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101. Lesson Plan - Halloween (history) The history of Halloween goes back more than 2000 years. Since that day, he has traveled the world over with his JackO -Lantern in search of a place to http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/halloween.ht | |
102. Alaska History Toolbox Don t miss the lesson plans written by teachers, and watch for this area to grow Interactive Links; Alaska history; Alaska Natives history Issues http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/akhistory/aktools.htm | |
103. Eastern Woodland Indians Lesson Plans lesson plans for the study of Eastern Woodland Indians. Virginia s Standards of Learning for history and Science http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/vaindianslesson.htm | |
104. ARTSEDGE: Lessons Aida and Its Relevance to the world Today. This lesson uses the opera Aida and the history of the Middle East and Africa to open discussions about the http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/teach/les.cfm | |
105. Lesson Plan On Making A World History Timeline A lesson plan on making a timeline at the 5th grade level. http://www.adprima.com/social13.htm | |
106. Social Studies, Federal Resources For Educational Excellence (FREE) lesson plans focus on the LincolnDouglas debates, anti-slavery movement, This lesson correlates to the National history Standards and National http://wdcrobcolp01.ed.gov/cfapps/free/displaysubject.cfm?sid=9 |
107. World History Blog: Lesson Plan: Cinco De Mayo Blog that features different aspects of world history. lesson Plan Cinco de Mayo Teaching plan for teachers 3rd-4th grades. http://world-history-blog.blogspot.com/2005/06/lesson-plan-cinco-de-mayo.html | |
108. Thirteen Ed Online - Adult Ed - Lesson Plans The lesson plans below were designed by Joy M. BarnesJohnson, This lesson will use the WIDE ANGLE Web site to explore the history and context of the http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/adulted/lessons.html | |
109. Welcome To OurDocuments.gov Featuring 100 milestone documents of American history from the National Archives. Includes images of original primary source documents, lesson plans, teacher and student competitions, and educational resources. http://www.ourdocuments.gov | |
110. CIE - Council On Islamic Education This lesson integrates world history, world religions, geography, and art history This lesson plan shows how students can integrate history, geography, http://www.cie.org/ | |
111. Teachers.Net - TEACHER RESOURCES - The Most Active Teacher Chatboards & Teacher Teacher discussion boards and chatrooms. lesson plans, project ideas and teaching tools. Searchable teacher job listings and career resources. http://www.teachers.net/ | |
112. Poetry Teachers Resources for teaching poetry to children, including lesson plans, performance tips, and fun activities. http://www.poetryteachers.com |
113. African Art Lesson Plans Elementary art lessons for creating masks, shields and Kente placemats, plus links to information on ancient Africa. http://members.aol.com/TWard64340/Africa.htm | |
114. New Document Showcases K12 materials and content in a Web-based community. Features educational programs, interactive textbooks, productivity tools, lesson plans, and games for students, teachers, and parents. http://www.mhln.com/ |
115. Everything Preschool - Early Childhood Education Made Easy Includes lesson plans, art, songs, thematic units, and book reviews. http://www.everythingpreschool.com/ | |
116. Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site - Reviews And Teaching Ideas For Kids' Includes reviews of great children's books, classroom activities, lesson plans, and professional topics. http://www.carolhurst.com/ | |
117. K-12 SCIENCE EDUCATION RESOURCES (Bill Beaty's Homepages) From teacher Bill Beaty's homepages. Includes links, projects and lesson plans. http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/edu.html | |
118. BBC - Learning - Homepage Archive of BBC educational websites. Includes lesson plans, articles and other educational resources. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/ | |
119. Math Central Teaching resources, lesson plans for K12 Canadian mathematics teachers, a question and answer service, and a mailing list for teachers. http://MathCentral.uregina.ca/index.html | |
120. FREE -- Federal Resources For Educational Excellence - Home Page Thirty federal agencies providing educational resources including lesson plans for all subjects and research support for homework assignments. Link to specific units of study or access the user friendly search engine. http://www.ed.gov/free | |
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