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41. Athletics - Brock University Brock Men s hockey to Play Charity Game versus NHL Alumni. December 20, 2004 St.Catharines, For all player bios go to http//www.nhlcharity.com . http://www.brocku.ca/athletics/releases.phtml?id=1155 |
42. American Friends Of The Hebrew University In his spare time, Danny is an avid ice hockey player, runner, Mets, Moshe Vigdor is Vice President and Director general of Hebrew University and has http://www.afhu.org/site/schultz/schultz_bio.htm | |
43. Presidential Symposia: Limits Of Performance: Speaker Bios. He has served as team physician to the Canadian Olympic hockey Team and the Some of his books has focused on his participation as a player in http://prelectur.stanford.edu/symposia/limitsbios.html | |
44. Bios Mike Robitaille s name is synonymous with professional hockey in Western New York . A successful businessman away from the rink, Robitaille was general http://www.empiresports.com/bios.html | |
45. NHL Game Notes - Detailed Sell Page: Includes last win, last shutout, how they were acquired, general notes, etc.player bios Includes player statistics (season and career), how they were http://signup.nhlgamenotes.nhl.com/dr/v2/ec_MAIN.Entry17c/SP-10007/PN-5/CID-1454 | |
46. Speaker Bios Barile is currently the President of the Professional hockey Athletic Trainers He was a key player for the United States during the 1994 World Cup, http://law.slu.edu/conf/sportsmed/bios.htm | |
47. KINGS: Kings Broadcaster Bios the playby-play announcer for the football, basketball, and hockey teams athis alma Additionally, Reynolds serves as general manager of the WNBAÂs http://www.nba.com/kings/news/Kings_Broadcaster_Bios.html | |
48. Staff Bios Angela played college field hockey and lacrosse and has a history in Nelson earned his bachelors degree in general Arts from Villanova University. http://www.christianacare.org/body.cfm?id=362 |
49. MSN Groups Talk about free agents your fav hockey players, The CBA or any other nhl in hockey and anyone can join the leaf rock and it has pics bios and player http://groups.msn.com/browse.msnw?catid=321&sortby=2&alphastart=T |
50. UWBadgers.com The Official Badger Athletics Web Site The Badger hockey School Specialized Training Format Mites (ages 68 years old) Staff bios general Info Printable Application (PDF) Health Forms http://www.uwbadgers.com/camps/mhky/gen_info.aspx | |
51. UWBadgers.com The Official Badger Athletics Web Site Most Outstanding player of the NCAA East regional CSTV/hockey CommissionersâÂÂAssociation national player of the month for February won WCHA goalie http://www.uwbadgers.com/sport_news/mhky/bios/bio.aspx?id=Bruckler_Bernd_mhky&sp |
52. ThinkQuest : Library : Baseball & Softball It also has baseball history and player bios. Such as soccer, football,baseball, softball, volleyball, hockey (roller, ice, and field). More http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=199 |
53. BU Ice Hockey Dad played hockey at the University of Minnesota and faced the Terriers in boththe 1974 and Enrolled in the University s College of general Studies http://www.bu.edu/athletics/icehockey/bios/03-04-morrow-bio.html |
54. GamePro.com / The Hub / Inside GP / Editor Bios/ Air Hendrix Plus, hockey players in general come off as pretty decent guysunlike theegotistical brats who play in the NBA and NFL. You ve Been to Skip Barber s Racing http://www.gamepro.com/hub/insidegp/airhendrix.shtml | |
55. Compuware Company Management Bios He also enjoys travel, playing hockey and crossword puzzles. Senior VicePresident of Human Resources, general Counsel and Secretary http://www.compuware.com/corporate/796_ENG_HTML.htm | |
56. Stargate SG-1 Information Archive - SG-1 Cast Info - Richard Dean Anderson In 2004, Jack was promoted from Colonel to Brigadier general, In his freetime Anderson plays hockey, races cars and skis any one of his favorite http://www.sg1archive.com/bios/rda.shtml | |
57. MGoBlue 200203 Michigan Ice hockey Weekly Releases 4/1/03, - NCAA Frozen FourGuide (player bios), PDF . 3/24/03, - NCAA Midwest Regional Guide (Game Notes) http://mgoblue.com/weekly.cfm?season=40§ion_id=464&level=3&top=2 |
58. Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas | WFAA.com | Hockey: Stars Stars general manager Doug Armstrong will look for the right player in today s The Stars Bill Guerin and Mike Modano were among 39 players USA hockey http://www.wfaa.com/s/dws/spt/hockey/stars/vitindex.html | |
59. Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas | WFAA.com | Hockey: NHL Stars general manager Doug Armstrong will look for the right player in today s and general counsel of the National hockey League players Association. http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/hockey/nhl/vitindex.html | |
60. Canucks.com -  The Team - Roster Roster. player bios His greatest hockey moments were playing in the NHLplayoffs in 2001 and 2002 .Enjoys the television show Friends and NBA basketball http://www.canucks.com/theteam/roster.asp?sectionID=23&id=41 |
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