HOME Programs B.A. Geography B.A.Env. Studies ... Alumni DOCS/LINKS General University Home NEIU Webmail Admissions/Records ... BELIZE TRIP Click on panorama to zoom or stop. W The NEIU Campus has devoted large areas to natural prairie, which are maintained and periodically burned by the department of G&ES and the G&ES student club, Geomaniacs. The department also maintains a GIS inventory of all trees, shrubs, and planted areas on campus in one of its two computer laboratories. The University has "smart classrooms" and student computer labs situated across campus, and provides all students with an internet account, hosting and email with generous space. It has an excellent library and all the standard facilities one would expect at a University of this size. Visit the bookstore and cafeteria in the Student Union, and tour the Physical Education building located on the southern end of campus. Ample parking is now available in the new three story garage. Northeastern is conveniently located on Chicago's far north side. The city offers many opportunities for internships, volunteer work, and first-hand experience in environmental and geographic organizations throughout the urban environment. The department takes pride in its ability to integrate experiences in the local environment with traditional academic coursework. Many geographic and environmental professionals teach courses in the department as adjunct faculty, and thereby share their knowledge and experience and create unique and valuable connections for employment. Follow the Personnel, Alumni link to see what our graduates are doing now. | |