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61. Native Web Resources & News and other native and indigenous peoples regardless of nation. As accessto the Web grows, as native peoples of other continents reach out through http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/rlinks/natives/webdirectories.html | |
62. E-Mail Discussion Lists K12 Education and indigenous peoples group. listserv@indycms.iupui.edu. NCPRSEL.Discussion of science education reform. listserv@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu. http://www.edwebproject.org/lists.html | |
63. Indigenous Language Links The site also highlights existing efforts to maintain indigenous languages knowledge about the state of language issues for American indigenous peoples. http://www.wested.org/lcd/indigenous_ll.htm |
64. Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal/indigenous peoples. Either/Or Multiculturalism and Biculturalism byMarian Boreland Critical article on Australian aboriginality, http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/eduweb/engl392/492/aboriginal.html | |
65. UNT Libraries: Government Information Connection, Law - Tribal Law working for the sovereignty and selfdetermination of indigenous peoples and NativeWeb Resources for indigenous Cultures Around the World (James http://www.library.unt.edu/govinfo/law/tribal.htm | |
66. DIALOGUE BETWEEN NATIONS- El Asunto Pueblo:auto-definicion I later learn he has disrupted at least four other genealogy listservs with the That is another reason why the prisons are 30%indigenous people from BC, http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/Speople/Spanish/spanishdefinition.asp | |
67. DIALOGUE BETWEEN NATIONS- The S People Issue:self Definition Video Translation The 400 million indigenous voices of the world are not heard peoples have human rights, but the United Nations calls us minorities. http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/Speople/English/englishdefinition.asp | |
68. RONA'S ULTIMATE TEACHER TOOLS: TRANSLATOR USE THIS FORM TO SEARCH FOR listservs ON OTHER TOPICS K12 Education andIndigenous peoples group. listserv@indycms.iupui.edu. http://www.myteachertools.com/old/listservs.htm | |
69. Cyberactivism, Sociology 4JJ3 - Group 9 The Zapatistas themselves are a poor indigenous people, who do not even know For if the poor, indigenous peoples of Chiapas were using the Internet for http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/soc4jj3_99/stuweb/gp9/indigenous.h | |
70. Zapatista Peace Talks Gains Come Slowly As Indigenous Rebel S The absence of Subcomandante Marcos, the EZLN s eloquent nonindigenous spokesperson Also check the listservs for the latest developments in the July 4, http://retanet.unm.edu/plans/attachments/zapatista_peace_talks.html | |
71. Purchase College - Library - Anthropology This site is produced by the Center for World indigenous Studies (CWIS).It contains information for, by and about indigenous peoples representing the http://www.purchase.edu/library/electronicresources/subjectresources/anthropolog | |
72. Native Peoples And American Indian West Inupiat of Artic Alaska Treats early history of Inupiat people, effects of cultural Intended as a cyberplace for the Earth s indigenous peoples, http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~amerstu/mw/indian.html | |
73. Multicultural Studies | Selected Web Resources Chicana Studies Home Page provides profiles of Chicana resources, listservs,organizations, Native or indigenous People top. Selected Resources http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/multicultural/webminstudies.html | |
74. Humanities Links indigenous peoples Literature has stories, poetry, quotes, famous people and morefrom native peoples good info. http//www.teleport.com/~mgroves/ http://avconline.avc.edu/avcoll/olhuman.html | |
75. USD - Treaties Relating To The Sioux NETWARRIORS Journal of the Global Caucus of indigenous peoples.Internationalindigenous issues are discussed on this site. Several countries represented. http://www.usd.edu/iais/relatedsites.cfm | |
76. IISD Mailing Lists | IISD An introduction to concepts, principles and key issues. Includes IISD s earlierwork on perspectives of Canadians, women, youth and indigenous peoples. http://www.iisd.org/mailinglists.asp | |
77. The Venezuela's Eco Portal To Eco-Tourism & Ecology The Rethinking Tourism Project (RTP) is an indigenous peoples nonprofit organization 4) Building our network of indigenous peoples, organizations and http://ecoportal.tripod.com/ecotourism-related-rethinking.htm | |
78. Queens University Of Charlotte - Anthropology native and nonnative peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples Supported by the Center for World indigenous Studies (CWIS) and the http://www.queens.edu/library/searchsubject/anthropology.asp | |
79. GST Gateway Biodiversity - Policy indigenous peoples, indigenous Knowledge and Innovations and the Convention onBiological Diversity by the indigenous People s Biodiversity Network (IPBN) http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/policy.html | |
80. GST Gateway New LInks This guide aims to provide practical information for indigenous peoples and indigenous peoples and the Information Society in Latin America and the http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/new.html | |
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