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         How Bills Become Laws:     more books (19)
  1. Making Laws: A Look at How a Bill Becomes a Law (How Government Works) by Sandy Donovan, 2003-08
  2. Travels with MAX: How a Bill Becomes a Law by Am Wing, Van Wie, 1999-11-30
  3. How a Bill Becomes a Law (Government in Action!) by John Hamilton, 2004-09
  4. How a bill becomes a law by Fred M Newmann, 1963
  5. Congress in Action (How a Bill Becomes Law) by George H. E. ; Riddick, Floyd M. Smith, 1948
  6. How bills become laws in Texas (A Public service report) by Dick Smith, 1972
  7. Understanding the Path of Legislation: A Primer on How a Bill Becomes a Law (Capitol Learning Audio Course) by TheCapitol.Net, Chris Davis, 2005
  8. How a Bill Becomes a Law to Conserve Energy Interdisciplinary Student/Teacher Materials in Energy, the Environment, and the Economy. Grades 9. 11, 12. October 1977 (Reprinted March 1980) by Office of Consumer Affairs, 1980
  9. How a Bill Becomes a Law (Primary Source Library of American Citizenship) by Tracie Egan, 2003-12
  10. Easy Simulations: How a Bill Becomes a Law: A Complete Tool Kit With Background Information, Primary Sources, and More to Help Students Build Reading and ... How Our Government Works (Easy Simulations) by Pat Luce, Holly Joyner, 2008-05-01
  11. Rave on: how a bad bill becomes a law. (Citings).: An article from: Reason by Sara Rimensnyder, 2003-07-01
  12. The politics of legislation in New York State: How a bill becomes a law by Abdo I Baaklini, 1979
  13. The Green Tree Frog - How a Bill Becomes a Law (DVD) (GPB Education)
  14. How a bill becomes a law by A. C Gustafson, 1955

81. NSTA - How A Bill Becomes A Law
how a Bill Becomes Law. Hon. Robert H. Michel of Illinois in the House of The bill becomes law with the president’s signature of approval,
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How a Bill Becomes Law Hon. Robert H. Michel of Illinois in the House of Representatives Thursday, February 8, 1979
Congressional Record MR. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, those of us in Congress are so close to the legislative process that we sometimes forget the way in which a bill becomes law is not clearly understood by many of our fellow Americans. I receive inquiries from time to time about this question. I have prepared a brief summary of the process in the hope it may be useful to anyone who is interested in the machinery of government. How a Bill Becomes a Law Ours is a government "of the people, by the people, for the people." It is not a pure democracy. It is a republic in a democracy. Our laws are the embodiment of the wishes and wants, the ideas and ideals of the American people expressed through their representatives in the Congress: 435 in the House of Representatives and 100 in the Senate. Any Member of the House or Senate may introduce a bill embodying a proposed law or revision of existing laws, at any time when his respective House is in session. When introduced, the bill will be entered in the Journal of the House, and the title and sponsor if it printed in the Congressional Record of that day. Each Bill Numbered Each bill introduced is assigned a number by the clerk of each House and referred to the committee having jurisdiction over the subject matter by the presiding officer; that is, the speaker of the House of the president of the Senate. Copies of the bill are printed by the Government Printing Office and made publicly available from the congressional document rooms. Acting through its chairman, the committee decides whether a bill should be taken up by the full committee or referred to a subcommittee for its initial consideration.

82. How A Bill Becomes A Law
Official web site for Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (NV01). Proudly representing Las Vegas and Southern Nevada.
Skip Past Menu This will cycle the [Vegas Image] randomly from a set of 12 How a Bill Really Becomes a Law Laws are first drafted by either a Member of the House of Representatives or Senate. This draft is called a bill. It is a fairly complicated and rather lengthy process for a bill to become a law. Outlined below is a brief explanation of that process. For more information and a more detailed description, see the How Our Laws Are Made page compiled by the office of the Parliamentarian. A bill is a written draft of an idea on how to change a law, fix it, or enact a new one. As any bill that is passed will have an impact on thousands of American, the language is chosen carefully and often in consultation with experts. Most of the time a Representative will take his or her bill to a non-partisan office called the House or Senate Legislative Counsel. An attorney who specializes in the legal issues involved in drafting a bill will be on staff to help Representatives with the actual language. Once the bill is written, the Representative will sign the bill and place it in "the hopper" (the actual box where newly drafted bills are placed) for introduction. After the bill is "dropped" (placing the bill in the hopper) it is assigned a number. Bills from the House of Representatives are numbered H.R. 1 and up and bills from the Senate are numbered S. 1 and up. Other forms of legislation are resolutions, the non-binding expression of Congress' opinion. These are titled H.Res (House resolutions) or S.Res (Senate resolutions) respectively.

83. Batboy Brochure
In order to become law, a bill must pass both the House and the Senate. Baseball Players The governor must sign the bill in order for it to become law.
Put Me In Coach! How the law was changed to let fourteen and fifteen year olds become bat boys and girls. Brought to you by Vermont Department of Labor and Industry
The Vermont Expos A bat boy or girl under the age of sixteen can work night games when other kids their age can’t work past 7:00 p.m. This is because of a law passed by the state legislature. Before that time, workers under sixteen were not allowed to work later than 7:00 p.m., except as an actor or other performer in radio or television and with special permission. The bat boy/girl law added workers at baseball games to this list. Meet my friend Bill There are two (2) basic categories in the legislative process: bills and acts . A bill is a law in its infant stage. A bill must pass both chambers of the legislature and be signed by the governor in order to become an act . An act is a bill that has survived the legislative process and officially becomes a law. In the beginning… Each year, legislators introduce a variety of different bills. A lawmaker comes up with the idea (many times at the request of one of their constituents) and presents it to a draftsperson , a lawyer employed by the state specifically to write laws. The draftsperson must do more than just write the bill. They must also research current laws and find the sections that will be affected by the new bill. In many cases, the bills just rewrite current

84. Texas House Of Representatives
how A Bill Becomes A Law If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law. If a bill is sent to the governor
Additional Resources
More Detailed Information on the Steps in the Legislative Process
How a Bill Becomes a Law (An HRO Focus Report)
Download HRO's Focus Report
How A Bill Becomes A Law
The Legislative Branch of Government
The Texas Constitution divides state government into three separate but equal branches: the executive branch, headed by the governor; the judicial branch, which consists of the Texas Supreme Court and all state courts; and the legislative branch, headed by the Texas Legislature, which includes the 150 members of the house of representatives and the 31 members of the state senate. Members of the house of representatives are elected to two-year terms and represent districts of about 113,000 people each. Senators serve four-year terms and serve about 550,000 people each. The legislature meets every odd-numbered year to write new laws and to find solutions to the problems facing the state. This meeting time, which begins on the second Tuesday in January and lasts 140 days, is called the regular session. The governor can direct the legislature to meet at other times also. These meetings, called special sessions, can last no more than 30 days and deal only with issues chosen by the governor.

85. Wyoming LAP Book - How A Bill Becomes Law
The Equality State Policy Center, works through research, public education and advocacy to hold Wyoming State governments accountable to the people they
ESPC Home Background LAP* Book Home HOW A BILL BECOMES LAW
Redistricting How a Bill
Becomes Law

Committee Action
Floor Debate
Conference Committees
Role of Legislative Committees


Offices of the Legislature
Term Limits Role of the Governor in the Legislative Process Equality State Policy Center

86. How A Bill Becomes Law
how a Bill becomes a law for national, state, and local governments. During this lesson students will learn how a Bill becomes law on a national level.
How a Bill becomes Law
This lesson is the first of a series to expose students to the workings of the US government. At the completion of the unit students will be required to discuss how a Bill becomes a law for national, state, and local governments. During this lesson students will learn how a Bill becomes law on a national level. At the end of the unit students will be required to break into groups and become a country. In addition, students must form their own system for establishing laws in their country.
This lesson can be used in the high school classrooms as well as middle school classrooms. This lesson would most likely be found in a social studies or government classroom. The learner will not need any special knowledge prior to this lesson.
Curriculum Standards
Students will learn the process of an idea becoming a law. Students will become familiar with the various branches of government. Lesson will give students an understanding of how the laws they live with were constructed.
This lesson will require students to go to websites to familiarize themselves with the process of a bill becoming law on a national level. In addition, students will learn the titles of the individuals that propose and lobby for Bills becoming law. The lesson will also prepare students to construct their own laws for their group project at the end of the lesson.

87. Pohnpei Legislature - Citizen's Guide
how A BILL BECOMES LAW. THE LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE. The Pohnpei Constitution mandates that the Pohnpei State Government shall have three equal
Site Features
Pohnpei Legislature
Citizen's Guide
    THE LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE The Pohnpei Constitution mandates that the Pohnpei State Government shall have three equal and distinct branches of the government. Article 8, Legislative, is headed by the Speaker of the Pohnpei Legislature, which branch shall be vested with the power and authority to enact laws. CRITERIA NEEDED BEFORE A BILL IS DRAFTED AND THE PROCESS OF DRAFTING Section 12 of Article 8 generally lays out how a bill is passed and becomes law. Each bill shall embrace only one subject and it shall be expressed in the title of the bill. The content, nature and length of a bill will depend upon the subject of the bill. A bill may be introduced or requested to be drafted by one or more members of the Legislative body, by the Governor's Office, or other governmental entities through the Governor's Office. Bills introduced through the Governor's Office are labeled "by request" by the Legislature and are usually signed by the Floor Leader. Sources of the ideas are numerous and encompass a wide array of areas. Any bill that is drafted goes through a process in the Legislative Counsel Division of the Legislature for its legality and other technical changes. HOW A BILL IS INTRODUCED A proposed bill then goes to the Speaker's Office for Committee assignment. A bill can be assigned to one committee or jointly assigned to two committees depending upon the subject of the proposal. After it has been assigned, the bill is then transferred over to the Legislative Clerk's Office for numbering and logging of the bill.

88. How A Bill Becomes A Law - Glossary
If the President has not signed the bill after 10 days, it becomes law without his signature. However, if Congress adjourns during the 10day period,
University Libraries connecting you to worlds of knowledge GLOSSARY Act The proposed bill has passed one Chamber and is moving to the other Chamber; OR
It has passed both chambers and has become law.
Act Print An engrossed bill that contains all the amendments agreed to, delivered to the other Chamber, referred to the appropriate committee and reprinted. Amendment A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, that Chamber must agree to it. Appropriation Provision of law that provides authority for Federal agencies to obligate funds and to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. Bill New legislation introduced into either chamber of Congress (House or Senate). A bill is also sometimes called a joint resolution. Calendar A list of bills awaiting action.

89. CongressLink - A Resource For Teachers Providing Information About The U.S. Cong
President Bush signed The Corporate Accountability Bill into law on July 30, 2002. page that provides the steps the bill went through to become law.
Dirksen Center AboutGovernment Congress for Kids Congress in the Classroom Online ... Rate This Site WebQuest: The Legislative Process Subject: U.S. Government, Social Studies
Grade Level: 9-12 and above
Author: Beth Traxler Introduction: Literally thousands of bills are introduced with every new US Congress, yet only a small fraction actually becomes law. Those that fail to make it through the process must begin anew with the convening of the next Congress. Why do some bills successfully navigate the maze while others fade away into oblivion? Do all bills go through the same process on their journey? Does the process itself have anything to do with the success or failure of legislation? Are the textbook depictions of the process accurate? Does the process promote or hinder our attainment of a democratic political system? These questions and more should be of concern to every American who wishes to be a full participant in the civic body. Task: President Bush signed The Corporate Accountability Bill into law on July 30, 2002. The bill (HR 3763) had been introduced in the House of Representatives February 14 of the same year and passed by the House April 24. The Senate had its own version of the bill that was far different from that of the House. Few expected the two chambers to come to agreement before the 107th Congress adjourned. Yet in the summer of 2002 considerable movement occurred in a relatively short time that resulted in passage by the two chambers.

90. CongressLink - A Resource For Teachers Providing Information About The U.S. Cong
how a bill becomes a lawcharting the path (handout) 3 sets of 9 cards (large enough to read from far away) each card should have one step of law-making
Dirksen Center AboutGovernment Congress for Kids Congress in the Classroom Online ... Rate This Site How a Bill Becomes Law: Charting the Path Subjects: Civics/government
Grade Level(s): Time Frame: 3, 50-minute periods Objectives [What the student should know and be able to do at the end of the lesson]: 1.0 Overall: Students will define vocabulary words: committee, subcommittee, hearing, amendments, bill; explain the steps required for a bill to become a law; and, evaluate the effectiveness of the current system by which bills become laws
Bloom's Taxonomy: CongressLink lesson plans are built around Bloom's taxonomy . The purpose of the taxonomy is to provide a coherent format for lessons and to make it easier for teachers to design them according to CongressLink's standards. 2.0 Knowledge: Students define committee, subcommittee, hearing, amendments, bill.
3.0 Understanding: Students read and understand "How Laws are Made." 4.0 Application:

91. Christopher Center Library Services: Researching Legislation
how A BILL BECOMES A LAW it receives a bill number, which remains with the bill until it becomes a law or until the bill dies in Congress.
Researching Legislation HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW The idea for legislation can come from a number of sources: the President, member of Congress, federal agencies, special interest groups, or private citizens. Legislation may only be introduced in Congress by a Senator or a Representative. There are four main types of legislation: bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions and simple resolutions. A bill is generally legislation that involves the appropriation of money. As soon as a bill is presented, it receives a bill number, which remains with the bill until it becomes a law or until the bill dies in Congress. Senate bill numbers begin with "S." and House numbers with "H.R." Many bills are introduced in Congress, but few actually become laws. Joint resolutions, traditionally, are used to amend the Constitution or to continue an appropriation. They follow the same path as a bill (except for Constitutional amendments) and when passed, have the force of law. While in the legislative process, they are given joint resolution numbers (S. J. Res. and H. J. Res.). The remaining types of resolutions, concurrent and simple, do not have the effect of law. Concurrent resolutions are used for issues that affect the operation of both chambers or for expressing "the sense of Congress". A simple resolution generally deals with rules and procedures of the chamber in which it is introduced and is not sent to the other chamber for action. These resolutions carry the designation of S.Con.Res. and H. Con. Res. for concurrent resolutions; and S. Res. and H. Res. for simple resolutions.

92. Notify Glossary
A bill must pass both houses in identical form to become law. Conference Committee. If the Assembly and Senate pass significantly different versions of a
Home Preferences Notify Items Add Items ... Notify Activities Notify Glossary Current user Not logged in Questions or comments? Contacts FAQs Glossary Legal notice Privacy Notice Wisconsin Legislature Home A AB Act Adoption AJR ... Author
B Bill
C Calendar Concurrence Conference Committee
D Drafted
E Engrossed Enrolled
F Fiscal Estimate Floor Debate Floor Period
G Germane
I Indefinitely Postpone
J Joint Committee Joint Committee on Finance Joint Resolution
L Law Legislative Council Committee Legislator Legislative Reference Bureau ... LRB Number
M Motion O Override P Public Hearing Proposal Proposal Number Proposal Type R Referred Relating Clause Representatives Rules ... Rules Committee S SB Senators Simple Amendment SJR ... Sustain T Table V Veto AB - Assembly Bill, a draft of a proposed law originating in the Assembly. Must be passed by both houses of the legislature and signed by the Governor to become law. Act - A bill which has passed both houses of the Legislature, been enrolled, approved by the Governor or passed over the Governor's veto, and published. Adoption - Approval of a motion, amendment, resolution, or joint resolution.

93. U.S. Constitution - Article I
and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a law. No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
U.S. Constitution
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Article I
Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

94. NAF | Public Policy | At The National Level | How A Bill Becomes A Law
If Congress is successful in overriding the veto, the bill becomes law. When a bill becomes law, it is given a new Public Law number and the Government


Our government is based on a federalist system which divides all decision-making between an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch. This balance of power, which allows for checks and balances between branches of government, operates at both the national (federal) and state levels. At the federal level, the legislative branch or U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the U.S. House of Representatives (435 members) and the U.S. Senate (100 members). Members of the House serve for a two-year term; Senators for a six-year term. Every two years, prior to the beginning of a new Congressional cycle, elections are held for all House seats and one-third of the Senate seats. A Congress is divided into two sessions, each lasting one year. For example, 2004 represents the 108th Congress, 2nd session. You can influence the political process by understanding the legislative process and taking action. You may impact legislation along the way by:
  • providing information and materials to legislators who will introduce the bill;
  • 95. Illinois Constitution - Article IV
    (c) No bill shall become a law without the concurrence of a majority of the members elected Portions of a bill not reduced or vetoed shall become law.
    Constitution of the State of Illinois
    to preceding Article to next Article to main Constitution page

    96. Login
    DUI bill becomes law. Bredesen lets 4 pass without signature While I have allowed this bill to become law in order to permit the state to study an,1426,MCA_1496_3919691,00.
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    97. Maine's Path Of Legislation (How A Bill Becomes Law) : Maine State Law And Legis
    If the Legislature overrides the Governor s veto, the bill becomes law without Numbering Once a bill becomes a law, it is assigned a chapter number.
    Homepage i Research Collections ... Publications Idea developed
    A legislator decides to sponsor a bill, sometimes at the suggestion of a constituent, interest group, public official or the Governor. The legislator may ask other legislators in either chamber to join as co-sponsors Read more
    Bill drafted
    At the legislator's direction, the Revisor's Office, Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and Office of Fiscal and Program Review staff provides research and drafting assistance and prepare the bill in proper technical form. Read more
    Bill introduced
    The legislator gives the bill to the Clerk of the House or Secretary of the Senate. The bill is numbered, a suggested committee recommendation is made and the bill is printed. The bill is placed on the respective body's calendar. Read more
    Committee reference
    The bill is referred to one of the Joint Standing or Joint Select committees in the originating branch and then sent to the other body for concurrence. Read more
    Committee action
    When scheduled by the chairs, the committee conducts a public hearing where it

    98. ASPCA: Lobby: Learn More About Our Advocacy Efforts
    The President signs the bill, which makes it law, or vetoes it. 7. If the President vetoes the bill, it can become law if twothirds of the members of both

    99. The Eating Disorders Association
    As a private members Bill it is unlikely to make it through to the discussion stage and therefore become law, however this Bill has received the support of
    Campaign Main Menu
    Taking action in Parliament.
    We need your help to make sure eating disorders are brought to the attention of members of parliament from all the political parties. An Early Day Motion, is a notice of a motion made by a member of parliament that is not generally expected to be debated. The reason for tabling (or presenting) an EDM is to draw attention to an issue, and to gather support for it by inviting other members of parliament to sign the motion. EDM 533 EATING DISORDERS ASSOCIATION AWARENESS WEEK

    That this House appreciates the devastating effect that eating disorders have on individuals and their families; understands that Northern Ireland's only eating disorder specialist is due to retire shortly; supports the swift appointment of a replacement for her; and recommends enhancing the training of doctors in this field and the establishment of a co-ordinated Province-wide eating disorder service. EDM 1078 TREATMENT FOR SUFFERERS OF EATING DISORDERS
    More information about EDMs
    It requires the Food Standards Agency to specify criteria for unhealthy and healthy food, taking into account nutritional content and the presence of additives and contaminants. Based on these criteria, regulations will be introduced to prohibit the marketing to children of unhealthy foods and the Government will be required to publish an annual plan to promote healthy foods to children, such as fruit and vegetables.

    100. United States Government
    This page traces the process by which a bill becomes a law in the United States If he signs it, the bill becomes law. If he vetoes it, it may go back to
    United States Government
    How a Bill Becomes a Law
    Tracing the Legislative Process
    This page traces the process by which a bill becomes a law in the United States. The process begins with the bill's introduction in Congress and ends with its interpretation by the federal court system. You can follow the legislative process through print and microform publications, or through Internet versions in many cases. To locate paper and microform publications in the UCSB Library, search by title or keyword in Pegasus. Print Version Action Internet Version
    Senate Bills:

    House Bills:

    Government Info Center microfiche
    Bill Members of the House or Senate introduce bills for consideration by the Congress. The President, a member of the Cabinet or head of a Federal agency can also propose legislation, although it must be introduced by a member of Congress.
    LexisNexis Congressional
    Bills from 101st Congress to present (1989+)
    GPO Access
    Bills from the 103rd Congress to present (1993+)
    Texts of bills from 1989 - and bill summary status from 1973+

    Government Info Center, paper or microfiche

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