil Culturel Pr©sentation de la culture du pays par le minist¨re canadien de la citoyennet© et de l'immigration. http://www.settlement.org/cp/fre/indonesia/ |
60. INDONESIE : Récit De Voyage Carnet de route de deux jeunes fran§ais. Informations g©n©rales sur la culture du pays, photographies de temples, de volcans et de danses. Extraits musicaux. http://membres.lycos.fr/indonesia/ | |
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