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161. Twenty Years Since The Air India Bombings Part 1: Why Is The Canadian Government the separatists and the Indian government had intensified dramatically. In June 1984, the Indian government ordered the army to strike at the separatist http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/jul2005/ind1-j29.shtml | |
162. Www.noormicrofilmindia.com/index.htm Creates microfilms of Persian and Islamic manuscripts preserved in the private collections and government libraries all over india. The complete catalogue of microfilms provided. http://www.noormicrofilmindia.com | |
163. India - Amnesty International REPUBLIC OF india Head of state APJ Abdul Kalam Head of government Atal Bihari AI delegates visited india in April and met government and other http://web.amnesty.org/report2003/Ind-summary-eng | |
164. Textiles Committee, Mumbai A statutory body under government of india, ministry of textiles. Committed to promotion of quality and excellence in textile industry. http://textilescommittee.nic.in | |
165. CNN.com - Indian Government Statement - January 13, 2002 Following is the full text of the Indian government statement read Sunday by Indian External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh. http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/south/01/13/india.statement/ | |
166. India Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project report documents the causes of bonded labor, case studies, statistics and government policies which deal with this socioeconomic phenomena. http://www.hrw.org/reports/1996/India3.htm | |
167. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CENTRE FOR TEXTILE INDUSTRY-ATIRA Ahmedabad-HomePage india. government funded research and information institute for the indian textile and apparel industry, focused on the development of electronic databases. http://www.itcti.com/ | |
168. Press Information Bureau Government Of India Presents information to the press and public on government policy. Website also has features on important topics, and accreditation information for http://pib.nic.in/ | |
169. CNN - India's Coalition Government Wins Vote Of Confidence - March 28, 1998 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9803/28/india/index.html | |
170. CBS News | India's AIDS Children Shunned | July 29, 2004Â 00:52:54 The report urged the Indian government to adopt laws banning Meenakshi DuttaGhosh, who heads the Indian government s National AIDS Control Organization http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/07/28/world/main632654.shtml | |
171. BBC NEWS | South Asia | Historic Kashmir Talks Bring Hope india's government and Kashmiri moderates agree to look for ways to end the violence in the troubled region. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3416823.stm | |
172. Movement In India For Nuclear Disarmament The Indian governmentÂs dangerous move towards nuclear weaponsiation has now brought forth a similar Pakistani response which also needs to be condemned. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/MIND123/ | |
173. Welcome To Directorate General Of Shipping, Mumbai. Statutory Maritime authority appointed by government of india under Merchant Shipping Act 1958. Responsible for implementation of the provisions of the act. http://dgshipping.nic.in/ |
174. Nuclear Weapons - India Nuclear Forces In August 1999, the Indian government released a draft of the doctrine which asserts Offical Documents and Information Released by the Indian government http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/india/nuke/ | |
175. Central Vigilance Commission The official site of central vigilance commission set up by the government of india to advise and guide central government agencies in the field of vigilance and corruption. Individuals can register complaints online. http://cvc.nic.in/ | |
176. WISE/NIRS Nuclear Monitor; SOUTH INDIA APPEALS TO NEW GOVERNMENT WISE/NIRS NM 611.5614; The People s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) has issued an appeal to the new Indian government on behalf of the people of http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/611/5614.php | |
177. Madras Export Processing Zone Administered by an office under the Ministry of Commerce, government of india, services are intended to provide an environment for production at low costs. http://www.webindia.com/mepz |
178. Staff Selection Commission Makes recruitment to nontechnical group 'C' and group 'B' non gazetted posts in Ministries/ Departments of the government of india, the C.A.G, and the offices of the Accountant General. The Commission is also responsible for formulation of policies including schemes of examination and other procedures for smooth conduct of examinations/selection tests. http://ssc.nic.in/ | |
179. Refugees International: Articles: Sri Lankan Refugees In India: Hesitant To Retu None of the refugees alleged to us that the government of india is Continue to request permission from the government of india to visit the camps to http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/933/ | |
180. The Daily Summit - India's Government Is Under Pressure News, views and links live from the World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva updated throughout the day. http://www.dailysummit.net/english/archives/2003/11/10/indias_government_is_unde | |
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