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61. Committtee On The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination, General Recommendation X general Recommendation XXIII indigenous peoples (Fiftyfirst session, (d) Ensure that members of indigenous peoples have equal rights in respect of http://wwwserver.law.wits.ac.za/humanrts/gencomm/genrexxiii.htm | |
62. Church Of Norway The rights of indigenous peoples The general Synod is of the opinion that thegovernmentÂs proposed legislation, Odelsting Proposition no. http://www.kirken.no/english/news.cfm?artid=16656 |
63. Abstracts - 65th IFLA Council And General Conference 65th IFLA Council and general Conference caribou, beluga whales and polarbears by indigenous peoples in the circumpolar Arctic region. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla65/65sate1.htm | |
64. Ninth General Assembly Of Indigenous Peoples And Ethnic Communities The Legal Commission of the general Assembly of indigenous peoples and Ethnic The IX general Assembly of indigenous People and Ethnic Communities also http://www.puebloindio.org/Moskitia/resoluti.htm | |
65. General Information For SEA Indegenous Peoples Some general references regarding the indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia.Links leading to outside sources will open a separate browser window so you http://www.bidness.com/dega/geninfo.html | |
66. The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples In some countries, indigenous peoples form the majority of the population; indigenous peoples rights treaties, but are part of more general treaties, http://www.hrusa.org/indig/studyguide.htm | |
67. The Protection Of Indigenous Peoples Rights Over Lands And Natural Resources . New international standards concerning the rights of indigenous peoples have specifically mentions indigenous peoples, both include general human rights http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/hrj/iss14/williams.shtml | |
68. Human Rights Education Library: General Reference Title, United Nations Guide for indigenous peoples Print Page Email Page Submit a suggestion for the section general reference . http://www.hrea.org/erc/Library/display.php?doc_id=2546&category_id=23&category_ |
69. HREOC Website: Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Social Justice on the Rights of indigenous peoples; and; Requests the Secretarygeneral The First International Decade of the WorldÂs indigenous People  A summary http://www.hreoc.gov.au/social_justice/2decade_indig.html | |
70. Defenders Of The Forests general articles published in the WRM bulletin. The GEF and indigenous Peoplessome findings of a recent critical study Paraguay Deforestation Zero Law http://www.wrm.org.uy/peoples/articles.html | |
71. Decision 524 - Working Group On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples a) To recommend measures for promoting the rights of indigenous peoples, particularlyin in general, cooperation among the indigenous peoples and native http://www.comunidadandina.org/ingles/treaties/dec/D524e.htm | |
72. Science Blog -- SECRETARY-GENERAL HAILS CONTRIBUTIONS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES TO H SG/SM/9005. SECRETARYgeneral HAILS CONTRIBUTIONS OF indigenous peoples indigenous peoples must play their full part at the international level, too. http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2003/C/un032468.html | |
73. UNEP & The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - About The MDGs - United Nations UNEP equally stresses the important role indigenous peoples play in designing Message of Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretarygeneral of the United Nations http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=448&ArticleID= |
74. General Background Information the Sámi community and about indigenous peoples in general in an effort topromote The Secretariat for the indigenous peoples Research Network, http://www.uit.no/ssweb/urfolksnettverket/introen.htm | |
75. NARCC - Issues This paper argues that despite a general tendency for formal education to becomemore DRAFT Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples 2005 http://action.web.ca/home/narcc/issues.shtml?cat_name=Aboriginal/Indigenous |
76. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations Coordinating Body for the indigenous peoples Organization of the Amazon Basin general Delivery Accord, NY 12404 People of the Earth http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
77. MYTHING LINKS / Indigenous Peoples: Maori This is another collection of links to Maori and general New Zealand history, This is another in an excellent, very rich series on indigenous peoples http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~maori.html | |
78. International Decade Of The World's Indigenous People (1995-2004) indigenous People (19952004) was proclaimed by the general Assembly in its The theme for the Decade is indigenous people partnership in action . http://www.ohchr.org/english/issues/indigenous/decade.htm | |
79. Anglican Council Of Indigenous Peoples We are indigenous peoples of Canada who have chosen to be partners in the worldwideAnglican Communion and the universal church. Our members come from the http://www.anglican.ca/about/committees/acip/ | |
80. The 5th Anglican Indigenous Sacred Circle Orgnaised by the Anglican Council of indigenous People (ACIP) and formerly Since 1989 indigenous Anglicans have attended general Synod as presenters and http://www.anglican.ca/about/committees/acip/sc2005/ | |
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