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         How Bills Become Laws:     more books (19)
  1. Making Laws: A Look at How a Bill Becomes a Law (How Government Works) by Sandy Donovan, 2003-08
  2. Travels with MAX: How a Bill Becomes a Law by Am Wing, Van Wie, 1999-11-30
  3. How a Bill Becomes a Law (Government in Action!) by John Hamilton, 2004-09
  4. How a bill becomes a law by Fred M Newmann, 1963
  5. Congress in Action (How a Bill Becomes Law) by George H. E. ; Riddick, Floyd M. Smith, 1948
  6. How bills become laws in Texas (A Public service report) by Dick Smith, 1972
  7. Understanding the Path of Legislation: A Primer on How a Bill Becomes a Law (Capitol Learning Audio Course) by TheCapitol.Net, Chris Davis, 2005
  8. How a Bill Becomes a Law to Conserve Energy Interdisciplinary Student/Teacher Materials in Energy, the Environment, and the Economy. Grades 9. 11, 12. October 1977 (Reprinted March 1980) by Office of Consumer Affairs, 1980
  9. How a Bill Becomes a Law (Primary Source Library of American Citizenship) by Tracie Egan, 2003-12
  10. Easy Simulations: How a Bill Becomes a Law: A Complete Tool Kit With Background Information, Primary Sources, and More to Help Students Build Reading and ... How Our Government Works (Easy Simulations) by Pat Luce, Holly Joyner, 2008-05-01
  11. Rave on: how a bad bill becomes a law. (Citings).: An article from: Reason by Sara Rimensnyder, 2003-07-01
  12. The politics of legislation in New York State: How a bill becomes a law by Abdo I Baaklini, 1979
  13. The Green Tree Frog - How a Bill Becomes a Law (DVD) (GPB Education)
  14. How a bill becomes a law by A. C Gustafson, 1955

41. 2001 State Election Reform
HAVA bills become Law. Fortysix states considered HAVA-related legislation in 2003, and 38 states passed new HAVA-related laws.

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    The States Tackle Election Reform
    Summary of 2003 Legislative Action
    May 11, 2004 There was an enormous surge in the volume of election reform legislation in state legislatures after the 2000 Florida presidential election. States considered a total of 3,643 bills addressing elections during those two years, and passed 492 of them into law. The high volume continues in 2003, with a new twist-many state legislatures are looking at what their state must do to comply with the new "Help America Vote Act." Here's a snapshot of what states are working on this year: 2003 State Election Reform Legislation 2003 Bills Introduced Passed into Law Carried Over to 2004 Still pending HAVA Compliance 46 states had bills dealing with the federal "Help America Vote Act"in 2003. The HAVA bill provides funding to states for elections, and includes several mandates for reform. Among HAVA's requirements are:
    • Voting system standards, including polling place accessibility for disabled voters

42. Citizen's Guide
bills that become law at a regular session (or the reconvened session that follows) are effective the first day of July following adjournment of the regular
Home Citizen's Guide Capitol Tours Capitol Classroom ... Who's My Legislator
THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Welcome House of Delegates Senate Committees ... How Bills Become Laws CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Contacting my Legislator How to Track a Bill Language of the Floor Order of Business ... Visiting During Session LOBBYIST LINKS Liaison Book Sec. of the Commonwealth VOTING AND ELECTIONS Election Information Elected Officials Registration Information Voting Information FAQs Bill Information Committees Legislative Process Members ... Miscellaneous Questions
How Bills Become Laws
A Delegate or Senator has an idea for a bill , usually from a constituent. He or she presents the idea to the Division of Legislative Services and requests that it be drafted into a bill . The bill is signed by the patron, introduced, and printed.

43. How An Idea Becomes A Law
In order for a bill to become law, it must be passed by both houses in the identical If the Governor chooses to sign the bill, it will become law on the
How an Idea Becomes a Law
Como Una Idea Se Hace Ley
The legislative process is governed by rules, laws and procedures, making it somewhat mechanical in nature. Although the legislative process is long and complex, all laws begin as ideas. An idea for a law can come from anyone; an individual or group of citizens, a legislator or legislative committee, the executive or judicial branch, or a lobbyist. By statute state agencies must presession file bills. Legislators or legislative committees may file an unlimited number of measures within established timelines set by rule. If deadlines are missed, the Senate Rules Committee must approve requests for drafting and/or introduction to the Senate. Appropriation or fiscal measures sponsored by the Joint Committee on Ways and Means are exempt from filing deadlines and may be introduced at any time. Types of Measures
The Legislative Assembly can accomplish tasks in addition to creating, amending or repealing laws. It can honor a distinguished Oregonian, propose an amendment to the Oregon constitution, or send a message on behalf of the Oregon legislature to the President of the United States. In these instances, a bill is not the appropriate form of measure. There are six types of measures: a bill,

44. Minnesota Legislature - How A Bill Becomes A Law
how a Bill becomes Law Senate Publications publishes this flow chart showing the steps a bill must go through to become law.
Legislature Home Links to the World Help Advanced Search Search Legislature: House Senate Joint Departments and Commissions Today is Statutes, Laws, and Rules Bill Search and Status Schedules
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    How a Bill Becomes Law in Minnesota
    Adobe web site State Law Process A part of the Minnesota Government Series from House Public Information Services, this publication gives examples of the need for new laws, a numbered list of steps a bill must go through, and a question and answer section. Capitol Steps: How Six Bills Became Law House Public Information Services also publishes this booklet with six real examples of bills going through the steps needed to become law. A numbered list of the steps are included. How a Bill Becomes Law Senate Publications publishes this flow chart showing the steps a bill must go through to become law.
    Steps a Bill Goes Through to Become Law
    Idea Legal form Authors Introduction ... Questions and answers
    A bill is an idea for a new law or an idea to change an old law. Anyone can suggest an idea for a bill an individual, consumer group, professional association, government agency, or the governor. Most often, however, ideas come from legislators, the only ones who can begin to move an idea through the process. There are 134 House members and 67 senators.
    Legal form
    The Office of the Revisor of Statutes and staff from other legislative offices work with legislators in putting the idea for a new law into proper legal form. The revisor's office is responsible for assuring that the proposal's form complies with the rules of both bodies before the bill can be introduced into the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate.

45. New York State Senate >> About The Senate >> Frequently Asked Questions
According to the State Constitution, a bill cannot become law except by the After that, bills become law only if signed by the Governor within 30 days
@import url(/CSSLibrary.nsf/ExternalStyleSheet.css?OpenCssResource); Senators' Desks
in the Senate Chamber Frequently Asked Questions
about the New York State Legislature Top 3 Questions Asked
Who's Who
How It Works Passing Laws ... Senate Business Top 3 Questions Asked 1. How can I find the session schedule and the public hearing calendar and determine which Senators are on a particular committee?

Go to the Senate home page and click the Schedules link to find additional links to the Yearly Legislative Session Calendar, Committee Schedules (which include member names), Public Hearings, Weekly Committee Agendas and the Floor Calendar. 2. How do I find out who my Senator is and how to contact him/her?

46. Two Meth-related Bills Become Law In Illinois
Two methrelated bills become law in Illinois Rod Blagojevich signed the two new meth-related bills into law this week.

47. How A Government Bill Becomes Law - Canada
To become law, a bill must first be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons. When Bill is given Royal Assent it becomes law. F.IN FORCE
Contact Us Help Search Canada Site ... Search the DSP Web site for
How a Government Bill becomes Law - Canada
Prepared by Inba Kehoe,
Government Documents, Stauffer Library, Queen's University The following guide will explain the process by which a typical government initiated bill becomes law. This guide provides an overview of the Federal Legislative Process. Adapted from "The Federal Legislative Process in Canada". NOTE: To become law, a bill must first be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons. It must then pass through various stages in each House: first, second and third reading. Then it must receive Royal Assent. A. DEFINITIONS
  • Public Bills
    These are proposals for laws that will affect the public in general. Most public bills are introduced by Government Ministers. Bills sponsored by the Government are numbered from C-1 to C-200 in order of presentation. If they are introduced first in the Senate, they are numbered starting S-1. Private Bills
    These are limited in scope: they concern an individual or group of individuals only. They confer a right on some person or group, or relieve them of a responsibility.

48. United States House Of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session: Tying It Al
Joint resolutions become law in the same manner as bills. Concurrent Resolutions Matters affecting the operations of both the House of Representatives and

Committee Offices Leadership Offices Representative Offices ...
"All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
(Article I, Section 1, of the United States Constitution
The chief function of Congress is the making of laws. The legislative process comprises a number of steps, and much information is available from this page concerning the legislation introduced and considered in the 109th Congress. To help you understand the information and how it interrelates, a very brief overview of the legislative process within the House of Representatives is presented below. There are many aspects and variations of the process which are not addressed here. A much more in-depth discussion and presentation of the overall process is available in How Our Laws Are Made . Most of the information presented below was excerpted from that Congressional document.
Forms of Congressional Action
The work of Congress is initiated by the introduction of a proposal in one of four principal forms: the bill, the joint resolution, the concurrent resolution, and the simple resolution.

49. How A Bill Becomes Law
The series of steps that a bill passes through to become law.
How a Bill Becomes Law
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All bills normally pass through a series of steps that are similar in both the Senate and the House.
  • Introduction in either the House of Commons or the Senate 1st Reading : This step is not an actual reading but rather a first presentation of the Bill. This step authorizes the printing of the Bill and allocates it a number: C-# for House bills and S-# for Senate bills. 2nd Reading : The principle of the bill is debated. Once the principle is adopted, the Bill is referred to parliamentary committees for further study. Committee : A committee hears witnesses, examines the bill clause by clause and submits a report with or without amendments Report Stage : Additional amendments to the bill may be moved, debated and voted on. 3rd Reading : This reading is the last opportunity for the House to amend the bill. Following this review, the bill is printed for the last time. Sent to the other House (e.g., if the bill was passed by the House, it is then referred to the Senate): The process starts again from first reading
  • 50. U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Bills & Resolutions
    If the president signs the bill, it becomes a law. laws are also known as Acts of Congress. Statute is another word that is used interchangeably with law.
    Legislation, Laws, and Acts
    There are four types of legislation: bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions. Each are described in detail here Chapter 1:Bills
    Chapter 2:Joint Resolutions

    Chapter 3:Concurrent Resolutions

    Chapter 4:Simple Resolutions

    Bills are prefixed with H.R. when introduced in the House and S. when introduced in the Senate, and they are followed by a number based on the order in which they are introduced. The vast majority of legislative proposals are in the form of bills. Bills deal with domestic and foreign issues and programs, and they also appropriate money to various government agencies and programs. Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations. When bills are passed in identical form by both Chambers of Congress and signed by the President (or repassed by Congress over a Presidential veto), they become laws.
    Laws and Acts When a bill is passed in identical form by both the Senate and the House, it is sent to the president for his signature. If the president signs the bill, it becomes a law. Laws are also known as Acts of Congress. Statute is another word that is used interchangeably with law.

    51. U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Legislative Process > Legislation, Law
    Legislation, laws, and acts briefing. bills are prefixed with HR when introduced in the House and S. when introduced in the Senate,
    Home Legislative Process
    Legislation, Laws, and Acts
    Chapter 1: Bills

    Chapter 2: Joint Resolutions

    Chapter 3: Concurrent Resolutions

    Chapter 4: Simple Resolutions

    Bills Bills are prefixed with H.R. when introduced in the House and S. when introduced in the Senate, and they are followed by a number based on the order in which they are introduced. The vast majority of legislative proposals are in the form of bills. Bills deal with domestic and foreign issues and programs, and they also appropriate money to various government agencies and programs. Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations. When bills are passed in identical form by both Chambers of Congress and signed by the President (or repassed by Congress over a Presidential veto), they become laws. Joint Resolutions Concurrent Resolutions Simple Resolutions Simple resolutions are designated H.Res. and S.Res., followed by a number. A simple resolution addresses matters entirely within the prerogative of one house, such as revising the standing rules of one Chamber. Simple resolutions are also used to express the sentiments of a single house, such as offering condolences to the family of a deceased member of Congress, or it may give "advice" on foreign policy or other executive business. Simple resolutions do not require the approval of the other house nor the signature of the President, and they do not have the force of law.

    52. Environmental Bills Become Law
    Environmental bills become law. By REBECCA COOK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. OLYMPIA Gov. Gary Locke signed five environmental bills into law yesterday,

    53. Making Laws-e
    The bill may or may not make it through all the stages and become law. Even if it does not, Here is an example of a Senate bill that did become law
    M " M ust legislation be approved by the Senate? Can the Senate propose legislation?" Legislative basics ... Constitutional amendments " M ust legislation be approved by the Senate? Can the Senate propose legislation?" E L egislative basics T he law-making process starts with a bill - a proposal to create a new law, or change an existing one. Most of the bills considered by Parliament are public bills, meaning they concern matters of public policy such as taxes and spending, health and other social programs, defence and the environment. A bill can be introduced in the House of Commons (C-bills) or the Senate (S-bills), but most public bills get their start in the Commons. A bill goes through certain formal stages in each house. These stages include a series of three "readings" during which parliamentarians debate the bill. Prior to third and final reading, each house also sends the bill to a committee where members examine the fine points of the legislation. Committee members listen to witnesses give their opinions on the bill, and then subject it to clause-by-clause study based on the testimony. Either house can do four things with a bill: pass it; amend it; delay it; or defeat it. Sometimes, one house refuses changes or amendments made by the other, but they usually both agree eventually.

    54. The Parliament Of Canada - Democracy In Action
    Both Houses must approve bills in identical form before they can become law. bills become law when they receive Royal Assent, on a date specified in the

    55. Domestic Policy News Fourteen Bills Become Law On Final Day
    Fourteen bills become law on final day. Friday, 08 Apr 2005 1359. Fourteen bills received Royal Assent on Thursday. Fourteen bills received Royal Assent on
    uk politics news site

    56. Press Release: Alcohol Abuse Prevention Bills Become Law - Legislation Signed On
    Press Release Alcohol Abuse Prevention bills become Law Legislation Signed on Drunk Driving Victims Remembrance Day.
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    nd Alaska State Legislature
    News from Representative Norman Rokeberg
    State Capitol, Room 118
    Juneau, AK 99801-1182
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    716 W 4th, Suite 350 Anchorage, AK 99501-2133 Phone Fax Alcohol Abuse Prevention Bills Become Law Legislation Signed on Drunk Driving Victims Remembrance Day For Immediate Release July 3, 2001 Contact Representative Norman Rokeberg at (907) 269-0117 JUNEAU ) - Several major elements of the Republican-Led Legislative Majority's program to fight alcohol abuse and drunken driving became law today. "By passing these bills into law, the Legislature acted on behalf of Alaskans who rose up to say that enough is enough - people need to think before they drink, and not drink and drive," said Rep. Norman Rokeberg (R-Anchorage), a leading advocate for the new laws. "Alaskans should be held responsible, and not abuse alcohol." Rokeberg attended the ceremony where the governor signed four bills introduced and passed by Republicans:
    • House Bill 200 establishes July 3 as Drunk Driving Victims Remembrance Day in Alaska, to preserve the memories of Alaskans killed or otherwise victimized by drunken drivers, and to remind all drivers of the terrible risks of drinking and driving.

    57. Untitled Document
    Sometimes both bills become law, but generally the effect is insignificant. In this case, the significance was great and very costly to the county. legal.html
    The County
    President's Message Executive Director's ... Subscription Information In Legal Terms - Fall Issue 2003
    Local Bills Vitally Important to Counties
    In training courses for county officials and county administrators and engineers, we often talk about the nuts and bolts of getting a local bill through the legislative process and the importance of working with your local legislators to help see the bills become law. However, it is just as important to make sure that the bill is written properly and says what it is supposed to say. It is also extremely important to watch the legislative process carefully to make sure that what you want or what you thought was going to pass is actually the bill that does become law.
    In the last few months, ACCA staff have discovered (unfortunately after the fact) several instances where the local bill passed by the Legislature was not quite what it was supposed to be - or did not pass in the manner in which it was supposed to pass. Here is one example:

    58. Ayres' Bills Become Law Today
    Ayres bills become law today Ayres original legislation of House Bill 1735, which provides that a system must notify a registered crime victim by News/ayres_bills_become_law_today.htm
    Chesterton Tribune adv: Ayres' bills become law today Back to Front Page State Representative Ralph Ayres (R-Chesterton), serving Jasper, Lake and Porter Counties, is reminding Hoosiers that the general effective date of new laws is July 1st. The 2005 General Assembly moved legislation that will establish an Automated Victim Notification System. Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 230 includes Rep. Ayres original legislation of House Bill 1735, which provides that a system must notify a registered crime victim by telephone when a committed offender’s status changes as well as if the offender is released or has escaped. A crime victim can register for the system by telephone and can obtain the most recent status of an offender by calling the system. SEA 230 also includes Rep. Ayres legislation from House Bill 1746 to add registered neighborhood associations to the list of entities that must periodically receive the sex and violent offender directory published by the criminal justice institute. “This bill will help protect children and crime victims from offenders,” said Rep. Ayres. “This bill will help keep victims aware of the status of their offenders in hopes to prevent harmful acts from happening again.”

    59. New Hampshire Almanac -- How A Bill Becomes A Law
    A collection of electronic materials of interest to those studying about New Hampshire and it s people, government and area.
    The New Hampshire Almanac
    How a Bill Becomes a Law
    HOW AN IDEA BECOMES A BILL An idea for change or improvement in the laws of New Hampshire must first be drafted into a bill in proper form and language. Draft bills come from the 400 elected Representatives to the General court and the 24 members of the New Hampshire Senate. Heads of state agencies, the Governor, a private citizen, or interest group that wishes to propose legislation must find a sponsor in the legislative body to submit their suggestion to Legislative Services for drafting. All drafted bills must be approved and signed by the sponsoring legislator; all co-sponsors must also approve and sign the drafted bill. HOW THE BILL IS PRESENTED TO THE LEGISLATURE The drafted bill is first given to the Clerk of the Senate or House - to whichever body the sponsor belongs. The bill is introduced when the House adopts a motion referring to bills by number only, in accordance with the list in the possession of the Clerk. The bill is read twice in the early session; it is then assigned to a committee and sent to be printed. The President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House assigns the bill to a standing committee. The choice of this committee is made on the basis of subject matter, as outlined in Rules of the House covering the jurisdictions of the standing committees. The New Hampshire Constitution provides that all money bills (those imposing new means to raise money) must originate in the House; but the Senate may propose, or concur with, amendments, as on other bills.

    60. The Passage Of Legislation In The Bundesrat
    In keeping with the Basic Law, it is more usual for bills not to require the consent of the Bundesrat in order to become law. In such cases, the Bundesrat
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      The passage of legislation in the Bundesrat
      In keeping with the Basic Law, it is more usual for bills not to require the consent of the Bundesrat in order to become law. In such cases, the Bundesrat may lodge an objection to the bill. Thus the Bundesrat has the right to lodge an objection to most bills adopted by the Bundestag. If the Bundesrat wishes to object to a bill it must first ask the Mediation Committee to convene (for the mediation procedure, see below). The Bundestag can reject an objection from the Bundesrat by an absolute majority, i.e. a majority of its statutory members. (As a rule, the Bundestag adopts bills by a majority of the Members present.) Thus, by holding another vote, the Bundestag can overcome the opposition of the Bundesrat and open the way for the law to be promulgated. The question of whether the Bundestag is concerned with a bill to which the Bundesrat may lodge an objection or for which its consent is required is thus a key aspect of the legislative process and may determine whether the Bundestag in fact succeeds in having a bill passed. It is, however, not always easy to determine into which category the bill falls. Disagreements on this issue are not uncommon between the Federal Government and the Bundestag on the one hand and the Bundesrat on the other. The Federal Constitutional Court has had to decide more than once whether a bill requires, or should have required, the consent of the Bundesrat. If the Bundesrat fails to give its consent to a bill of this kind, then the bill becomes null and void.

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