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81. U N P O - Home Page The International Day of the World s indigenous People Time to make the 13/07/2005 Resolution adopted by the VII general Assembly of the UNPO on 26 http://unpo.org/ | |
82. NativeWeb: Information As access to the Web grows and indigenous peoples reach out through Through NativeWeb, indigenous people (and peoples) become visible to each other and http://www.nativeweb.org/info/ | |
83. Regina Montoya, Statement In The Third Committee Of The General Assembly On The Committee of the general Assembly on the Decade of indigenous People Our strong stance in Geneva on the participation indigenous people in this http://www.un.int/usa/98_187.htm | |
84. WIPO/PR/2005/412: Director General Of WIPO Welcomes Signs Of Progress In Recogni On the occasion of the International Day of the World s indigenous People, onAugust 9, 2005, the Director general of the World Intellectual Property http://www.wipo.org/edocs/prdocs/en/2005/wipo_pr_2005_412.html | |
85. PR/2004/388 - WIPO DIRECTOR GENERAL WELCOMES GROWING RECOGNITION OF INDI WIPO DIRECTOR general WELCOMES GROWING RECOGNITION OF indigenous PEOPLE?S RIGHTS.On the occasion of the International Day of the World s indigenous People http://www.wipo.org/wilma/pressinfo-en/200408/msg00000.html | |
86. United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization International Day of the WorldÂs indigenous People. SAN.jpg Message from theDirectorgeneral of UNESCO on the International Day of the WorldÂs http://www.unesco.org/ |
87. Brazil Indians - Brazilink information on indigenous people in Brazil. Development Gateway pages onindigenous rights and Brazil (general); IADBInteramerican Development Bank http://www.brazilink.org/brazilianindigenous.asp | |
88. United Nations Office At Geneva | News & Media | STATEMENT BY DIRECTOR-GENERAL O STATEMENT BY DIRECTORgeneral OF UNOG AT CULTURAL EVENT MARKING INTERNATIONAL DAY OF In many parts of the world, indigenous people continue to be http://www.unog.ch/80256EDD006B9C2E/(httpNewsByYear_en)/C1850E2907AB910FC1257045 |
89. The United Nations General Assembly Has Formally Approved The "Second Internatio **indigenous People The report on the programme of activities for the the WorldÂs indigenous People, and would have the general Assembly proclaim that http://www.gcc.ca/printable.php?id=17 |
90. SECOND DECADE OF WORLD S INDIGENOUS PEOPLE FPcN Friends Of indigenous people required additional attention for their development and The Committee then took note of the note by the Secretarygeneral on the http://www.fpcn-global.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=89 |
91. UN Decade Of Awareness Fails To Advance Indigenous Peoples' Health Or Rights Announcement of new study reveals indigenous people feel their rights and healthneeds are not being met. http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/news/2003/indigenous.html | |
92. Science Blog -- SECRETARY-GENERAL STRESSES HUMAN RIGHTS OF WORLD'S INDIGENOUS PE Following is the text of Secretarygeneral Kofi Annan s message on the occasion It is an opportunity to raise public awareness about indigenous people s http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/1998/B/un981089.html | |
93. E/CN.4/1997/100 - Report Of The Secretary-General On The Activities Undertaken A indigenous people in the United Nations system indigenous people (A/51/493),which he submitted to the general Assembly at its fiftyfirst session. http://www.hri.ca/fortherecord1997/documentation/commission/e-cn4-1997-100.htm | |
94. Mexico - LANIC indigenous peoples Back to Top. Acción Zapatista CCD Utopia de Frente http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/mexico/ | |
95. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Canada's Native Peopl general ethnology. A History of the Native People of Canadahttp//www.civilization.ca/archeo/hnpc/npint00e.html Postcard Views ofIndigenous peoples http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www06c_e.html | |
96. *Ã*Â Wilson's Almanac Free Daily Ezine | Uh ..... Oh ........ ..... Links Alternative Peace New Age Pagan Festivals indigenous peoples. Holidays general_38 Human rights_36 Humor_81 indigenous peoples_25 http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/links/indigenouspeoples.html | |
97. The History Of Native America World History Archives top page The history in general of the Americas The history of Native America as a whole. Native Americans in North America http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/ | |
98. Indigenous People / Multidisciplinary Team San Jose Resolution on ILO action concerning indigenous and tribal peoples1. The GeneralConference of the International Labour Organisation, http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/ampro/mdtsanjose/indigenous/resoloit.ht | |
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