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61. The Society Of Indiana Pioneers Census Online Indiana Census Finder - Indiana. indiana genealogy sites.Indiana Genealogical Society Brown County GenWeb Dearborn County GenWeb http://www.indianapioneers.com/links.html | |
62. #Indiana Ancestry WebRing Passes checker test Firstmom s indiana genealogy Resources Firstmom s IndianaGenealogy Resource Website offers actual genealogy records, birth, death, http://r.webring.com/hub?ring=inanc |
63. Indiana Genealogy Resources indiana genealogy Resources. Indiana Genealogical Society PO Box 10507 FortWayne, IN 46852 Indiana Deaths, 18821920 - Genealogy.com http://www.distantcousin.com/States/IN.html | |
64. Indiana Genealogy Government Resourcesindiana genealogy. indiana genealogy Online (INGenWeb) South Bend Area Genealogical Other Related Information Indiana Census and Demographics http://members.amaonline.com/nrogers/indiana.htm | |
65. Indiana Genealogy Indiana resources for genealogy research including vital records (birth, death,marriage, divorce), Genealogical Society information and Indiana databases. http://www.all-genealogy.com/united-states/indiana.htm | |
66. Genealogy Directory Of Indiana indiana genealogy Directory Internet Business Directory for the United States Link Your Business in the indiana genealogy Directory http://indiana.uscity.net/Genealogy/ | |
67. My Genealogy Bookmarks Genealogy Chat Rooms; Southeastern indiana genealogy Chat Room GenForum Chat Room Acts of Genealogical Kindness Indiana Lookups http://myindianahome.net/gen/jeff/bookmark.html | |
68. Indiana Family History - Indiana Birth Records. Indiana Family Search Page. Indiana Family History. Indiana Birth Records. indiana genealogy Search.Discover Your Family History While Building Your Family Tree. http://www.familyhistory.com/state.asp?state=IN |
69. Domain Name Renewal And Web Hosting From Network Solutions Genealogical and historical information pertaining to Whitley County, Indiana. http://whitley.kneller.com/ | |
70. Indiana Genealogy Expert Witnesses & Consultants - Expert Pages Indiana Experts expert witnesses Experts who specialize in genealogicalresearch primarily to locate missing persons. Also researching titles, estates, http://expertpages.com/experts.php/genealogy_indiana.htm | |
71. Archives Genealogy Resources Illinois Genealogy Resources indiana genealogy indiana genealogy Resources. Indiana State Library Genealogy Section http://www.danville.lib.il.us/archives.htm | |
72. Local Information And Resources Links -- Granduncle Mark's Genealogy Parlor Daviess, Knox, Martin Counties Evan s Southern indiana genealogy Site Floyd County, Indiana (New Albany) (my site, with more links) http://home.insightbb.com/~Grand_Uncle_Mark/local.html | |
73. Indiana Genealogy Links - Indiana Geneology over 170 genealogy links for Indiana including census records,military records,cemetery.. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/indiana/ | |
74. Indiana Genealogy Books HHINGEN1 MANUAL FOR INDIANA GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH HHIN-GNAT GENEALOGICALATLAS OF INDIANA by Charles M. Franklin, 44 pp., 8.5 x 11 , Softbound . http://www.yogs.com/in/Indiana.html | |
75. INGenWeb - Indiana Genealogy Online To access the individual counties use the jump table or the map. Not sure of whatcounty? Then select the Unknown county. http://www.ingenweb.net/ingen_county.htm | |
76. Indiana Local History And Genealogy Research Guide Research indiana local history by county, category and era. Includes genealogy information, timeline, and links. http://home.att.net/~Local_History/IN_History.htm | |
77. Hancock Co. IN Genealogy Part of the INGenWeb project. Local history, obituaries, links to related resources. http://www.rootsquest.com/~indiana/hancock/ | |
78. Taber Wiseman Tetzloff Hoeckelberg Genealogy Ancestral database including families of F¼rstenau, Osnabr¼ck, WeserEms, Germany to Northwestern indiana. Compiled by William Taber. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hoeckelberg/ | |
79. Indiana Genealogical Society--Speaker's Bureau The indiana Genealogical Society maintains a list of people who are willing tospeak on Beginning genealogy; county cemeteries; indiana county research; http://www.indgensoc.org/speakers.html | |
80. Homepage Of Sharon Frepan Ancestors and descendants of Robert and Augusta Frepan from Germany, as compiled by Sharon Frepan. Features the lineages of South Bend, indiana. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~frepan/ | |
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