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81. Renewable, Alternative & Hydrogen Energy Industry Almanac Renewable, Alternative hydrogen energy Industry Almanac. http://www.azom.com/details.asp?newsID=2950 |
82. Hydrogen Energy Project Achieves Breakthrough hydrogen energy Project Achieves Breakthrough. which meets a target set by the US Department of Energy for hydrogen storage systems by 2010. http://www.azom.com/details.asp?newsID=2583 |
83. HyTRAIN: Hydrogen Energy hydrogen energy offers the possibility of decentralizing energy production, allowing more Many of the technologies needed to implement a hydrogen energy http://www.imr.salford.ac.uk/hytrain/energy/ | |
84. American Hydrogen Association: Home Page................Welcome To A Pollution F The goal of AHA is to stimulate interest and help establish the renewable hydrogen energy economy by the year 2010. http://www.clean-air.org/ | |
85. HyTRAIN: Hydrogen Energy Links This page contains links related to hydrogen energy technologies. hydrogen energy Center A nonprofit organisation working toward a sustainable energy http://www.imr.salford.ac.uk/hytrain/links/ | |
86. CHA / ACH Promotes hydrogen energy. Organization information, technical publications, conference announcements, and other news and information. http://www.h2.ca/ | |
87. Vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsev PSI Research UK Sustainable hydrogen energy Consortium (UKSHEC)UK Sustainable hydrogen energy Consortium (UKSHEC) http://vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsevier&journal=03603199 |
88. ÂApollo Program For Hydrogen Energy Needed What if all the vehicles now on the road in the United States were suddenly powered by hydrogen fuel cells? Stanford researchers say in a June 24 article in http://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/energie_elektrotechnik/bericht-45 | |
89. Asociación Española Del Hidrógeno The main objective of the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH) is to promote the technological development of the hydrogen energy and its use in industrial and commercial applications, for the whole society interest, because both the environmental impact and for the industrial improvement that is foreseen in the future. http://www.aeh2.org/ | |
90. Basic Solar H2 System hydrogen energy Equivalents, Hydrogen Ion Solar For example, to get the same energy as 1 Kilogram (mass) of Hydrogen, http://www.hionsolar.com/n-heq1.html | |
91. Deutscher Wasserstoff- Und Brennstoffzellenverband Organization promoting the introduction of hydrogen energy offers news and information on the technology and industry. German/English. http://www.dwv-info.de/ |
92. ENN Environmental News Network [[Alternative Energy Full Story ]] DTE to Unveil hydrogen energy Park July 18, 2005 Â By Alejandro BodipoMemba, Detroit Free Press. With an eye on future US energy needs, DTE Energy Co. http://www.enn.com/alt.html?id=260 |
93. Unsere Themen Im Ãberblick For 13 years SWB has been testing major systems of a possible future (solar) hydrogen energy scheme on an industrial scale. Site features a streaming video about the demonstration and test facility. English/Deutsch http://www.solarhydrogen.com/ | |
94. OLD HTML REDIRECT This library page holds a collection of hydrogen energy resources. http://www.tinaja.com/h2gas01.html | |
95. Hydrogen Hawaii Describes and offers a onehour documentary video about efforts to build a hydrogen energy economy in Hawaii. http://www.hydrogenhawaii.com/ |
96. Hydrogen Safety Report monthly online newsletter of the Hydrogen National Association covering international and national codes, standards, regulations and industry guidelines related to hydrogen energy systems. http://www.HydrogenSafety.info | |
97. Publications & Media A page with a list of various publications and media that are devoted to hydrogen energy. http://www.ecoiq.com/onlineresources/center/energy/hydrogen/pubs.html | |
98. Welcome To The New Mexico Hydrogen Business Council - Page 1 Provides a forum for creating high technology partnerships in clean energy, fuel cells, hydrogen from coal and natural gas. Includes news, press releases and research links. http://www.nmhbc.org | |
99. Stuart Energy The Hydrogen Fuel Company Provides onsite water electrolyzers, which use alkaline electrolysis to supply hydrogen for transportation, industrial and regenerative power applications. http://www.stuartenergy.com/ |
100. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Energy, Electrolysis Hydrogen And Electrochemistry Research B Promoting a 7 hour video on hydrogen fuel cell related topics including a free downloadable 30 minute version. Kids, you need an adult to help if you're making hydrogen! http://www.knowledgepublications.com/hydrogen_fuel_cell_energy.htm | |
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