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         Icon Programming:     more books (68)
  1. Icon Programming Language, 3rd Edition by Ralph E. Griswold, Madge T. Griswold, 2000-06-24
  2. Implementation of the Icon Programming Language (Princeton Series in Computer Science) by Ralph E. Griswold, 1987-02
  3. Icon Programming Language, 3Rd Edition by With Madge Griswold Ralph E. Griswold, 1996
  4. The Icon Programming Language by Ralph E. and Madge T. Griswold, 1983
  5. Icon Programming for Humanists/Book and Disk by Alan D. Corre, 1990-01
  6. Graphics Programming in Icon by Ralph E. Griswold, Clinton L. Jeffery, et all 2000-06-14
  7. The Icon Collection: Logo Book III Thinking and Programming in Logo by John Cameron, Tom Hellsten, 1988-03
  8. The Icon Collection: C Book II (An Introduction to Programming) by John Herriott, 1986-09
  9. Reference manual for the Icon programming language by Ralph E Griswold, 1979
  10. Cica for Windows Cdrom: 3000 Programs for Microsoft Windows, Utilities, Games, Icons, Programming Tools/Cd-Rom by Walnut Creek CD-ROM, 1994-08
  11. Programming Icons (D.A.I. research paper) by Marlene Kliman, 1984
  12. Reference manual for the Icon programming language: Version 3 (C implementation for UNIX) (TR80-2) by Cary A Coutant, 1980
  13. Cica the Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows: 4855 Programs (1,072 Mb for Microsoft Windows. Utilities, Games, Icons, Programming Tools/2) by Creek Cdrom Walnut, 1995-08
  14. Reference manual for the Icon programming language: Version 5 (C implementation for UNIX) by Cary A Coutant, 1981

1. The Icon Programming Language
Imperative, procedural, highlevel, general purpose, many features for processing data structures, character strings, C/Pascal-like syntax, but far higher
The Icon Programming Language
Current status report (last updated April 16, 2003) Icon 9.4 for Unix
Icon 9.4 for Macintosh

Icon 9.3 for Windows

Icon 9.4 Library
Icon is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with a large repertoire of features for processing data structures and character strings. Icon is an imperative, procedural language with a syntax reminiscent of C and Pascal, but with semantics at a much higher level.
Language Information
Ralph Griswold's Overview
Dave Hanson's Brief Introduction
Bill Mitchell's introduction and slides
John Shipman's Tutorial (at NM Tech)
Tom Christopher's Icon Handbook
Reference Information

Programming Corner
Current Release Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions
Books about Icon Technical Reports ... The Icon Analyst
Version 9.4.2 for Unix Version 9.4.2 for Macintosh Version 9.3.2 for Windows Java-Based "Jcon" ... All versions
Program Library
Packages Indexes Submission Guidelines Technical Support ... Department of Computer Science e-mail:

2. The Icon Handbook
PDF copy of the icon programming Language Handbook.

3. The Icon Programming Language
The icon programming Language. Current status report (last updated April 16, 2003)

4. Icon Programming Language FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about the icon programming language The core language is covered in The icon programming Language (third edition)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Icon programming language
Last updated August 13, 2005
Learning about Icon
A1. What is Icon?

A2. What is Icon good for?

A3. What are Icon's distinguishing characteristics?

A4. What is the Icon program library?
A7. How about comprehensive documentation?

B1. What platforms support Icon?

B2. How do I get started with Icon?
B3. Is there a Unicode version of Icon? B4. What happened to the compiler? Administration C1. What is the Icon Project? C2. How often is the on-line material updated? C3. Where did Icon come from? C4. Where is Icon going? Support D1. Is there a users' group for Icon? D2. How do I get technical support? Programming E1. Why doesn't work with every E2. Why doesn't string invocation such as ... E4. Can I open a bidirectional pipe?
Learning about Icon
What is Icon?
Icon is a very high level general-purpose programming language with extensive features for processing strings (text) and data structures. Icon is an imperative, procedural language with a syntax that is reminiscent of C and Pascal, but with semantics at a much higher level. Icon has a novel expression-evaluation mechanism that integrates goal-directed evaluation and backtracking with conventional control structures. It has a string scanning facility for pattern matching that avoids the tedious details usually associated with analyzing strings. Icon's built-in data structures include sets and tables with associative lookup, lists that can be used as vectors or stacks and queues, and records.

5. Current Books About Icon
The icon programming Language Third Edition contents cover image

6. Icon Programming Language FAQ
Icon is a very high level generalpurpose programming language with extensive The core language is covered in The icon programming Language (third
Usenet FAQs Search Web FAQs Documents ... RFC Index
Icon Programming Language FAQ
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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Last Update June 15 2004 @ 00:23 AM

7. ComputersWorld Wide WebProgrammingIcons
Wide Web Programming Icons Clip Art@ (2) Al's Icon Library Just some icons I"ve collected along the way Anthony's Icon Library

8. The Icon Programming Language
See also. The list of printed and online `References for the icon programming language The main Icon language site at the University of Arizona.
Next Previous Index TCC Help System ... NM Tech homepage
The Icon programming language
Icon is a modern, high-level language with excellent features for parsing and building data structures. See also: Next: The Lisp and Scheme programming languages
See also: Selecting a programming language
Previous: The Fortran programming language
Site map

Index: Keyword index to help pages
Help: New Mexico Tech Computer Center: Help System
TCC Publications

About New Mexico Tech
John Shipman,
Last updated: 2000/03/14 22:12:47 UT

9. - The Unicon Programming Language Home Page
A portable, high level network and graphics savy _QUOTATION_modern dialect_QUOTATION_ descending from the icon programming language with support for

10. A Tutorial For The Icon Programming Language
Icon is a large, fullfeatured, high-level programming language. To see a small but complete Icon program, see `Icon says hello .
Next / Previous / Index TCC Help System Publications Site map ... NM Tech homepage
A tutorial for the Icon programming language
Icon is a large, full-featured, high-level programming language. Also, some of its features-especially the way expressions work-are very different than a lot of other languages. To get a taste of Icon, work your way through this tutorial. Next: Text processing in Icon
See also: The Icon programming language
Site map

Index: Keyword index to help pages
Help: New Mexico Tech Computer Center: Help System
TCC Publications

About New Mexico Tech
John Shipman,

11. The Icon Programming Language
Information on many aspects of icon programming

12. The Icon Programming Language
The Latest Implementations of Icon and the Icon program library are 9.1 and 9.2, Version 9.0 of the icon programming Language, IPD236, Department of
The Icon Programming Language
Click below to go directly to a specific section:
Significant Language Features Areas of Application Sample Programs ... Acknowledgements
Icon is a derivation of SNOBOL, a language originally designed by Bell Telephone Laboratories in the early 60s to promote development of string and structure intensive applications. Further implementations of Icon have been produced by The University of Arizona . The name Icon was chosen before the term "icon" became popular for GUI images in use today and does not stand for anything correlating to the language (apparently it is just a catchy name). The Latest Implementations of Icon and the Icon program library are 9.1 and 9.2, respectively. Version 9.3 of Icon and the next version of the Icon Library is scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 1996. Platforms supported include UNIX, MS-DOS, MS-DOS 32-bit, VAX/VMS, Macintosh/MPW, and Acorn Archimedes, while versions for Microsoft Windows and NT are in beta testing. Icon can be implemented as an interpreted or compiled language. Interpreting Icon is useful for small programs, or when debugging. Compiling Icon will first translate to C code, which must then be recompiled as C.
Significant Language Features
Icon is a high-level, imperative, procedural language especially useful for processing strings and structures.

13. Department Of Computer Science, University Of Arizona
Offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. A doctoral minor in computer science is also available. Contains online descriptions of numerous research projects, often with detailed information supported by a combination of research papers, free source code, and online demonstrations. These include The icon programming Language, Topovista, WebGlimpse, Liquid Software, and The Scout OS. - Tucson, AZ.
Last Updated Founded in 1973, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Arizona is celebrating its Tricennial in the 2003-2004 academic year. The Department emphasizes high quality research and instruction in an atmosphere where undergraduate as well as graduate students benefit from the Department's research programs. The Department of Computer Science has offered masters and doctoral degrees since its founding. Our undergraduate degree program was added in 1989. The Department currently has 17 graduate faculty, 4 senior lecturers, 4 Academic Services advisors, and 7 technical and scientific support staff. The graduate program has an enrollment of approximately 50 students in the MS program and 40 in the Ph.D. program. The undergraduate program has approximately 230 majors and 420 first-year pre-majors. The Department has a long and distinguished reputation of excellence in the areas of systems, software, and theory. The annual research expenditure exceeds $2.1 million. The most recent National Research Council rankings place the Department 16th among public Ph.D.-granting institutions nationwide. It is ranked the best Computer Science department of its size (15-20 faculty) among publicly funded Universities, is ranked first in number of citations of papers per faculty member, and is ranked 17th overall in publications per faculty. Learn more about the Department in our

14. A Tutorial For The Icon Programming Language
A tutorial for the icon programming language. Icon is a large, fullfeatured, high-level programming language.

15. The Icon Programming Language: Hello World!
This program demonstrates the text output function of the icon programming language by displaying the message Hello world! .
The Icon Programming Language
Hello world! Example Program
Click below to go directly to a specific section:
Source Code Sample Run Program Notes
This program demonstrates the text output function of the Icon programming language by displaying the message "Hello world!".
Source Code
Click here to download a zip file containing the source code.
Sample Run
Hello world! Click here to download a zip file containing the Hello World! executable for MS-DOS.
Program Notes
This program was implemented using Version 9.1 of Icon for MS-DOS. Last modified: 10:30 AM on 11/25/1996

16. The Icon Programming Language
Information on many aspects of icon programming
Next Previous Index TCC Help System ... NM Tech homepage
The Icon programming language
Icon is a modern, high-level language with excellent features for parsing and building data structures. See also: Next: The Lisp and Scheme programming languages
See also: Selecting a programming language
Previous: The Fortran programming language
Site map

Index: Keyword index to help pages
Help: New Mexico Tech Computer Center: Help System
TCC Publications

About New Mexico Tech
John Shipman,
Last updated: 2000/03/14 22:12:47 UT

17. Mitchell Software Engineering The Icon Programming Language
IconAn Agile Programming Language. It's often the case that a programmer working on a large project encounters small problems that are amenable

18. Icon Programming Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Icon is a very highlevel programming language featuring goal directed execution The definitive work is The icon programming Language (third edition) by
Icon programming language
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Icon is a very high-level programming language featuring goal directed execution and excellent facilities for managing strings and textual patterns. It is related to SNOBOL , a string processing language. Icon is not object-oriented, but an object-oriented extension called Idol was developed in which eventually became Unicon
Basic syntax
The icon language is dervived from the Algol -class of structured programming languages, and thus has syntax similar to C or Pascal . Icon is most similar to Pascal, using syntax for assignments, the procedure keyword and similar syntax. On the other hand, Icon uses C-style brackets for structuring multi-line code, and programs start by running a procedure called "main". In many ways Icon also shares features with most scripting programming languages ; variables do not have to be declared, types are cast automatically, and numbers can be converted to strings and back automatically. Another feature common to many scripting languages, but not all, is the lack of a line-ending character; in Icon lines not ended by a semicolon get ended by an implied semicolon if it makes sense. Procedures are the basic building blocks of Icon programs, and although they use Pascal naming they work more like C functions and can return values; there is no

19. - The Unicon Programming Language Home Page
A portable, high level network and graphics savy modern dialect descending from the icon programming language with support for OpenGL, OOP features, POSIX support, and ODBC.


The Generator
Old News

the Unified Extended Dialect of Icon Technical Reports
Mailing Lists

Unicon is a very high level, goal-directed, object-oriented, general purpose applications language. What's New?

  • Welcome to
  • The new Ivib 2 and gui package are now the default Ivib tool; Ivib 1 is still available but Ivib 2 is pretty good at migrating GUI dialogs and offers numerous technical advantages.
  • Nolan Clayton has been kind enough to provide us with these logos for use in websites and applications:
  • Unicon Version 11.1 features improved 3D facilities, substantial additions to the class libraries, and a major revision to the IDE. Robert Parlett and Nolan Clayton made major contributions to Unicon 11.1.
  • CVS trouble? All your CVS/Root files need to say user instead of; this is a recent sourceforge change.
  • The National Science Foundation has awarded NMSU $840,000 for the development of a Virtual Community system including a 3D multiuser environment and collaborative programming environment. The system will be used for computer science distance education in courses such as compilers and software engineering. The system will be written in Unicon. Preparatory work has begun at

The icon programming Language

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