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41. Welcome To The Illinois Early Learning Project Site Montage, illinois Early Learning Project www.illinoisearlylearning.org Funded by the illinois State Board of education http://www.illinoisearlylearning.org/ | |
42. RNT - Department Of Education (208) 3342270; http//www.idahoboardofed.org/ top. illinois illinois State Board of education, Teacher Certification, 100 North 1st Street, Springfield http://www.rnt.org/channels/clearinghouse/deptedu.asp | |
43. Problem Based Learning Initiative - Core Page They are able to provide education, consultation and support to teachers and The application of PBL at Southern illinois University is seen in the http://www.pbli.org/ | |
44. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) State Higher education Agency. Provide information on the state s education programs, colleges and Website http//www.idahoboardofed.org/ illinois Top http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_ID=SHE |
45. ILHeadStart.org | Home Page What s New on ILHeadStart.org . illinois Head Start Association illinois Child Care Resources for Collaboration agencies, organizations, Web Sites and http://www.ilheadstart.org/ | |
46. NAAEE: The National Project For Excellence In Environmental Education Environmental education Materials Guidelines for Excellence The Workbook (HTML and Northern illinois University Department of Teacher and Learning http://naaee.org/npeee/ | |
47. Educational Policy: Education Service Agency (ESA) educational Service Agency (ESA) Alliance Information Page Click on the state for a listing of education Service Agency sites for that state. illinois http://www.ncrel.org/policy/network/esa.htm | |
48. Illinois The illinois State Board of education and Western illinois University collaborate on The state education agency has only recently begun to use the newer http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/94/94-3il.htm | |
49. FinAid | Other Types Of Aid | US State Government Aid illinois illinois Student Assistance Commission 1755 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, illinois 600155209 Pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/state.phtml | |
50. Agency Information For ICA health treatment, and educational agency dedicated to serving people with autism. ICA is approved by the illinois State Board of education (ISBE ) http://www.illinoiscenterforautism.org/ | |
51. Leaving Kids Behind In Illinois educationNews.org A Partner in Insight and Commentary How ironic that special education should be the first consideration for program cuts, http://www.educationnews.org/leaving-kids-behind-in-illinois.htm | |
52. Illinois Music Educators Association The official US Government agency that implements Federal education legislation www.artsalliance.org. Since 1982, the illinois Arts Alliance/Foundation http://www.ilmea.org/links.shtml | |
53. IJive.com Search Engine: Illinois: Education: Organizations http//www.ilmea.org/. illinois State Board of education State agency overseeing public education. http//www.isbe.state.il.us/ http://ijive.com/Illinois/Education/Organizations/ | |
54. IJive.com Search Engine: Illinois: Education http//ericeece.org/. IEL illinois Early Learning Program Developed by the illinois State Board of education with the assistance of hundreds of http://ijive.com/Illinois/Education/ | |
55. State Government Education Resources - Careers.Org State Government education Resources. Directory of over 7000 links to jobs, State Board for Educator Certification Texas education agencies http://www.careers.org/topic/06-65-state-government-education-resources.html | |
56. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Illinois State Resources State education Agency Rural Representative Design Facilitator Dept. of Rural education email info@designsforchange.org. Protection and Advocacy Agency http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/illinois.html | |
57. LD OnLine - Legal Briefs From Matt Cohen This could be pursued through the state licensing agency or the of several amendments to the mental health and special education laws of illinois. http://www.ldonline.org/article.php?id=0&loc=9 |
58. Educational Technology Cooperative An overview of Webbased learning at Texas education Agency is found here The mission of the illinois Virtual High School is to use new and emerging http://www.sreb.org/programs/EdTech/onlinelearning/initiatives.asp | |
59. Educational Technology Cooperative Texas education Agency IQ Project Investigating Quality (IQ) of Quality Online The illinois State Board of education adopted these policies as the http://www.sreb.org/programs/EdTech/onlinelearning/policies.asp | |
60. Education Industry Association: Welcome EIA gives mixed reviews of illinois State Board of education proposed SES rules. For a free PDF copy of the Brief, go to www.tutorsforkids.org http://www.educationindustry.org/ | |
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