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101. India Policy Institute An Internet based thinktank on india that dwells on issues like economy, governance, social change, capitalism, socialism and government policies amongst other topics. http://indiapolicy.org |
102. India: Environmental Issues india is the only country that has a separate government ministry The indian government s ability to safeguard the country s environment will depend on http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/indiaenv.html | |
103. Welcome To Www.designdiary.com india. government institute, created with the objective of making innovative, ethnic and contemporary design available to the textile sector. Trends and forecast. Gallery of handcrafted textiles. http://www.designdiary.nic.in/ | |
104. India Country Analysis Brief The Indian government controls almost all coal production, which has been The Indian government is increasingly turning to renewable energy, however, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/india.html | |
105. India Tourist Office Europe Official government of india's tourism site for European tourists. http://india-tourism.com/eindex.cfm |
106. Statement Of The Government Of The People's Republic Of China but all three times met with the refusal of the Indian government. The Indian government insisted that negotiations cannot start until China has http://www.marxists.org/subject/india/sino-india-boundary-question/ch01.htm | |
107. SOPA National level body representing soybean processors, farmers, exporters, and brokers. Covers activities, market updates, government notifications, events and related resources. http://www.sopa.org/ | |
108. Karl Marx In The New-York Tribune 1853 Who is that home government? Is it the indian Minister, disguised under the The real Court of Directors and the real Home government, c., of india are http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/07/20.htm | |
109. COIR IS GREEN BUSINESS Development organization for the coir industry, established by the Indian government and involved in market promotion, research, education and training. Company directory for manufacturers and traders. List of articles on PDF files. Business statistics. Calendar of events. http://www.coirindia.org/ | |
110.  About AISGEF Trade union organisation representing seven million state employees and teachers in 25 states. http://www.tradeunionindia.org/about_aisgef.htm | |
111. Stock Holding Corporation Of India Limited - Online Services india's first and largest depository participant. An initiative of government backed major financial institutions http://online.stockholding.com/flash_home.cfm | |
112. India Daily  Indian Field Intelligence And Remote Viewers Warn Indian Governme Sources close to the government report that indiaÂs intelligence agencies have sensed something foul on the Pakistani side. Details are being held back but http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/12-18d-04.asp | |
113. National Stock Exchange (NSE) Official site with updated information on scrips, indices, corporate affairs and current activities. Trades equities, corporate bonds, government paper and derivatives. Offers realtime prices and quotes. http://www.nse-india.com/ |
114. Ministry Of Education, Government Of India - Home Page - Welcome Details on national education policies, schemes, scholarships, statistics, and also malpractice alerts. http://www.education.nic.in/ |
115. MSN Encarta - India Reference material on india, including facts about geography, economy and government. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArtContent.aspx?refid=761557562 |
116. Governments On The WWW: India Consulate General of india in Frankfurt, Germany government of india Tourist Office in Frankfurt, Germany High Commission of india in London, http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/in.html | |
117. Welcome To Films Services India Services for foreign film makers shooting in india and Nepal including obtaining government clearances, crewing, production and postproduction. http://filmservicesindia.com | |
118. MPs Ask For IT Lessons From India - Government & Law - Breaking Business And Tec silicon.com is the mustread executive briefing sheet for business and IT professionals- giving you the strategic insight to make technology investments http://management.silicon.com/government/0,39024677,39150665,00.htm | |
119. [ TEXPROCIL ] THE COTTON TEXTILES EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL OF INDIA, Cotton Yarn Features industry overview, quota news, events, promotion schemes, government policies, and related trade resources. http://www.texprocil.com/ | |
120. Government Policies - Favorable Government Policies - Government Policies And BP government Policies Favorable government Policies - government Policies And BPOs - india Outsourcing Advantage. http://www.indobase.com/bpo/why-india/govt-policy.html | |
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