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121. CNN - BJP Leader Asked To Form New Indian Government - Mar. 15, 1998 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9803/15/india.update/index.html | |
122. Millions In India To Get OpenOffice - ZDNet UK News The Indian government is trying to encourage the use of computers across the country by distributing free CDs that contain localised versions of popular http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/applications/0,39020384,39199972,00.htm | |
123. Feature A press information bureau report by the government of india on the setting up of the commission in 1992. http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr2002/fmar2002/f050320021.html | |
124. Chat_interface_homepage2 General chat on National Informatics Center government of india website. http://chat.nic.in/eshare/server?action=4 |
125. CIA - The World Factbook -- India Features a map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/in.html | |
126. CNN.com - Indian Government Defeats Challenge On Mosque Furor - December 14, 200 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/south/12/14/india.mosque.02.reut/index.html | |
127. Newindpress.com - Login Archives From New india Press, indian government has decided to take up excavation along the entire stretch of what was once the route of the long dried Saraswati river from Haryana to Gujarat. http://www.newindpress.com/Newsitems.asp?ID=IEH20030725112452&Page=H&Tit |
128. News | Canada.com Network india s government on alert for bird flu as migrating birds arrive BANGALORE, india (AP) india s government warned health and wildlife officials http://www.canada.com/news/agriculture/story.html?id=5898ab78-f154-459e-a0ad-82d |
129. Welcome Page Of Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd. A government of india enterprise engaged in the design, engineering and manufacture of capital equipment, machine tools and spares. http://www.hecltd.com/ | |
130. Welcome To Webel India West Bengal government Agency promoting software and electronics industry in the state. http://www.webel-india.com/ | |
131. Furor In India Over New Approvals Of Monsanto GMO Cotton In 2001, the Indian government issued a new seeds policy. This policy stated that genetically modified seeds would have to adhere to norms like http://www.organicconsumers.org/clothes/india042605.cfm | |
132. The Total Telecom And IT Solution Provider Manufactures telecommunications equipment. Describes products and activities of the business, and relationship to other branches of the industry, and to government. http://www.itiltd-india.com | |
133. National Fire Service College, Nagpur This Firemen Training College is run by the government of india, Ministry of Home Affairs. Contains useful program information. http://nfscnagpur.nic.in/ |
134. NRILinks - India - Adoption - Guidelines For Adoption Of An Indian Children Information about procedure, requirements, documentation, and agencies, presented by the government of india. http://www.nrilinks.com/india/adoption/adoption.asp | |
135. CNN - Sonia Gandhi Finds New Obstacle In Indian Government Bid - April 19, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9904/19/india.01/index.html | |
136. ILO -Unemployment Among Youth In India - Pravin Visaria - Employment Sector An essay by Pravin Visaria covering unemployment issues, government policies and legislations for promoting youth employment in india. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/strat/publ/etp36.htm | |
137. New Delhi & The Tamil Struggle - An Amoral Role The fact that the Indian government has supported the struggle is self evident. And if both the Indian government and the Sri Lankan government are http://www.tamilnation.org/intframe/india/ | |
138. National Handloom Development Corporation Ltd. india. government organization, involved in the development of the cottage hand loom textile industry. Yarn rates. List of yarn spinning mills. Links to related sites. http://www.nhdcltd.com/ | |
139. Untitled Document A nodal agency setup by the government of india. Information about manufacturing centres, objectives, and provides a exporters directory. http://www.sportsgoodsindia.org |
140. Ministry Of Environment & Forests, Government Of India Official government of india site on planning, promotion and coordination of environmental and forestry programmes. http://envfor.nic.in/ | |
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