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41. NC Department Of Crime Control And Public Safety Trees and ice storms The Development of Ice StormResistant Urban Tree Helping Trees Recover from ice storms - USDA Forest Service http://www.nccrimecontrol.org/index2.cfm?a=000003,000010,000177,000891,000913,00 |
42. Winter Storm - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia of ice. Severe ice storms, which may occur in the spring, can kill plant life. ice storm will paralyze a region driving becomes extremely hazardous, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowstorm | |
43. Cornell Research, Ecological Society Of America From fruiteating fish to ice storm damage in forest streams, ice storms are known to damage trees and forests yet may benefit lakes and streams. http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/July05/ecology.presents.ssl.html | |
44. Ice Storms In Iowa And Thoughts About Alfalfa's Overwintering Success Some ice storm events can persist for several hours and deposit a significant crust of ice. Should this be considered a risk to the successful overwintering http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/2005/1-24-2005/icestorm.html | |
45. FEMA: Ice Storm Financial Assistance Surpasses $77 Million In Arkansas Little Rock, AR In the twelve weeks since the first of two ice storms blasted the majority of Arkansas counties, the Federal Emergency Management Agency http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=7568 |
46. Winter Driving Tips  Stay Safe On Icy Roads  Insurance Resource Winter brings treacherous driving conditions, and ice storms can present more severe Snow actually can enhance traction on icy roads, while ice storms http://www.progressive.com/RC/CSafety/rc_storm.asp |
47. Winter Storms: When a blizzard or ice storm strikes, the people who work for your state and We have new weapons in our arsenal to combat snow and ice storms that are http://www.eweek.org/site/DiscoverE/activities/winterstorm.shtml | |
48. HazMAP The occurrence of large snowstorms, ice storms and severe blizzards can have a Magnitude and Frequency of Winter ice storms in North Central Texas http://www.hazmap.nctcog.org/risk_assessment/Chapter13.asp | |
49. SCFC Results Of 2004 Ice Damage Aerial Surveys Unlike some earlier ice storms, very little windthrow occurred. From past ice storms, we can extrapolate the insect and disease activity to be expected http://www.state.sc.us/forest/id0204.htm | |
50. AFC - Manage Your Forest - Winter Ice Damage The prevalence of wet snowfall, ice, and glaze (freezing rain) storms increases The recent ice storms have caused a lot of damage to timber in Arkansas; http://www.forestry.state.ar.us/manage/icedamage.html | |
51. American Forests: Trees Suffer In '98 Ice Storms Full text of the article, Trees suffer in 98 ice storms from American Forests, a publication in the field of News Society, is provided free of charge http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1016/is_n2_v104/ai_20924795 | |
52. Area's 3rd Day Of Ice Storms Delays Drivers - The Washington Times: Metropolitan Another morning of ugly road conditions awaits Washingtonarea drivers this morning after a third consecutive night of icy rain and snow. http://www.washtimes.com/metro/20040128-120759-1083r.htm | |
53. SNOW AND ICE STORMS HURTING BLOOD SUPPLY Fires, Floods, Tornadoes, Blizzards, ice storms and Extreme Cold Texas A Christmas Day ice storm left travelers stranded and homes without power. http://www.redcross.org/press/archives/122800c.html | |
54. SNOW AND ICE STORMS HURTING BLOOD SUPPLY WASHINGTON, December 28 Snow and ice storms in more than seven states along the East Coast and across the Midwest have forced the cancellation of blood http://www.redcross.org/press/archives/122800.html | |
55. Mark Twain Quotations - Ice Storms In America the icestorm is an event. And it is not an event which one is It occurs to me now that I have never seen the ice-storm put upon canvas, http://www.twainquotes.com/Ice_storms.html | |
56. Ice Storms In The St. Lawrence Valley Region - Storming Media The severe ice storm in January 1998 in Quebec, eastern Ontario, northern New York, and New England disrupted the lives of millions of people. http://www.stormingmedia.us/25/2562/A256214.html | |
57. Pecan Tree Cleanup - Horticulture - Ag News & Views Now that the storm is over, the ice is gone, and the soil is beginning to dry, it s time for the cleanup, but how, what, and where? http://www.noble.org/Ag/Horticulture/PecanTreeCleanup/Index.htm | |
58. Metro Area Sloshes From Weekend S Ice Storms - 02/15/05 Metro area sloshes from weekend s ice storms. Wet basements abound; some people are still recovering from May floods. By Shanteé Woodards and Marisa Schultz http://www.detnews.com/2005/metro/0502/15/B01-90449.htm | |
59. TRT DEMO phenomena Atmospheric pressure phenomena Storms ice storms. Jbmbkps Storms Jbmbkpsj ice storms. Broader Term Jbmbkps Storms Related Terms http://ntl.bts.gov/trt/trt_hierarchy.jsp?NN=Jbmbkpsj |
60. [SustainableNC] Trees And Ice Storms Sharron Sent 12/9/2002 904 AM Subject Trees and ice storms FYI Below are several resources relating to ice storms and trees. Barry New Storm Damage http://kirk.p2pays.org/pipermail/sustainablenc/2002-December/000313.html | |
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