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101. University Of Hawaii Campus Plants, UH Botany Erect herb from Brazil with redtipped leaves about one foot long and one Aquatic herbs from Africa and Asia with leaves and flowers that float on the http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/page17.htm | |
102. Botany Glossary "H" An herb is a plant that has a soft stem and is not woody. Herbaceous plantsare plants that are herbs with soft, nonwoody stems and no secondary growth http://www.puc.edu/Faculty/Gilbert_Muth/botglosh.htm | |
103. WINDOWS\Desktop\rthomas\research tion between connected ramets in two forest herbs. botany 80 Conference, Universityof British Columbia, Vancouver, July 1216. *Reinhart, DA and RJ Thomas. http://abacus.bates.edu/~rthomas/research.html | |
104. Chemistry Of Folk Remedies--Student Handout: URLs http//www.realtime.net/anr/herbs.html. botany, Vatican exhibithttp//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/gnat ure/botany.html http://www.ael.org/nsf/voices/curric/herburl.htm | |
105. Powell's Books - Peterson Field Guides #2: A Field Guide To Medicinal Plants And Subject herbs; Subject Canada, Eastern; Subject botany; Subject Plants;Subject Herbal Medications; Subject Plants General http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0395988144 |
106. Biblio: Find Books In Gardening & Landscaping > Herb Garden botany, herbs, Herbal Medicine, Healing with herbs, Shaker Herbal Medicine, Plants, botany, Ethnobotany, herbs, Herb Lore, Medicinal Plants, http://www.biblio.com/catalogs/sub/293/Herb_Garden.html | |
107. Economic Botany Meeting Explores Area's 'hidden Treasures' Economic botany meeting explores area s hidden treasures Many millions ofdollars of herbs are sold worldwide, and Missouri is one of the leading http://record.wustl.edu/archive/1997/06-12-97/4161.html | |
108. Botany As Martial Art Keys, John D. Chinese herbs Their botany, Chemistry and Pharmacodynamics.Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan, 1976. http://www.ittendojo.org/articles/general-6.htm | |
109. RETANET | Geographic Study Of Herbs Throughout Latin America The study of herbs can be integrated in a botany lesson plan and can be used tomake connections between plants and geography. http://retanet.unm.edu/article.pl?sid=03/05/18/2111111 |
110. SMSU Libraries Agriculture, botany Gardening Growing herbs Selected Information Sources,19962003 National Agricultural Library, Growing herbs at Home http://library.smsu.edu/Resources/plants.shtml | |
111. The Fresh Herbs Of Summer Within the city, community gardens are a good place to grow herbs. botany Hallat Carnegie Museum of Natural History has a display of a typical western http://www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmag/bk_issue/1997/julaug/dept4.htm | |
112. Botany & Birds botany Ornithology. The Island is a sensory delight, the moment that you step Most of all however, you can smell the herbs, usually this is your first http://www.amorgos.dial.pipex.com/nature_notes.htm | |
113. Ethno Botany Source Offers Professional Bulk Extraction Services For Herbs And E Sells ethnobotanical plants and enteogens including salvia divinorum. http://www.ethnobotanysource.com/ | |
114. Economic Botany Leaflets The herb allows them to train and compete above their normal performance (8) . Ephedra ( http//mothernature.com/ency/herb/ephedra.asp ). http://www.siu.edu/~ebl/leaflets/ephed2.htm | |
115. Botany: Definition And Much More From Answers.com botany, science devoted to the study of plants. botany, microbiology, and zoologytogether compose the science of biology. Humanity s earliest concern with http://www.answers.com/topic/botany | |
116. AllRefer.com - Herb (Botany, General) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon herb, botany, General. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/H/herb.html | |
117. Botany - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia botany covers a wide range of scientific disciplines that study the growth,reproduction, Mauseth, JD botany an introduction to plant biology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicinal_plants | |
118. Botanical.com - A Modern Herbal | Lemon - Herb Profile And Information Providing botanical, folklore and herbal information, plus organic herbs, andherbal products. http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/l/lemon-16.html | |
119. University Week - Vol. 20, No. 1 - Two Sets Of Medicinal Herb Garden Monkeys Ret The Medicinal Herb Garden on Stevens Way across from the botany Greenhouse isthe largest such garden in the Western Hemisphere. http://admin.urel.washington.edu/uweek/archives/issue/uweek_story_small.asp?id=6 |
120. Botany: Home Page The botany node of the NBII provides comprehensive resources for botanicalinformation to researchers and gardeners. Annotated links collections are http://www.nbii.gov/disciplines/botany/ | |
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