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Idaho Coop Ext Service: more detail | ||||
42. Weed-ID-Links http//www.arapcsuext.org/agri/fbindwd.htm CO. St. Univ. coop. ext. http//www.oneplan.state.id.us/pest/nw14.htm idaho s Noxiuos Weeds http://mtwow.org/Weed-ID-Links.htm | |
43. National Park Service - Nature & Science: Biologic Resources National Park service Home Nature Science Home, National Park service 1989. Spiders. extension Bulletin E72, Purdue Univ. coop. ext. Ser. http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/ipm/manual/spiders.htm | |
44. NIMSS: Project Home Pages - View Publications Southern idaho Fertilizer Guide Irrigated Alfalfa. idaho cooperative extension State Univ. coop. ext. XCM574A Sharkoff, JL, RM Waskom and TA Bauder. http://lgu.umd.edu/lgu_v2/homepages/pub.cfm?trackID=405 |
45. Delaware-Illinois coop ext Svc 875 Komohana Street Hilo, HI 967202757, Phone 808/959-9155 Fax808/959-3101 idaho Falls Research ext.Center 1776 Science Center Drive http://www.apsnet.org/directories/extension/deil.htm | |
46. My Master Gardener Page Los Angeles Master Gardeners , Univ. of Calif. coop. ext. University of idahocooperative extension System Latah County idaho Master Gardener http://www.hal-pc.org/~trobb/mastgar.html | |
47. Nutrition, Exercise, & Wellness Resources PRODUCER University of idaho cooperative extension Satellite downlinks, PRODUCER UA coop ext Ag Communications, 1994 PROGRAM ½ VHS, 34 min http://ag.arizona.edu/NSC/new/resource/nutrition.htm | |
48. Interregional Research Project #4 ext. service Hort Crops Res. Station 3800 Castle Hayne Road Castle Hayne, NC, 28429 Univ of California coop ext Suite B 2279 Del Oro Ave http://ir4.rutgers.edu/Cindex.cfm?nd=nd&letter=C |
49. Indoor Air Quality Resources www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/freepubs/RAD-01250.pdf cooperative extensionservice-Alaska Energy and Housing Resources cooperative extension service http://www4.nau.edu/eeop/iaq_resources.html | |
50. Florist New Haven Connecticut, Connecticut Agric., coop. ext. Serv. S544.3.N3C66 ISSN 08951985 Reno, Nev. The College.Fact sheet - cooperative extension service, University of Maryland Fact sheet http://creekin.net/k19675-n210-florist-new-haven-connecticut-connecticut.html | |
51. What To Expect In A Forest Inventory Woodland Owner Notes No. 19. NC coop. ext. Serv. Raleigh. 7pp. US Departmentof Agriculture, cooperative extension service, University of Florida, IFAS, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FR131 | |
52. Establishing And Maintaining Wildlife Food Sources FL coop. ext. Serv., IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 9p. Chris Demers, Alan Long and Chris Latt, cooperative extension service, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FR062 | |
53. Journal List Agricultural Sciences, idaho coop ext SERV BULL, idaho coopERATIVE extENSIONSERVICE BULLETIN. Agricultural Sciences, ILL AGR EXP STA BULL http://www.in-cites.com/journal-list/ | |
54. References http//www.uaf.edu/coop ext/publications/freepubs/HGA 00036.pdf University ofIdaho College of Agriculture cooperative extension service http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/lawn/src/reference.htm | |
55. CASD Members cooperative extension service 217 Agricultural Admin Building Jpowell@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Steve Crofts, Administrative Assistant http://www.casd.cornell.edu/consortium/members.htm | |
56. Technical | Idaho NRCS TECHNICAL SOIL service PROGRAM FOR idaho. Technical Soil services Team idaho Falls, idaho 83401 Phone 208522-5137 ext. 115 FAX 208-522-0280 http://www.id.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soils/technical.html | |
57. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
58. Yankee Magazine - Gardening Reference Room: Cooperative Extension Services Knowledge and KnowHow cooperative extension Services. Alabama www.aces.edu.Alaska www.uaf.edu/coop-ext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.yankeemagazine.com/garden/knowledge/cooperativeextension.php | |
59. The Old Farmer's Almanac - Cooperative Extension Services cooperative extension Services. Contact your local state cooperative extension Web www.uaf.edu/coopext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.almanac.com/garden/resource/coopext.php | |
60. Priester Conference 2000 - Participants Sarah L. Anderson University of Arkansas coop ext Services PO Box 391 Fax720913-5289 Email jfrobose@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Barbara Garland http://www.nnh.org/newpriester/participants00.htm | |
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