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81. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Fur Trade Farther north, the royal chartering of the Hudson s bay company in 1670 By 1932, the HBC s share of the Canadian fur trade had declined to 42 percent. http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_012800_furtrade.htm | |
82. Time Line - A Brief History Of The Fur Trade The Hudson bay company built more posts in the interior because furs were beingtaken at 1867 Canadian confederation. The fur trade slowly collapsed. http://www.whiteoak.org/learning/timeline.htm | |
83. The Fur Trade ... The Hudson's Bay And NorthWest Companies The fur trade The Hudson s bay and NorthWest Companies. Consequently,trade with the Hudson s bay company declined dramatically. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/4832/hudson3.html | |
84. Ya'Gotta: North Saskatchewan River - Route Of The Fur Trade The Hudson s bay company operated from York Factory, using large, Some ofthe forts served a multipurpose, first as a fur trade and then as a base for http://www.westcanoon.com/archive/saskriver.html | |
85. Hudson's Bay Company (fur trading companies Hudson s bay fur Sales canada Inc. and Hudson s bay NewYork plan to merge) (WWD). Q2 2004 Hudson s bay company Earnings Conference http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0824442.html | |
86. Hudson S Bay Company The expedition s success in opening up the fur trade with the Native Americansprompted Prince The Great company, as the Hudson s bay company was known, http://members.tripod.com/~war1812/hudsonbay.html | |
87. The Historic Fur Trade The end of the fur trade as an important force in Canadian development came as Three years after Simpson died in 1860, the HudsonÂs bay company was sold http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~reak/hist/fur.htm | |
88. CANADIAN HISTORY (eBook, E-Book, E-Books, EBooks) nnnneBooks Canadian History Hudson s bay company Colonization of Vancouver sIsland fur trade; Hudson s bay Co. 1849 Lond. Graphic, n/c, ECO http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010hstcanadahudsonsbaycoa.asp | |
89. Hudson's Bay Company - Exploring Westward - 18th Century - Pathfinders And Passa In their competition with the French traders from canada, the HBC had many advantages.The posts on Hudson bay were closer to the supplies of furs in the http://www.collectionscanada.ca/explorers/h24-1502-e.html | |
90. The Atlas Of Canada - Aboriginal Peoples Circa 1823 at the height of British rule when the Hudson s bay company dominated the furtrade. Read about the Atlas of canada s Web Accessibility Features. http://atlas.gc.ca/site/english/maps/historical/aboriginalpeoples/circa1823/1 | |
91. The CLEARWATER RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers" abrupt end to the Hudson bay company s longstanding fur trading monopoly. When the North West company merged with the Hudson s bay company in 1821, http://www.greatcanadianrivers.com/rivers/clearriver/history-home.html | |
92. History Of CANADA For more than a century the Hudson s bay company, trading furs from northernCanada by the sea route from Hudson s bay, has competed with French traders http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ad12 |
93. Essays On Canadian Studies And Issues - Hudson Bay Company, Fur Trade : Term Pap Thesis Statements, Thesis Statement, Essay, Essay School, Narrative Essay, Thesis,Free Essay, Custom Essay, College Essay, How to write an essay. http://www.amazingessays.com/essays/canadian_studies_and_issues/hudson_bay_compa | |
94. Hudson's Bay Company --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia For more than 300 years the Hudson s bay company furtrading stations lay (1784Â1857), Canadian employee of Hudson s bay company and pioneer fur trader http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9274969 | |
95. Miscellaneous - Canadian Heritage Gallery Methy Portage on the crucial fur route to Athabaska Country by Hudson s baycompany traders HBC fur Pack A Hudson s bay company fur pack. ID 21676 http://www.canadianheritage.org/galleries/miscellaneous1600.htm | |
96. Mountain Men Rendezvous Indian Fur Trade Facts Maps Pictures fur traders from the American and Canadian fur trading companies did all of By the time David Thompson, a fur trader and a surveyor for HudsonÂs bay http://www.thefurtrapper.com/rendezvous.htm | |
97. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Business (Fur The Queen) This charter effectively established the Hudson s bay company and gave them What began as a simple furtrading enterprise evolved into a trading and http://www.snopes.com/business/alliance/hudson.asp | |
98. Fort Vancouver: Cultural Landscape Report (Introduction, Volume 2) Natives came to these posts to trade furs for beads, blankets, and other imported To counter moves of the Canadian firms, the Hudson s bay company, http://www.nps.gov/fova/clr/clr2-0.htm | |
99. The Hudson Bay Company: An Historical Overview Of Canada's Oldest Company Hudson s bay company is the oldest chartered trading company in the world. A chain of Hudson s bay company stores sprung up across canada and continue http://www.canadianaconnection.com/cca/hudsonbayco.htm | |
100. The Beaver The trade of beaver pelts proved so lucrative that the Hudson s bay company It is still found on the crest of the Canadian Pacific Railway company. http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/sc-cs/o1_e.cfm | |
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