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161. Census 2000 Gateway Census in Schools Lesson plans, teaching kits, and resource materials Go Summaries of the most requested data for states and counties http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html |
162. Science Refdesk.com Annotated collection of resource pages for chemistry, physics, technology, anthropology, biology, food science, genetics, geology, cosmology, science history, engineering, math, and related online magazines. http://www.refdesk.com/factsci.html | |
163. Polylog / Links: Intercultural Philosophy Resources Collection of links to resources on intercultural philosophy, including projects, institutions, lexicons, mailing lists, bibliographies, and journals. http://link.polylog.org/ | |
164. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Astronomy links, lists and newsgroups. http://SkyandTelescope.com/resources/internet/ | |
165. Resources For ESL Programs A searchable directory of resources organized by category and accessed through a selection of keywords. http://www.cal.org/ericcll/ncbe/esldirectory/ | |
166. Unix System Administrator's Resources Has Moved A collection of resources and information that is useful and not reproduced elsewhere. http://www.stokely.com/unix.sysadm.resources/ | |
167. Software Testing And Test Tools Resources A list of links to testing resources on the Web with descriptions. Emphasizes test automation sites. http://www.aptest.com/resources.html | |
168. LP Human Resources Consulting firm providing various recruiting services. Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://www.lphumanresources.com | |
169. Annotated Webliography Of Downtown Revitalization An annotated collection of resources including urban renewal, historic preservation, land use regulations and urban zoning sites of use to planners, architects, and concerned citizens. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~kleban/Revitalization.htm | |
170. COBRA Seminars, Workshops, Education And Products COBRA programs and training on the latest COBRA statutes and laws. Educational COBRA products such as software, tapes, and manuals. http://www.cobraman.com/ | |
171. Suresh's Home Page For CCIE Lab, CCIE Labs, CCIE Lab Dumps, Real CCIE Lab, CCIE A MCSE, Lotus Notes, and CISCO CCNA, CCNP CCIE page full of sample questions, braindumps, cramsessions, practise tests, white papers, links. http://sureshhomepage.com/ | |
172. Wmxp - Webmaster Resources Categorized collection of ASP, Perl, PHP and JavaScript resources. http://scripts.wmxp.com/ | |
173. Brown Recruiting Group, Inc. Placing key Executives in Retail/Distribution, Manufacturing Operations, Sales Marketing, ecommerce and Human resources http://www.BrownRecruitingGroup.com/ |
174. Refreshing To Welcome Page... Adoption related information and calendar of events for support groups, resources, training and workshops. http://www.adoptionhawaii.com/ |
175. The United States Army Home Page The United States Army. home Leaders Organization Operations Career Management Funds have been set aside for the renovation of 43 Iraqi schools. http://www.army.mil/ | |
176. Africa Environment And Conservation On The Internet Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information resources http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/eco.html | |
177. Worldwide Legal Directories Everything you should know from choosing a Law school to your Bar Exams. PreLaw Law schools - US Worldwide Study United States Document Retrieval. http://www.hg.org/ |
178. Statistics Resources A collection of resources software, FAQs, papers, books, links. Ranges from elementary to advanced. Compiled by Stephen Soldz. http://soldzresearch.com/statisticsresources.htm | |
179. Keyboarding Research And Resources A collection of research and resources about when and how to teach keyboarding. Dr. Leigh Zeitz also makes a few comments on the subject. http://ci.coe.uni.edu/facstaff/zeitz/web/general/keyboardingresearch.html | |
180. Jungo Third Party Resources Index A list of selected sites, news groups and tools to help locate additional device driver resources and development tools. List also includes hardware and software resources for the target side development and for embedded systems. http://www.jungo.com/resource_index.html | |
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