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181. Parentstown Includes games and homework help for children, as well as articles, tips and other resources for parents. http://www.geocities.com/parentstown/ | |
182. Homework Help @ The Library Includes online database, encyclopedias, links, study hints and career development strategies. Live librarians are available to answer questions during the day. http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/homework/ | |
183. Free Online Tutoring Provides free tuition to students over the Internet. Includes quizzes, homework help and discussion forums. http://www.tuitionplaza.com/tutoring/ | |
184. Homework - FirstGov For Kids U.S. government site that provides links to sites that cover a variety of topics including American history, U.S. government, science and even law. http://www.kids.gov/k_homework.htm | |
185. Holy Sparks: Links For Kids homework help, games and links for Jewish kids. Tips for writing a dvar Torah. help kids in Israel who have been hurt by terrorism. Start a readathon at your school. http://www.holysparks.com/kidlinks.html | |
186. Taylor's Topics 2005-06 This is the homepage of Henley High School History Department. There are useful links to history related Web sites including British History. http://www.seananthonytaylor.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk | |
187. About Ask A Teacher Features homework help for Ontario students with live teachers available for chat online. Operated by TV Ontario. http://www.ilc.org/cfmx/AAT/ | |
188. Aplusmath.com : Homework Helper http://www.aplusmath.com/Homework_Helper/ |
189. Aplusmath.com : Homework Helper http://www.aplusmath.com/hh/ |
190. KID_INFO_The_Web's_Best_Student_Homework_Reference_Resource The web s best student homework and teacher, parent reference resource ! http://www.kidinfo.com/SchoolSubjects.html | |
191. Algebrator Allows students to enter their own algebra homework problems, and then solves them stepby-step , while generating explanations. http://www.softmath.com/ | |
192. The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math The Internet s premier askan-expert math help service. Ask Dr. Math a question using the Dr. Math Web form, or browse the extensive archive of previous http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ | |
193. Index Welcome to Libraries and Frameworks Making the Connection Leading librarians, teachers, and students to information that supports the http://www.mmrls.org/works/ | |
194. MathDork Animated Algebra Algebra tutorials, quizzes and games using interactive animation. Selfpaced educational tool helps math students in middle school and high school with algebra study or homework. http://www.mathdork.com/ |
195. Welcome To About.com GadgetsEntertainmentFood DrinkHealth FitnessHobbies GamesHome GardenHomework HelpJobs CareersMoneyNews IssuesParenting FamilyPeople http://about.com/ | |
196. AAA Math Math topics with interactive practice, explanations and challenge games for each. http://www.aaamath.com/ | |
197. The History Place Informative website focussing on American history from the Colonial period to presentday. Many on-line exhibits include timelines, photographs and famous http://www.historyplace.com/ | |
198. Cool Math .com - An Amusement Park Of Math And More! An amusement park of mathematics. Puzzles and number problems, fractals, geometry, calculus, algebra, online games, online calculators, and links. http://www.coolmath.com/ | |
199. Education Resources Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories. http://www.educationindex.com/education_resources.html | |
200. EducationCentral_D2R: Your Source For Teachers-resources - Schooldiscovery - Sch EducationCentral.com Your Source For teachersresources - schooldiscovery - schooldiscovery.com. http://schooldiscovery.com/ |
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