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         Hepatitis:     more books (100)
  1. The Cure of Chronic Hepatitis B: One Man's Cure One Family's Experience by Kunmi Oluleye, Ibiyinka Oluleye, et all 1997-01
  2. Hepatitis C Virus: From Laboratory to Clinic (Biomedical Research Topics) by Mark A. Feitelson, 2002-04-29
  3. Viral Hepatitis by F. Blaine Hollinger, 2002-05-15
  4. Hepatitis C Viruses by Seng-Lai Tan, 2006-07-10
  5. Understanding Hepatitis by James L., M.D. Achord, 2002-07-15
  6. Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis (Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing) by Stuart Gordon, 2002-01-15
  7. Hepatitis (Epidemics) by Aileen Gallagher, 2004-11
  8. A Book of Love for those with Hepatitis C 1a by Sheryl Ann Hedrick, 2006-07-06
  9. Hepatitis C Through a Patient's Eyes; Hope for Healing by Suzy Smith, 2006-06-05
  10. Rhe-2. Intra-muscular gold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in patients with concomitant hepatitis C infection.(Section on Rheumatology)(Brief Article): An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Stephen Bagg, Leonard Serebro, 2004-10-01
  11. Autoimmune Hepatitis by MIKIO, ED. NISHIOKA, 1994
  12. Chronic hepatitis C therapy. (Guest Editorial).: An article from: Internal Medicine News by Anna W. Sasaki, 2002-08-15
  13. Framing the Knowledge of Therapeutics for Viral Hepatitis
  14. Rheumatic symptoms reported by women with hepatitis C. (Infected by Contaminated Blood Products).: An article from: Internal Medicine News by Nancy Walsh, 2003-01-01

61. Surviving Liver Diseases
This publication deals with Liver, Liver diseases, in particular hepatitis, and liver transplant.
Surviving Liver Diseases
Life with a Liver Transplant
Author: Moustafa Ahmed Foreword by: Professor G. M. Dusheiko ISBN: 0-9536007-0-X Cover Price: GB £9.99 Format: Paperback Pages: 160 pp
Your Liver Is Your Vital Organ ... Care For It.
Read more about your liver, and how to look after it.
Liver diseases are spreading rapidly world-wide. It is estimated that hepatitis has infected more than 2 billion people, of whom more than 350 million are incurable. However, liver diseases are preventable but poorly understood. This book raises the awareness of the seriousness of liver diseases, and provides information on liver, its functions, and how to care for the liver. It also has a section on the right diet to keep the liver healthy. For more information, please visit the links below: Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Click here to order this book: Order

62. Hepatitis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
A vaccine is available that will prevent infection from hepatitis A. hepatitis B causes both acute and chronic hepatitis in some patients who are unable to
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hepatitis is a gastroenterological disease, featuring inflammation of the liver . The clinical signs and prognosis, as well as the therapy, depend on the cause.

63. Diskussionsforum Hepatitis C
Austauschangebot f¼r hepatitisC-Betroffene und Interessierte.
Diskussionsforum Hepatitis C
HCV Response Rechner Pat.-Vorbereitungsbogen Roche Lexikon Medizin Hep Ring Zufall Liste Home Hepatitis-Links ... Impressum
Eine Einladung zum Gespräch für alle, die von Hepatitis C betroffen sind oder sich für dieses Thema interessieren, ...
... und weiterführend empfehlen wir auch folgende Mailinglisten Diskussionsforen und Chats zum Thema.
Suchen ...    ../cgi-bin/kontakt.cgi?Nummer=63427 Schreib einen Text Neueste Beiträge Themen Heute ...

64. Hepatitis C - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In most cases, carriers with chronic hepatitis C infection have no symptoms. Those who inject drugs are at highrisk for getting hepatitis C because
Hepatitis C
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hepatitis C virus Virus classification Group: Group IV (+)ssRNA Family: Flaviviridae Genus: Hepacivirus Species: Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis C is a form of hepatitis liver inflammation ) caused by a virus , the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Before the virus was discovered, in , the syndrome was initially referred to as a "non-A-non-B hepatitis". In about 15% of cases, hepatitis C infection is acute, meaning it is cleared spontaneously by the body and there are no long-term consequences. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases (85%), the infection becomes chronic and may damage the liver over many years.
In most cases, carriers with chronic hepatitis C infection have no symptoms . However, over time this blood borne virus can cause long term damage to the liver , including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma . Severe liver damage may not develop until 10-40 years after infection. Certain medical phenomena have been associated with the presence of hepatitis C, such as thyroiditis cryoglobulinemia and some types of glomerulonephritis . Carrier of the virus may begin to develop symptoms after only a few years. Symptoms, when developed, are variable and dependent on individual carrier. They may include prolonged flu-like symptoms and any combination of the following: body aches, headaches, nightsweats, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, mild abdominal pain, upper right quadrant pain.

65. Oplysningen Om Udlandsvaccinationer - Sygdomme - Hepatitis A (Smitsom Leverbetæ
Information om smitteveje, hvor i verden sygdommen findes samt vaccination.

Nordamerika Europa
... Afrika
Omtalte sygdomme
Centraleuropæisk hjernebetændelse ( TBE )
Dengue feber Difteri Gul feber Hepatitis A (Smitsom leverbetændelse) Hepatitis B Hiv/aids Hundegalskab (Rabies) Influenza ... West Nile Virus Sygdomme - Hepatitis A (Smitsom leverbetændelse)
Smitsom leverbetændelse skyldes infektion med hepatitis A virus, og der findes ingen behandling. Virus findes i tarmen hos mennesker og overføres gennem drikkevand og ikke varmebehandlet mad ( salat,skaldyr etc. ).
Hepatitis A virus(picornavirus) er meget stabilt og tåler temperatur op til 60 grader. Det kan ligeledes overleve i frosset vand i årevis. Isterninger til afkøling af læskedrikke kan derfor være en smittekilde.
Infektionen er meget udbredt og i Afrika, Asien og Sydamerika forekommer hepatitis A fortrinsvis blandt børn, og mere end 80 % af befolkningen over 20 år har antistoffer mod hepatitis A virus som udtryk for tidligere infektion.
Inkubationstiden for hepatitis A varierer fra 2 til 6 uger. Hepatitis A infektionen forløber ofte uden symptomer hos børn, og i førskolealderen er 90 % af alle infektioner subkliniske. Disse tilsyneladende raske børn kan smitte andre i daginstitutioner og skoler, hvorfor det kan være en god ide at vaccinere børn i lighed med voksne. Sygdommen kan hos voksne ofte kræve indlæggelse.
Forekomsten af smitsom leverbetændelse ses på kortet herunder.

66. National Hepatitis C Coalition Inc. - Giving Hope To Lives Forever Changed By He
The original nationwide hepatitis C coalition of patients and families, providing education and support through online communications, hep C hotline,
Hep C Info HepChat Kev's Story Kev's Regimen ... Home
The National Hepatitis C Coalition, Inc. is the original non-profit, tax-exempt hepatitis C coalition of patients and families dedicated to providing education and support through online communications, hep C hotline, and grassroots networks across America. We are advocates for increased awareness and recognition of the seriousness of hepatitis C, and our purpose is to help others learn how to live with it while we all fight for stepped up research to find effective treatments, cures and vaccines.
(But first we have to know what to believe)
By Kev Krueger
Cofounder of the National Hepatitis C Coalition, Inc.
June, 2005 If you've never been tested for hepatitis C, you should be. Forget about so-called "high risk" groups that so many of our government institutions want us to believe are the only ones at risk for hepatitis C infection. EVERYONE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AT RISK FOR A DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS C.

67. Hepatitis-clasificación
Descripci³n, informaci³n del agente, sintomatolog­a, tratamiento y complicaciones de las hepatitis A, B, C, D y E.
En la clasificación de hepatitis víricas se agrupan infecciones diversas que guardan semejanza en muchos aspectos, pero difieren en su etiología y en algunas características epidemiológicas, inmunológicas, clínicas y patológicas. Su prevención y control varían considerablemente. Por lo tanto cada una se presentará por separado.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D ... Vigilancia Epidemiológica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica

68. Viral Hepatitis
What’s the difference between acute viral hepatitis and chronic viral Viral hepatitis means that a person has liver inflammation due to a virus.
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Viral Hepatitis
Printer-friendly version PDF file, 210 Kb] What is hepatitis?
What are the signs of viral hepatitis?

What are the types of viral hepatitis?

How is viral hepatitis diagnosed?
How long do the hepatitis A and B vaccines protect you?
See also
What is hepatitis?
Hepatitis means liver inflammation. Viral hepatitis means that a person has liver inflammation due to a virus. Viral infection of the liver makes the liver swell up and stop working well. The liver is an important organ. It helps your body with these functions:
  • Digests food Stores energy Removes poisons
There are five types of viral hepatitis. The most common types in the United States are viral hepatitis A, B, and C.
What are the signs of viral hepatitis?
Some people with viral hepatitis have no signs of the infection. For other people, these signs might occur:
  • Low grade fever Headache Muscle aches Tiredness Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Dark-colored urine and pale bowel movements Pain in the stomach Skin and whites of the eyes turning yellow, also called jaundice

69. Nationaal Hepatitis Centrum - NHC
Verzamelt en verstrekt informatie over alle aspecten van de verschillende soorten hepatitis, leverontsteking en geelzucht.
- Welkom op de website van het Nationaal Hepatitis Centrum -
Via deze website houdt het NHC u op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom hepatitis, zowel voor geïnteresseerden als voor de beroepsgroep. Tevens dient deze website als een databank van nuttige informatie.
Onder het menu-item 'Vragen en termen' kunt u terecht voor een verklarende woordenlijst van veel voorkomende termen. Ook vindt u hier antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen die binnenkomen op de Hepatitis Infolijn: (033) 422 09 88
De brochures van het NHC zijn te bestellen of te downloaden via het menu-item 'Brochures'
Het menu-item 'Links' biedt een keur aan interessante en nuttige links naar websites van derden.
Tip : kijk regelmatig bij de menu-items 'Nieuws' en 'Agenda' om op de hoogte te
blijven van het laatste nieuws en eventuele evenementen.
Schrijf u nu in voor de 4e Landelijke Hepatitisweek Download de registratiekaart en schrijf u nu in voor de 4e Landelijke Hepatitisweek, die dit jaar van 11 tot en met 15 oktober zal plaatsvinden in congrescentrum 'De Eenhoorn' aan het Stationsplein te Amersfoort. Kijk voor meer informatie op de registratiepagina
Met de gratis Adobe Reader®-software kunt u Adobe PDF-bestanden bekijken en afdrukken.

70. Viral Hepatitis: A Through E And Beyond
Article explains symptoms, modes of transmission, those at risk, prevention, and treatment by virus type. From NDDIC.
Email To A Friend Also see:
Hepatitis Series
Home Digestive Diseases A-Z List of Topics and Titles Hepatitis Series : Viral Hepatitis A Through E and Beyond
Viral Hepatitis: A Through E and Beyond
On this page:
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Several different viruses cause viral hepatitis. They are named the hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses. All of these viruses cause acute, or short-term, viral hepatitis. The hepatitis B, C, and D viruses can also cause chronic hepatitis, in which the infection is prolonged, sometimes lifelong. Other viruses may also cause hepatitis, but they have yet to be discovered and they are obviously rare causes of the disease.
Symptoms of Viral Hepatitis
Symptoms include
  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) fatigue abdominal pain loss of appetite nausea vomiting diarrhea low grade fever headache
However, some people do not have symptoms. Top
Hepatitis A
Disease Spread
Primarily through food or water contaminated by feces from an infected person. Rarely, it spreads through contact with infected blood.

71. Index.html
Discusses hepatitis B and C, interferon treatments, HCV in veterans and prisoners, and effectiveness of maintenance dosage in nonresponsive patients.




... email Dr. Cecil HEPATITIS DOCTOR HOME since October 1998 Welcome to patients with chronic viral hepatitis B or C and to their loved ones. We can cure about half of the patients with chronic hepatitis C, including some with advanced cirrhosis and liver failure. If you are cured, your viral level falls to undetectable during treatment and stays undetectable the rest of your life, even after you stop the medications. Some patients who are clinically cured of HCV may still have tiny amounts of HCV , but the implications of this are not yet clear. If your HCV-RNA level becomes after your last injection of interferon, you have a 97-99% chance of permanent cure. I add information to this web site as often as I can, and I want to make it the best possible resource for patients whom are often incorrectly told that they cannot be helped. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own, and are based on my experience in treating more than 2,500 patients with hepatitis C. I am especially

72. 'Hepatitis C': Veritat O Manipulació?.
Questionament de l'epid¨mia d''hepatitis C' anunciada a Val¨ncia. Cr­tica dels tests i questionament de l'exist¨ncia del virus de l''hepatitis C'.
actuar legalment contra el responsable i quins ho han tapat no crear alarma social tranquilitzar als ciutadans consumeix el fetge La Vanguardia La Vanguardia La Vanguardia Barcelona, 29 d'abril del 1998.

73. Hepatitis
The word hepatitis simply means an inflammation of the liver without pinpointing a specific cause. In its early stages, hepatitis may cause flulike

Parents Infections
The word hepatitis simply means an inflammation of the liver without pinpointing a specific cause. Someone with hepatitis may:
  • have one of several disorders, including viral or bacterial infection of the liver
  • have a liver injury caused by a toxin (poison)
  • have liver damage caused by interruption of the organ's normal blood supply
  • be experiencing an attack by his or her own immune system through an autoimmune disorder
  • have experienced trauma to the abdomen in the area of the liver
Hepatitis is most commonly caused by one of three viruses:
  • the hepatitis A virus
  • the hepatitis B virus
  • the hepatitis C virus
In some rare cases, the Epstein Barr Virus (which causes mononucleosis ) can also result in hepatitis because it can cause inflammation to the liver. There are other viruses and bacteria that can also cause hepatitis including hepatitis D, E, varicella ( chickenpox ), and cytomegalovirus (CMV). What Is Hepatitis A?
In children, the most common form of hepatitis is hepatitis A (also called infectious hepatitis ). This form is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which lives in the stools (feces or poop) of infected individuals. Infected stool can be present in small amounts in food and on objects (from door knobs to diapers).

74. -> BE.QUEER -> Wirusowe Zapalenie W±troby
Informacje na temat hepatitis B.'isbase';




Warunki reklamy na Innej Stronie

Wirusowe zapalenie w±troby typu B WZW B? Co to jest? WZW B - wirusowe zapalenie w±troby typu (tak¿e wszczepienna ¿ó³taczka zaka¼na lub hepatitis B ) jest chorob± spokrewnion± z WZW A, czyli "zwyk³±" ¿ó³taczk±. Choroba atakuje w±trobê powoduj±c obumieranie komórek tego organu (marsko¶æ w±troby) oraz pierwotnego raka w±troby. Marsko¶æ koñczy siê w 1/3 przypadków ¶mierci± w przci±gu jednego roku! Jest to bardzo niebezpieczna a tak¿e bolesna dolegliwo¶æ. Jedyn± mo¿liwo¶ci± "wyleczenia" chronicznej marsko¶ci w±troby jest transplantacja - ze wzglêdu na koszty zabiegu i brak "dawców" jest to tylko teoretyczne wyj¶cie z sytuacji. Stwierdzenie chronicznej marsko¶ci jest wiêc równoznaczne z wyrokiem ¶mierci.
Choæ choroba jest w Polsce bardzo "popularna" - rocznie rejestrowanych jest kilkana¶cie tysiêcy zara¿eñ (w Polsce 2% populacji to nosiciele WZW B!) oraz kilka tysiêcy ofiar ¶miertelnych - jest niestety nadal ignorowana. Jak mo¿na siê zaraziæ WZW B?

75. Hepatitis
It s sneaky, it s silent, and it can permanently harm your liver. Read this article for more information on hepatitis.
KidsHealth Kids Kids' Health Problems Infections
It's sneaky, it's silent, and it can permanently harm your liver. It's called hepatitis (say: heh-puh- tye -tus). Some people have hepatitis for many years without knowing it and then discover they have liver damage because of it. So let's find out more about hepatitis and how to prevent it. Life of a Liver
Twenty-four hours a day, nonstop, your liver (an internal organ on the upper right side of your abdomen) performs many tasks to keep your body running smoothly.
  • It's like a vacuum! It cleans out poisons from your blood.
  • It's like a warehouse! It stores vitamins and minerals and makes sure your body gets the right amounts.
  • It's like a bodybuilder! It produces just the right amount of amino acids to build strong, healthy muscles
  • It's like a gas station! It keeps your body fueled up with just the right amount of glucose (sugar).
  • It's like a meter! It helps regulate the levels of medicine you are taking. (Before some medicines can work, the liver has to start them up.) It also regulates hormones in your body.

76. Hepatitis Central, Veterans Miscellaneous Links
Offers support for personnel who have tested positive, and those with liver diseases such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. Provides links to related resources.
HEPATITIS C PATIENTS recommend Maximum Milk Thistle. Learn why... FEELING FATIGUED? Help your liver and increase your energy. Safe, natural, guaranteed relief. More... TOPICS
  • A Survivor's Story Autoimmune Hepatitis HCV Genotypes Links ...


    The top stories compiled from over 5,500 sources, updated every 15 minutes Hepatitis B to be included in immunisation schedule
    National Hepatitis B to be included in immunisation schedule NEW DELHI: Hepatitis B will be included in the schedule under the National Immunisation Programme from the next year, Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss said here. Hundreds Get Hepatitis in Russian City
    MOSCOW - Authorities on Wednesday blamed a hepatitis A outbreak in Russia's third largest city, Nizhny Novgorod, on an accident in the sewer network. 867 Hepatitis A cases reported in Nizhny Novgorod
    Society News 867 Hepatitis A cases reported in Nizhny Novgorod 13:38 21/ 09/ 2005 NIZHNY NOVGOROD, September 21 (RIA Novosti, the Volga Area, Olga Skomorokhova) The number of Hepatitis A cases ... Up to 900 People in Central Russia Hospitalized With Hepatitis, Tap Water Blamed

    77. - Third Death Reported In Hepatitis Outbreak - Nov. 14, 2003
    International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Autos SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters Your E-mail Alerts RSS ... Contact Us SEARCH Web
    Third death reported in hepatitis outbreak
    Story Tools PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AP) Another hepatitis patient died Friday, bringing to three the number of deaths from a hepatitis A outbreak linked to a Mexican restaurant in western Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the restaurant chain said it was removing green onions from the menu in all of its outlets. HEALTH LIBRARY Health Library What is hepatitis A? Digestive system YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Follow the news that matters to you. Create your own alert to be notified on topics you're interested in. Or, visit Popular Alerts for suggestions. Manage alerts What is this? The patient died around 4:15 a.m. Friday at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, the hospital said in a statement. No other information about the latest victim was released. More than 400 people have fallen ill from the outbreak, linked to a Chi-Chi's restaurant in the Beaver Valley Mall, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. Jeff Cook, 38, died on November 7 of liver failure in a Pittsburgh hospital. Dineen Wieczorek, 52, died in a Cleveland hospital Wednesday night while awaiting a liver transplant, said her daughter, Darleen Trunzo. Both Cook and Wieczorek had eaten at the restaurant in October, according to their families.

    78. Hepatitis Control Report

    79. Bloodborne Pathogen Training Module
    Online Training Module What are bloodborne pathogens? hepatitis and HIV, routes of exposure, engineering controls, HBV vaccinations. (Oklahoma State University)
    Oklahoma State University
    The Bloodborne Pathogens training module has moved to: Many apologies for the inconvenience. [Training Modules] [EHS Page]

    80. Hepatitis Prevention Programs
    Division of Viral hepatitis at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The site also features general information on hepatitis B and hepatitis A
    Hepatitis A, B, and C Prevention Programs
    Information and Programs for Adults and Adolescents at Risk
    Presented by the Immunization Action Coalition with dedicated funding from the
    Division of Viral Hepatitis at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Home Hep Express Free e-news. Sign up! Read past issues Search Prevention Programs APIA programs Corrections, adult Corrections, juvenile Family planning Harm reduction Homeless programs MSM Other programs School programs STD/HIV Index of programs Submit your program Support Group Info Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Listed by state Hepatitis B Info FAQ about disease FAQ about vaccine VISs Laws and mandates Case histories Photos Videos Hepatitis A Info FAQ about disease FAQ about vaccine VISs Laws and mandates Case histories Photos Hep-related Topics International adoption Tattooing and piercing Travel vaccination Healthcare workers Needle safety Dialysis 2003 CDC hep. conf.

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