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         History Libraries:     more books (100)
  1. Library: An Unquiet History by Matthew Battles, 2004-06
  3. A Short History of Medicine (Modern Library Chronicles) by Frank Gonzalez-Crussi, 2007-11-06
  4. The History of the Library in Western Civilization: From Cicero to Hadrian (History of the Library in Western Civilization) by K. Staikos, 2005-06
  5. The History of the Library in Western Civilization: FROM MINOS TO CLEOPATRA. (History of the Library in Western Civilization) by Konstantinos Staikos, 2003-06
  6. Enrichment: A History of the Public Library in the United States in the Twentieth Century by Lowell A. Martin, 2003-06
  7. Histories: Volume 1 (Everyman's Library) by William Shakespeare, 1994-10-04
  8. Sun Slower Sun Faster (Living History Library) by Meriol Trevor, 2004-06-30
  9. The Balkans: A Short History (Modern Library Chronicles) by Mark Mazower, 2002-08-06
  10. History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson (Library of America) by Henry Adams, 1986-07-04
  11. Lucent Library of Black History - A Dream Deferred - The Jim Crow Era (Lucent Library of Black History) by Anne Wallace Sharp, 2005-07-15
  12. Lighting the Way: The Centennial History of the Queens Borough Public Library, 1896-1996 by Jeffrey A. Kroessler, 1996-06
  13. Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier: The Penguin Library of American Indian History by Timothy J. Shannon, 2008-07-03
  14. Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History, Books I-V (Loeb Classical Library, No. 153) by Eusebius, 1926-01-01

161. Tennessee Secretary Of State - Redirect
Search for libraries by region.

162. Electronic Books In Libraries
A study by Rochester area libraries evaluating the uses and the feasibility of ebooks in library settings. With industry and project information.
WELCOME! Welcome to the new version of the website formerly known as the "Electronic Book Evaluation Project." All of the information that was on that website, along with its associated Librarian's eBook Newsletter, has been moved to this new location, as part of the University of Rochester Libraries website. Under eBook Studies
  • circulation of ebook devices in public, academic and school libraries circulation of audio ebooks in public libraries use of netLibrary ebooks in an academic library recent presentation Powerpoints
eBook Products contains fact sheets about the latest ebook devices, software and subscription services. eBook Websites is annotated list of useful websites of up-to-date information about the ebook industry. The Librarian's eBook Newsletter was a free, bi-monthly newsletter providing information about ebook products, content and the market, specifically for a librarian audience that was published between October 2000 and August 2002. Last Updated document.write(document.lastModified);

CLEVELAND DIGITAL LIBRARY Virtual Cleveland history Text, maps, and images, photographs, drawings, videos, cartoons, about the history of Cleveland, Ohio.
CLEVELAND DIGITAL LIBRARY A digital collection of texts, maps, and images, as well as access tools for digital and non-digital works, all concerning the history of greater Cleveland and the Western Reserve region of northeastern Ohio. Supported and maintained by Special Collections in the Cleveland State University Library. more... ENTER THE DIGITAL COLLECTION
These facets contain the same information, just arranged
differently. SUBJECT FORMAT DATE LOCATION ADDITIONAL TOOLS AND LINKS BIBLIOGRAPHY LOCAL HISTORY LINKS SCHOLAR HELP FOR EDUCATORS ... SEARCH THE WEB For the best view of Old Cleveland, you need the best vantage point: "Virtual Cleveland History" in the Cleveland Digital Library
"Local history buffs with Web access might never leave their computers again." - Evelyn Theiss, Plain Dealer "...offers one of the things the Internet was originally intended to deliver." - Dennis Seeds, Sun Newspapers "What Are Digital Libraries?" Send comments, suggestions and corrections to:
Cleveland Digital Library Webmaster
This major rewrite of the Cleveland Digital Library facet pages was done by Heather Maltonic , as a practicum project of the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science, during the Fall Semester, 1999. Subsequently, in 2000 and 2002

164. National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
The largest association of muzzle loaders in the United States, promoting the sport of muzzleloading through venues such as match competition, hunting, gun making and safety, historical reenactments, exhibits, museums, libraries, and other related programs. Publishes Muzzle Blasts magazine.
Welcome to the Home of the
National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Second Amendment to the Constitution
The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association exists to promote, support, nurture, and preserve NMLRA's and our nation's rich historical heritage in the sport of muzzleloading through recreational, educational, historical, and cultural venues such as match competition, hunting, gun making and safety, historical re-enactments, exhibits, museums, libraries, and other related programs. As an association founded upon our heritage of early American firearms, we declare our support of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
We are dedicated to: The understanding of, and the ability in, marksmanship with early American muzzleloading firearms. Match promotion for the purpose of advancing fine accuracy with these arms and the establishment of standard practices for competition. The recognition and support for the continuing and growing interest in the added challenge of hunting with a muzzleloading firearm.

165. Library History Database
Directory with summary information arranged geographically and by type of library.
THE BRITISH ISLES - TO 1850 Introduction


Barbados Address:
67 Ocean City
St. Philip
Barbados Tel/Fax: 246 416 9097
Canadian Address Queen Street Portland Ontario Tel: 613 272 5044 This database will shortly be transferred to the Institute of English Studies School of Advanced Study University of London The Library History Database now contains information on over 27,000 libraries in the British Isles , and is based on over 1,200 published works. It is regularly updated, but additions and corrections are usually added to the main files for England Wales Scotland Ireland , and the Islands . It takes much longer to get up-dates into the various long and complex subsidiary files. If you want to know more about the project - and the data in preparation - click on Introduction in the Contents Frame. Otherwise, just browse the 200+ files which this site offers. Cultural historians have under-estimated the number of libraries available for reading, whether for entertainment or for self-improvement. As the data presented here demonstrates there was provision of print in almost every market town in the British Isles by the year 1820, and by 1850 in hundreds of villages with a population of less than 500 souls. The sheer variety of libraries so far discovered is quite extraordinary: libraries devoted to the arts and sciences; libraries in the workplace; libraries on omnibuses; libraries in inns; libraries on the estates of wealthy landowners provided for the workers; libraries associated with every type of society; village libraries provided by benevolent pastors.

166. Libraries Directory Home
Directory of all libraries in the university, departments, faculties, and colleges.
Libraries Directory
University Library and Dependent Libraries Departmental and Faculty Libraries College Libraries Other Libraries associated with the University ... the Libraries Directory The Libraries Directory provides information on the libraries within and associated with the University of Cambridge Libraries in Cambridge Cambridge University Library University of Cambridge

167. WWW Virtual Library: Art History
The WWW Virtual Library for the history of Art links to art history sites of general interest, but focuses mainly on academic and scholarly sites,
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: History of Art
The History of Art Virtual Library is a collection of links relating to Art History and computer applications in Art History. The site is sponsored by CHArt , the Computers and History of Art Group. This site is aimed at everybody interested in art, but it has a special focus on the academic study of Art History. If you think we should add a site to our listings, or if you experience any problems with the links listed here, please follow this link to email us If you are looking for art galleries or museums, go to the Museums Virtual Library. For architectural history, try the Architecture Virtual Library's history section. There is also a separate Virtual Library for Chinese and Japanese Art History and sub-sections for Buddhist Art and Tibetan Art Last revision November 2004 If you have a general interest in art history and would like to find images online or learn more about particular artists, the sites below will be of most use to you. (Note specialist suppliers sell books, prints and posters and the

168. Libraries & Museums
Details of all the libraries and museums within the university. Includes opening times, web links, and contact details.
The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's libraries, museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students. Information here will give you a taste of what is on offer - from the enormous collection of books at the University Library, one of the six legal deposit libraries in the British Isles; to the local archaeological finds at the Sedgwick Museum and Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; to the fine paintings and sculpture at the Fitzwilliam and contemporary art at Kettle's Yard, wonderful collections of plants at the botanic garden; and specimens brought back by Darwin from his voyages on display at the Museum of Zoology. Special events go on throughout the year - talks, concerts, exhibitions and displays - and also the education programmes for schools. Members of the public are given a warm welcome. Teachers interested in INSET programmes and special projects for schools should contact the education officer at either the Fitzwilliam Museum, Kettle's Yard or the Botanic Garden for details.

169. Allen County Public Library:Genealogy
Consult the Family history Library Catalog for records available elsewhere. Periodicals The department holds one of the largest Englishlanguage genealogy
Library Catalog My Account E-Resources Digital Library Internet
Who We Are

Getting started in


Genealogy Special
Getting Started Brochure

Article Request Form

Quick Search Form

Research Request Form

Department E-zine
Pathfinders: 1 - French-Canadian 3 - Scottish 4 - Irish 5 - Newspaper ... Key Title Index
Who We Are
INTRODUCTION The Fred J. Reynolds Historical Genealogy Department of the Allen County Public Library was organized in 1961 by the library director for whom it was named. The department's renowned collection contains more than 300,000 printed volumes and 314,000 items of microfilm and microfiche. This collection grows daily through department purchases and donations from appreciative genealogists and historians. Because of the collection's size and continuous growth, the information in the following holdings summary will necessarily be brief and representative in nature. WHEN YOU VISIT Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

170. Index
Architectural design services for healthcare providers, churches, colleges, libraries and entertainment facilities. Macon.

171. ERIC Digests On Libraries
Offers an annotated list with links to ERIC Digests that relate to libraries, librarianship, and library science.
Site Links

Search for ERIC Digests


Privacy Policy

ERIC Digests on Libraries Libraries and Democracy - This document is from 1996 and is written by Laura A. Pinhey. First paragraph: "Libraries in the United States of America have long cultivated democratic environments. The foundation of our public library system is built on the assumption that access to information should be free and open to all. Indeed, libraries take a democratic stance toward not only the persons they serve, but also toward the very materials they provide: to offer materials representing all points of view on a given topic, freedom of expression, and freedom of access are all principles of library philosophy. It follows that libraries, microcosms of democracy, are integral to a truly democratic society." Small Public Libraries Can Serve Big - This is from 2001 and is written by Parry Norm. First paragraph: "Small public libraries can deliver service like big libraries, without sacrificing hometown warmth and charm. By borrowing strategies used by successful small businesses in the private sector, defining goals and exploiting ubiquitous low cost technologies, small public libraries can serve customer wants as well as much larger institutions. Responding to just three strategic questions, any small library can improve customer service, make better use of available resources and open up new service opportunities, without a bigger building, budget or book collection: What business are you in? What do your customers want? How do you get it for them?"

172. Western Association Of Map Libraries
Independent association of map librarians. Membership information and publications.
Western Association of Map Libraries
The Western Association of Map Libraries is an independent association of map librarians and other people with an interest in maps and map librarianship. Membership in WAML is open to any individual interested in furthering the purpose of the Association, which is "to encourage high standards in every phase of the organization and administration of map libraries." Membership Information Meeting Information Publications WAML ...

Thomas Corsmeier
Page developed by Linda Zellmer
Revised March 28, 2002

173. South Carolina Library History Project
All aspects of librarianship in the state, including histories of public, private and academic institutions, biographies and recollections,
South Carolina Library History Project The South Carolina Library History Project is an ongoing, collaborative effort of the School of Library and Information Science faculty, its students, and South Carolina librarians to compile and make available the history of every library in the state. The project aims to foster public interest in and awareness of library history, and to encourage research on the part of South Carolina libraries. To contribute documents or photographs pertinent to this project please contact Dr. Robert V. Williams College and University Libraries Private and Special Libraries Exhibits, Booklets, and Biographies ... Other Library Histories, Miscellaneous

174. Digital Libraries Resources And Projects
Collection of links provided by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

175. TALL Homepage
Provides access to moderated discussion, membership information and publications. Some portions of the site restricted to members of TALL.
Welcome Celebrate our 25th Anniversary! The Toronto Association of Law Libraries (TALL) offers its members access to a network of professional contacts through regular meetings and continuing education programs. Members represent law firm, academic, government, legislative, law society, court house and corporate libraries as well as several legal publishers. An unmoderated discussion list ( T-LAWLIB ), hosted by the University of Toronto, has become a forum for members and other interested parties to discuss issues of interest to the profession and to share information. T o further serve the needs of members, TALL publishes a quarterly Newsletter and an annual Membership Directory as well as the occasional Salary Survey and Union List. Governance Committees
... Publications Please direct any comments or suggestions concerning the content of this site to

176. USC Libraries
Specialized libraries Archival Collections Center Applied Social Sciences Library (previously known as VKC Library) Roy P. Crocker Business Library
@import url(/isd/libraries/css/screen.css);
Welcome to the USC Libraries
Getting Started
How do I ... obtain a library card? find a book in the catalog? find course reserves for my class? renew a book? recall a book? change my HOMER PIN? pay a fine? request Interlibrary Loan materials? contact a reference librarian?
Other Libraries

177. Friends Of Michigan Libraries
News of Friends groups around the state, tips on organization and management, newsletter reprints, and the current newsletter online.
Sign up now for our linking at the Saugatuck-Douglas Library on October 19, 2005 Welcome The Mission of the Friends of Michigan Libraries is to support friends working on behalf of Michigan libraries, to serve as an information resource for Friends' groups and to be advocates for libraries at the state level. Want your library pictured on the FOML website? Download a release to publish a picture, and send us your attached digital photograph.

178. World-Wide Web Resources - Libraries And Archives
Index of links to universities and libraries worldwide as well as references to various directories.

Libraries and Archives
New Sites Added Since June 19
  • UNESCO Libraries Portal , includes links to Libraries
    Guides to Library and Archive Sites
  • Academic Libraries in the United States , from SunSite.
  • Archives and Manuscripts Collections , from Columbia University.
  • Canadian Library Index , An index of Canadian Library Home Pages and connections to telnet / web based OPACs.
  • Directory of Archives in Australia
  • European Library , gateway to 43 European Libraries. Finding Aids for Archival Collections , including inventories, registers, indexes or guides to collections held by archives and manuscript repositories, libraries, and museums. Provide detailed descriptions of collections, their intellectual organization and, at varying levels of analysis, of individual items in the collections.
  • Historical Archives of the European Communities
  • Kentucky Libraries
  • Kentucky Public Library Directory , arranged by county.
  • lib-web-cats , a directory of libraries worldwide. LibDex , the Library Index. Worldwide index of library catalogues, web sites and Friends of Libraries pages.
  • Libraries and their Catalogs
  • Library Catalogs Arranged by Vendor , worldwide guide from Hytelnet
  • Library Catalogs Arranged Geographically , worldwide guide from Hytelnet
  • Library Catalogs with Web Interfaces
  • Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web , from the Smithsonian Institution. This is an A-to-Z list of online exhibitions created by libraries, archives, historical societies, and museums.
  • 179. Biblioteca Pública Por Internet History
    Internet Public Library Internet Public Library Internet Public Library the history of Tufts University, and part of the Library of Congresssponsored

    180. Free C/C++ Libraries, Source Code And Frameworks(
    A variety of free libraries, with or without source code, for accessing databases (with/without ODBC, SQL), encryption, graphics/images, compression, fonts, GUI's, 3D engines, 2D engines, and sockets programming.
    @import url(../include/modern.css);
    Free C / C++ Libraries, Source Code and Frameworks
    Reusable source code, libraries, components to link with your programs
    You are here: (main page) Free C/C++ Libraries, Source Code and Frameworks
    Search This Site
    Main Site Home Feedback Link To Us No Spam Policy ... Site Map Programming Free Compilers Source Code / Libraries Programming Tools Documentation ... Free Emulators For Webmasters Web Hosting Perl Scripts PHP Scripts Script Hosting ... Wizards Security Security Miscellaneous Logtime Tofrodos NetSyndic News
    If you find this site useful, please link to us
    Free C / C++ Libraries, Source Code and Frameworks
    Here are some C and C++ libraries, DLLs, VCLs, source code, components, modules, application frameworks, class libraries, source code snippets, and the like, that you can use with your programs without payment of fees and royalties. Note that some libraries (etc) listed here may have certain restrictions about its use and/or distribution. Be sure you read the licence conditions in each package before using them. A few types of libraries have been moved to their own pages, due to the large number of items in those categories. Here are some of the other pages containing free libraries on this site:

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