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21. Access Washington- Education And Learning Locate Washington state Government information and services available on the Web. Learn how to home school my child More How do I topics http://access.wa.gov/Redirect.aspx?URL=/education/index.aspx |
22. US Department Of State  Home Page US Department of state home Page. Did you know that over 600 high school students from 25 nations recently arrived in the US to spend an academic year http://www.state.gov/ | |
23. Department Of Primary Industries And Department Of Sustainability And Environmen Department of Natural resources Environment (NRE). Aboriginal Affairs state Government of Victoria logo link to Victorian Government home. http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | |
24. Family FUNdamentals Home Learning Activities Get Ready To Read Information and resources on early child literacy, including a screening school home Reading Links from US Department of Education http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-5229-69358--,00.html | |
25. Delaware.gov -- The Official Website Of The First State Delaware.gov is the home for the state of Delaware online. Back to school Calendar 20052006 The Department of Education has released the official start http://www.delaware.gov/ | |
26. High School Environmental Center - US EPA US Environmental Protection Agency High school Environmental Center. EPA home High school home YOUR PORTAL TO EPA ENVIRONMENTAL resources http://www.epa.gov/highschool/ | |
27. Afterschool.gov Afterschool s tagline Connecting you to Federal resources that support children and Help the US Department of state redesign their website for kids. http://www.afterschool.gov/ | |
28. Terrorism Sponsored by the John F. Kennedy school of Government, Understanding Terrorism Research resources (California state University Northridge) http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/terrorism.htm |
29. Home Schooling home schooling is one of the options available for meeting the state s compulsory Other resources/Sites, Missouri state home Page, Ready.Missouri.gov http://www.dese.state.mo.us/schoollaw/HomeSch/ | |
30. DIR - Texas Department Of Information Resources Home Page To Department of Information resources home page state of Texas network serving state government, including local entities and school districts. http://www.dir.state.tx.us/ |
31. KidsWalk-to-School: Introduction | DNPA | CDC CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention home Page level promotion of walk and bicycle to school programs by building state level partnerships and http://www.cdc.gov/node.do/id/0900f3ec80006a5f | |
32. Kentucky.gov: - Education Resources Adults can learn from home with the resources provided here. Kids can have fun while they Find state Symbols Get homework Help homeschool my child http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/edu_resources | |
33. Healthy School Meals Resource System: Recipes & Menus A compilation of resources covering all aspects of school food service (ie state of Idaho Department of Education from manual produced by state of http://schoolmeals.nal.usda.gov/Recipes/ | |
34. Resources For Safe Schools resources for Safe schools, websites, publications, agency contacts, likely to be killed in the community or at home no school can guarantee complete http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dlsea/sspw/safeschool.html |
35. Home Schooling http//www.homeschool.com/. * Jon s List of homeschool resources List of state homeschool Organizations http//www.home-school.com/groups/ http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi/Resources/Family_Life/Home_Schooling.htm | |
36. Homework - FirstGov For Kids Item Afterschool.gov Kid s Page Your connection to federal resources that student homework success while strengthening the home-school connection. http://www.kids.gov/k_homework.htm | |
37. U.S. Department Of Education Home Page The new No Child Left Behind law promotes more Freedom for States and Communities. The Help your child read and succeed in school, plan for college, http://www.ed.gov/ | |
38. Kentucky Department Of Education The department also serves as the state liaison for federal education requirements and funding opportunities. Go to the kentucky.gov home page http://www.education.ky.gov/ | |
39. Mass.Gov gov is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts official website. Visit Mass. home Residents Businesses Visitors government. state Seal http://www.mass.gov/ | |
40. California Department Of Education SSPI, CTA Parents sue gov Restore school funds Posted 9-Aug-2005. Public Input for Instructional resources for 2005 Posted 28-Jul-2005 http://www.cde.ca.gov/index.asp | |
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