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Huntingtons Disease & Diet: more detail |
81. GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) - Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, Washington Very little GLA is found in the diet. Borage oil is the richest double blindstudy of treatment of Huntington s disease with unsaturated fatty acids. http://www.swedish.org/110819.cfm | |
82. Nervous System And Sense Organ Diseases - CPR.net (sm) 333.4 Huntington s chorea. Facing Huntington s disease CureHD Foundation Huntington s Endolymphatic Hydrops Hydrops and Meniere s diet Suggestions http://www.cpr.net/diseases/nervous/ | |
83. Lupus Disease And Lupus Disease Including Cancer Liver Disease Fish disease in http//huntingtons-disease.bekn.com huntington s Cystic fibrosisdisease in http//huntingtons-disease.bekn.com huntingtons disease. http://www.he.net/~brumley/renal/swmessages/5233.html |
84. SpotJockey - UK's Co-Operative Search Engine Health Consumer Support Groups huntingtons disease Great criticalillness insurance offers discounted CII or dread disease cover exclusively to UK http://www.spotjockey.co.uk/portal/search_result.php?Search_Keyword=disease |
85. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide Experience in the use of the ketogenic diet as early therapy. Electroencephalographiccorrelate of juvenile Huntington s disease. http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/epi/jchildne.htm | |
86. Alzheimer's Or Just Forgetfulness? Parkinsons disease, huntingtons disease, brain tumor, head injury. a lowfatdiet, and ongoing mental stimulation can prevent the disease. http://www.islandscene.com/quiz/2005/050810/alzheimers/ | |
87. Genetic Aspects Of Susceptibility To Air Pollution -- Kleeberger 21 (40 Suppleme Internal factors include sex, age, diet, and predisposing disease (eg asthma) . The murine homologues of the Huntington disease gene (Hdh) and the http://erj.ersjournals.com/cgi/content/full/21/40_suppl/52S | |
88. ESSENTIAL JUNIOR ROTATION IN PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE This is true for diet and malnutrition; substance misuse; mental illness; sexualhealth The Risk of Suicide in Genetic Testing for Huntington disease http://www.ncl.ac.uk/pahs/internal/ejr/Studentswrittenexamples.htm | |
89. Resources For Daily Living With Huntington's Disease Used by one member of the Mailing List for Huntington s disease for someone with Resources for providing nutrition to people with Huntington s disease. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~rd13/hd/daily.html | |
90. Huntington's Disease ACEi Treatment We report on a woman with Huntington s disease whose condition deteriorateddramatically during treatment with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor http://hdlighthouse.org/treatment-care/treatment/drugs/related/updates/0056acei. | |
91. Huntington's Study Looks Promising, T3 Huntington s disease, or HD, is caused by a single defective gene that is inherited.About one in every 10000 babies worldwide is born with the gene http://www.stanford.edu/group/hopes/rltdsci/hdnews/t3.html | |
92. Protein Clue May Help Fight Huntington's Disease Health News Protein Clue May Help Fight Huntington s disease. It s believedthat Huntington s disease is caused by a mutant protein that develops in http://www.healthcentral.com/newsdetail/408/525574.html | |
93. HealthScout-Consumer Health News, Information And Resources Updated Daily-Neurol Protein Clue May Help Fight Huntington s disease It s believed that Huntington sdisease is caused by a mutant protein that develops in brain cells and http://www.healthscout.com/news/1/525574/main.html |
95. Huntington's Disease Center: Department Of Psychiatry: UI Health Care The following is a list of swallowing problems with Huntington s disease. Be sure to take the person who has Huntington s disease to see someone who http://www.uihealthcare.com/depts/huntingtonsdisease/eatingswallowing.html | |
96. Diseases & Disorders This page provides information for those with Huntington s disease, those atrisk, their families, caregivers and those just wanting to know more. http://www.kckpl.lib.ks.us/refdept/cnhealth/Disease.htm | |
97. Rikshospitalet: Senter For Sjeldne Sykdommer Og Syndromer There are about 250 people in Norway with HuntingtonÂs disease  and 1000 The disease is also known as HuntingtonÂs chorea, LundHuntingtonÂs chorea, http://ssss.oslonett.no/side.php?aid=239&k=english |
98. COE: COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS AND SCIENCES, Wichita State University, Kansas, Uni www.sinuscarecenter.com; Eating and Swallowing Huntington s Diseasewww.kumc.edu/hospital/huntingtons/swallowing.html; Epidemiology of TBI in the United http://webs.wichita.edu/dt/beta.asp?u=cdsnew&p=/links/neuro/ |
99. HD-Books New Zealand Books about Huntington s disease Handbook on Health and Nutritionfor those with Huntington s disease Edited by Dorothy Tortell Social http://www.geocities.com/graham_tay/Books.htm | |
100. Abnormal Synaptic Plasticity And Impaired Spatial Cognition In Mice Transgenic F Huntington s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant progressive and fatal Presymptomatic Huntington s disease patients often exhibit cognitive deficits http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/full/20/13/5115 | |
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