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161. Hep-C ALERT Welcome Page Details about this nonprofit organization which is dedicated to raising awareness of, and assisting people affected by hepatitis C. Includes news and Q As http://www.hep-c-alert.org/ | |
162. CNN.com - Hepatitis A Outbreak 'successfully Ended' - Nov. 22, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/11/22/hepatitis.outbreak.ap/index.html | |
163. Rebetron Rebetron is the complete source for information about hepatitis especially hepatitis C, understanding risk factors for hepatitis and management and treatment of hepatitis. http://www.rebetron.com/ |
164. The Department Of Pathology And Laboratory Medicine : Hepatitis Review of hepatitis Case Studies. 23 yearold male stabbed with a needle. 22-year-old male complaining of weakness and dark urine. http://pleiad.umdnj.edu/hepatitis.html | |
165. HealthAtoZ Hepatitis Learn about symptoms, transmission, prevention, and treatment options for hepatitis AE and toxic hepatitis. Includes a comparison chart and quiz. Message board requires free registration. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/dc/caz/infc/hepa/hepa_gen_ovw.jsp |
166. Janis And Friends Hepatitis C Support The entry page to the Microsoft Office Web site. Find updates, downloads, assistance, and more for your Office programs. http://www.janis7hepc.com/ | |
167. Hepatitis C Forum Of Hope Forum with disease information, inspirational poems, and chat centers, including a rubber room. Use login link to register for free DelphiForums account. http://forums.delphiforums.com/hopenow1 |
168. Welcome To The Australian Multilingual HIV/AIDS And Hepatitis C Information Webs HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C multilingual website for people in Australia languages Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, English, http://www.multiculturalhivhepc.net/default.asp | |
169. Virtuelle Sprechstunde Information f¼r Laien und Ârzte zum Thema. http://www.hepc.ch | |
170. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide hepatitis. New articles, 10.08.2005 03.08.2005 27.07.2005 20.07.2005 13.07.2005 06.07.2005 29.06.2005 22.06.2005 15.06.2005 http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/hep.htm | |
171. ♥ Rejsedoktor - Vaccination Og Beskyttelse Mod Malaria - Hepatitis A (smit Om smitte og vaccination. http://www.rejsedoktor.dk/diseases/5.html | |
172. Hepatitis hepatitis Updated June 9, 2005 hepatitis and Gay Men hepatitis and HIV hepatitis in Children hepatitis in Teens More about Specific Concerns http://www.noah-health.org/en/kidver/liver/diseases/hepatitis/ | |
173. Hepatitis.cl - Enfermedades Del HÃgado, Hepatitis, Cirrosis, Etc. Información Informaci³n m©dica sobre las enfermedades que afectan a este ³rgano, tanto para el pºblico general y pacientes como al personal de la salud. http://www.hepatitis.cl/ | |
174. Hepatitis: Overview | The New Mexico Aids Info Net A description of the seven types of viral hepatitis, their symptoms and diagnosis. Basic information on treatment. http://www.aidsinfonet.org/articles.php?articleID=506 |
175. Medical Writers' Circle Article discussing under what conditions patients with hepatitis C should not receive treatment. http://www.hcvadvocate.org/hcsp/articles/HEATHCOTE.html | |
176. Chronic Hepatitis C: Current Disease Management Explains the causes and symptoms of hepatitis C, along with information about diagnosis and treatment. From the National Digestive Diseases Information http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/chronichepc/ | |
177. Autoimmune Hepatitis Provides information on the triggers, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of autoimmune hepatitis. Includes a list of additional resources. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/autoimmunehep/ | |
178. GayHealth: Hepatitis Resource Center Information about safe sexual practices, immunization against types A and B, and a risk quiz. http://www.gayhealth.com/templates/1121130164316634478978/sex/hepatitis/index.ht |
179. BBC NEWS | Health | Jab Cuts Hepatitis Virus Levels Scientists have harnessed genetic technology to develop a potent treatment for the liver disease hepatitis. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4714117.stm | |
180. Seekers Hepatitis C Support Forum to ask questions, read research and medical articles, and chat. Patientto-patient support. Requires free DelphiForums registration to post. http://forums.delphiforums.com/hepc/start |
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