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81. Idaho Mountain Express : School Board Approves Annual Budget:Â For The Week Of The general Maintenance and Operating Fund for the school year 20032004 idaho Rep. Wendy Jaquet, D-Ketchum, attended the school board meeting last week http://www.mtexpress.com/2003/03-06-18/03-06-18school$.htm | |
82. Committee Reports HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 2d Session. 105705 SALE, LEASE, OR EXCHANGE OF idaho SCHOOL LAND (A) IN general- Proceeds of the sale of school land http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/T?&report=hr705&dbname=cp105& |
83. Committee Reports S. 2226 idaho SCHOOL LAND AMENDMENT. S. 2226 would amend the idaho Admission Act with regard to (A) IN general Proceeds of the sale of school land http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/T?&report=sr393&dbname=cp105& |
84. Admission An of ficial copy of the GRE must be sent to the Graduate School, idaho State the required documents for general admission to idaho State University. http://www.iwa.hokkyodai.ac.jp/relations/idaho/isu/isa/admission/general.html | |
85. Idaho National Laboratory - Page Has Moved ISDE then helps idaho school districts meet their equipment needs by generating a list of For general inquiries about INEEL, please call 1800-708-2680 http://education.inel.gov/precollege/math-sci-gift.asp | |
86. Idaho Observer: Idaho Legislature Wants To Amend Constitution, Sell Public Schoo of the State of idaho at the next general election shall be as follows Change the name of the Public School Fund to the Public School Permanent http://proliberty.com/observer/20001101.htm | |
87. OHSU: School Of Medicine: General Information: Announcements in Cardiology at Massachusetts general Hospital, Harvard Medical School. St. Luke s Internal Medicine, Boise, idaho, primary care preceptorship http://www.ohsu.edu/som/dean/general/announcements.shtml | |
88. Idaho Transportation Department Communities across the country are embracing Safe Routes to School programs In 2000, California created a statewide Safe Routes to School program using http://itd.idaho.gov/bike_ped/sr2s/general.html | |
89. Crapo: IDAHO PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO RECEIVE SENATE COMPUTERS: 07/11/2005 Washington, DC Five idaho schools will have twenty-five US Senate computers Placing these computers in idaho schools gives students access to a vital http://crapo.senate.gov/media/newsreleases/release_full.cfm?id=240331&& |
90. Boundary County Fast Facts Boundary County, idaho. Fast Facts . Useful Information School District 101 Emergency Information Line (208) 2678934 http://www.boundary-idaho.com/fastfacts.htm |
91. Cambridge, Idaho Detailed Profile - Travel And Real Estate Info, Jobs, Hotels, H Profiles Cambridge, idaho local houses, apartments, residents, hotels, CAMBRIDGE JUNIORSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Students 123; Location 40 NORTH 4TH STREET http://www.city-data.com/city/Cambridge-Idaho.html | |
92. Attorney General Lockyer Announces Start Of Free CD Distribution To Libraries, S (SACRAMENTO) Â Attorney general Bill Lockyer announced more than 1200 Each K12 school site will receive an average of 29 CDs, while libraries will http://caag.state.ca.us/newsalerts/2005/05-027.htm | |
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