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Idaho K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
81. Jenifer Junior High School (Lewiston, Idaho) Student handbook, staff list, calendar, and information about sports and special programs. Grades 78. http://www.lewiston.k12.id.us/jenifer/ | |
82. Idaho Digital Learning Academy The funding will help provide additional services to idaho School Districts. 777 South Latah Boise, idaho 83705 idla@idla.k12.id.us (208) 3420207. http://idla.k12.id.us/ | |
83. MSD134 Middleton School District 134 5 South 3rd Ave West Middleton, idaho 83644 208585-3027 fax 208-585-3028. the Future in Progress http://www.sd134.k12.id.us/ | |
84. Home Page We are a small rural elementary school located in Kellogg, idaho, USA. We are part of Joint School District 391, and our current school population is 276 http://www.sd391.k12.id.us/sunnyside/ | |
85. Pocatello Community Charter School - Pocatello, Idaho Pocatello Community Charter School We are Crew, Not Passengers - Expeditionary Learning, State of the Art Education. http://www.pccs.k12.id.us/ | |
86. Welcome To Coeur D'Alene Schools School Board elects leadership, sets meeting dates for coming year. The Coeur d Alene School Board, at its annual reorganization meeting on July 11, http://www.cdaschools.org/ | |
87. Wired News: States Rethinking Virtual School They (K12 s Florida Virtual Academy) are a private school receiving K12 s close ties with government officials in idaho have state legislators fuming. http://wired.com/news/print/0,1294,62889,00.html | |
88. Schooldi Dietrich School District 314 406 North Part Dietrich, idaho 83324 Phone 208544-2158 Fax 208-544-2832 Emailpeteb@d314.k12.id.us http://www.csi.edu/prospectiveStudents_/highschool/techprep/schooldi.htm | |
89. Shelley School District 60 Welcome to the home of the Shelley idaho School District. Here we have news and information on what is new and exciting in our district as well as the http://sd60.k12.id.us/ | |
90. Comprehensive Analysis Of K-12 Education Finance In Oregon: Fact Sheet Blue button (.gif), Comprehensive Analysis of k12 Education Finance in Oregon Copyright 2005 Oregon School Boards Association 1201 Court Street NE, http://www.osba.org/hotopics/funding/2002/analysis/facts.htm | |
91. Www.d55.k12.id.us/ http://www.d55.k12.id.us/ |
92. School District No. 25 (Pocatello) Calendar, school web sites, mission statement, staff email directory, district news, curriculum, and budget information. http://www.d25.k12.id.us/ |
93. K12 K12 High School Courses Courses for students in grades nine through twelve! K12 PhonicsWorks Prepare your child to become an independent reader! http://k12.com/ | |
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